The World Will End In 2012


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You all have probably heard by now that the Mayan calendar ends in 2012. Some have said that this means the end of the world will happen in 2012. What do you think? I personally don't trust it because:

Mat 24:36 KJV But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

Mar 13:32 KJV But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.

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I'm not counting on it.

No matter when the Lord comes again, it definitely won't be "the end of the world". Life will continue like normal with just a few things being different. :) There's no need to put anything on hold or think that everything in life will be disrupted and we'll all be starting over - I don't think it's going to be like that.

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I'm not counting on it.

No matter when the Lord comes again, it definitely won't be "the end of the world". Life will continue like normal with just a few things being different. :) There's no need to put anything on hold or think that everything in life will be disrupted and we'll all be starting over - I don't think it's going to be like that.

I hope you are being sarcastic?

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You all have probably heard by now that the Mayan calendar ends in 2012. Some have said that this means the end of the world will happen in 2012. What do you think?

I'm not any more impressed with the predictive value of the Mayan calendar, than I am with any other prediction of the end of the world.

I personaly play the "live like tomorrow is the end" card. It's so very nice not really caring when it will actually happen.


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I think it is interesting. Mayas say that then the excistence the way WE know it will end and it will continue in an other form...

Well we will see... not hvaing a fit if it dont happen... I am promised to be there to meet Jesus when he comes again... hmm... maybe... IF I am supposed to be there it cant be more than most 30 years from 12... makes me over 90!

Love those Mayas :lol:

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I hope you are being sarcastic?

Well, only about there being only a few things different. There will be a lot of things different- I know that- but I do think that life will still go on for those who are prepared- we should have our year's supply, 72 hour emergency kits, and so forth... my point is just that we shouldn't think that because it will all be destroyed and taken away from us anyway, that we shouldn't plan and save up and live as if life will continue on for us.

I guess I had a weird way of making my point.

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You all have probably heard by now that the Mayan calendar ends in 2012. Some have said that this means the end of the world will happen in 2012. What do you think? I personally don't trust it because:

Mat 24:36 KJV But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

Mar 13:32 KJV But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.

This nonsense falls into the same category as "the world will end in 2000 or 3000" using the Gregorian calender. The year 2012 is written using Mayan numbers that have a base of 20 rather than base 10 used by the Gregorian calendar numbering system.

Just as there was a furor of predictions of the end of the world in the centennial year 2000, so there are similar predictions about the Mayan turnover of all zeros except the "milenium" count. I use millenium very loosely because the time beyween and is much longer than the millenial turnover of 1000 years. The greater time period between turnovers is significantly longer than several generations and this may contribute to greater frenzy over this date than is normally found for millenium turnovers on the Gregorian calender.

Larry P

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This nonsense falls into the same category as "the world will end in 2000 or 3000" using the Gregorian calender. The year 2012 is written using Mayan numbers that have a base of 20 rather than base 10 used by the Gregorian calendar numbering system.

Just as there was a furor of predictions of the end of the world in the centennial year 2000, so there are similar predictions about the Mayan turnover of all zeros except the "milenium" count. I use millenium very loosely because the time beyween and is much longer than the millenial turnover of 1000 years. The greater time period between turnovers is significantly longer than several generations and this may contribute to greater frenzy over this date than is normally found for millenium turnovers on the Gregorian calender.

Larry P

OO NOO! Puolsenll has spoken... and I tought it would finally be end... sigh

So it seems we sitl have a LONG time to go... How about if the Mayan calender shows the day when the judgement day comes?? So maybe a 100 years or two sitl to wait??... <_<

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OO NOO! Puolsenll has spoken... and I tought it would finally be end... sigh

So it seems we sitl have a LONG time to go... How about if the Mayan calender shows the day when the judgement day comes?? So maybe a 100 years or two sitl to wait??... <_<


After posting this I thought I had better go back and check my books on the Mayan calendar system. The difference between and is shorter than I thought. I had forgotten that the number system used for calendar dates is in days not years. The Mayan's calendar count is modified from a true base twenty count in that they used 360 rather than 400 to represent the number of days in a year. Starting at the right, the numbers between the decimal points represent the following.

A 400 year period called a baktun

A 20 year period called a katun

A 360 day period called a tun similar to our year but 5 1/4 days shorter. They made up for this by having a 5 day period at the end of the year which was not included in the calendar count. They then did another adjustment every 52 years to account for the slippage due to the 1/4 days.

A 20 day period called a winal similar to our month

And a one day period called a kin.

A period of 13 baktans was called a great cycle and according to Mayan theorists, at the end of each great cycle the count was set back to although there is no real support for this conclusion. The present zero date corresponds to 13 Aug 3114 BC. A great cycle is 5200 years long. All Mayan dates encountered so far fall within this range although use of a dating system which counts days before or after a fixed date reference happennings far in the past and in the future.

What is causing all the furor is the fact that in the year 2012, a great cycle is completed. Our millenium is equal to 10x10x10 years. Their millenium was 20x20x13 or 5200 years compared to our 1000 year millenium.

Larry P

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After posting this I thought I had better go back and check my books on the Mayan calendar system. The difference between and is shorter than I thought. I had forgotten that the number system used for calendar dates is in days not years. The Mayan's calendar count is modified from a true base twenty count in that they used 360 rather than 400 to represent the number of days in a year. Starting at the right, the numbers between the decimal points represent the following.

A 400 year period called a baktun

A 20 year period called a katun

A 360 day period called a tun similar to our year but 5 1/4 days shorter. They made up for this by having a 5 day period at the end of the year which was not included in the calendar count. They then did another adjustment every 52 years to account for the slippage due to the 1/4 days.

A 20 day period called a winal similar to our month

And a one day period called a kin.

A period of 13 baktans was called a great cycle and according to Mayan theorists, at the end of each great cycle the count was set back to although there is no real support for this conclusion. The present zero date corresponds to 13 Aug 3114 BC. A great cycle is 5200 years long. All Mayan dates encountered so far fall within this range although use of a dating system which counts days before or after a fixed date reference happennings far in the past and in the future.

What is causing all the furor is the fact that in the year 2012, a great cycle is completed. Our millenium is equal to 10x10x10 years. Their millenium was 20x20x13 or 5200 years compared to our 1000 year millenium.

Larry P

:o Ok so that means that... one cycle is finnished and a new will begin... what ever that means! A new iceage?? Hmm why could they not use the 1,10,100! Would have been so much easire for us! ;) So I am a couple katuns and half...and a third old... and kin was very busy today! And Christmas is after a winal! :P

And I have done my genealogy a little longer than one baktun! My husband has a line to Adam... if one of the assumpitons we have is a relative.

Thanks for knowledge Poulsnell!!

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:o Ok so that means that... one cycle is finnished and a new will begin... what ever that means! A new iceage?? Hmm why could they not use the 1,10,100! Would have been so much easire for us! ;) So I am a couple katuns and half...and a third old... and kin was very busy today! And Christmas is after a winal! :P

And I have done my genealogy a little longer than one baktun! My husband has a line to Adam... if one of the assumpitons we have is a relative.

Thanks for knowledge Poulsnell!!

You are welcome. I just dig it out of books and pass it along. Unfortunately, as I get older, less and less of it seems to stick for very long. I am very lucky to have the Nettie Lee Benson Latin American collection available to me at the Univ of Texas, with full access and faculty checkout privileges. It is one of the largest libraries on Mesoamerica outside of Mexico.

Larry P

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You are welcome. I just dig it out of books and pass it along. Unfortunately, as I get older, less and less of it seems to stick for very long. I am very lucky to have the Nettie Lee Benson Latin American collection available to me at the Univ of Texas, with full access and faculty checkout privileges. It is one of the largest libraries on Mesoamerica outside of Mexico.

Larry P

HEH I know ALL about the age thing... believe me... :P My head is so full of thing, that NOTHING new can be put in, unless I throw something out first... my hubby complains that his is quite empty though.... he must have a leek... not sure which is better... :o

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You all have probably heard by now that the Mayan calendar ends in 2012. Some have said that this means the end of the world will happen in 2012. What do you think? I personally don't trust it because:

Mat 24:36 KJV But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

Mar 13:32 KJV But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.

I am sorry to say this but I believe that theses scriptures concerning the end of time are the least understood and the most misquoted scriptures in Christianity. First a little explanation concerning a saying anciently among the Jews.

On the first day of the year the Jews had a great celebration and feast. The first day of the year always came according to the “Signs”. On the first “Sunday” (first day of the week) marked the first day of the year that followed the first “New Moon” following the vernal equinox. This would be established when two witnesses (qualified) testified of the New Moon following the equinox, before a judge – then the sign would be given to all the Jews which was a fire lit on a hill side. The event was based on the appearance of the sign of the New Moon following the equinox. All these signs are “types and shadows” of Christ.

If a stranger were to ask when the new year would begin or when the feast would take place the common saying was – “No man knows, Not until the sign is given.” This was the saying but anyone that knew the signs of the year could know when the equinox was near and could easily surmise the Sunday to begin the new year. However, if there were storms and clouds blocking the sky often they would say of the attempts to see the signs as not only does no man know but not even the angles of heaven know.

My point is; any saint that studies the scriptures, as did the Magi of the East, will be able to see the signs of great wonder and know, quite accurately when our L-rd will return. For example, when two prophets are killed and lie dead in the streets of Jerusalem for 3 days (as the ancients counted 3 days) they will know the exact day from the moment the prophets are killed.

The problem we have for now is that there are many prophesies concerning the times of the last days but few pay attention. Always concerning these things does the L-rd reveal his secrets with symbols and does not speak in the terms that speculators like to use to the detriment of those that listen. If someone is wondering if they should waist their time investing for retirement that may not occur because Jesus will come – my recommendation is that you will be better off considering long term investments for your family.

The Traveler

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I am sorry to say this but I believe that theses scriptures concerning the end of time are the least understood and the most misquoted scriptures in Christianity. First a little explanation concerning a saying anciently among the Jews.

On the first day of the year the Jews had a great celebration and feast. The first day of the year always came according to the “Signs”. On the first “Sunday” (first day of the week) marked the first day of the year that followed the first “New Moon” following the vernal equinox. This would be established when two witnesses (qualified) testified of the New Moon following the equinox, before a judge – then the sign would be given to all the Jews which was a fire lit on a hill side. The event was based on the appearance of the sign of the New Moon following the equinox. All these signs are “types and shadows” of Christ.

If a stranger were to ask when the new year would begin or when the feast would take place the common saying was – “No man knows, Not until the sign is given.” This was the saying but anyone that knew the signs of the year could know when the equinox was near and could easily surmise the Sunday to begin the new year. However, if there were storms and clouds blocking the sky often they would say of the attempts to see the signs as not only does no man know but not even the angles of heaven know.

My point is; any saint that studies the scriptures, as did the Magi of the East, will be able to see the signs of great wonder and know, quite accurately when our L-rd will return. For example, when two prophets are killed and lie dead in the streets of Jerusalem for 3 days (as the ancients counted 3 days) they will know the exact day from the moment the prophets are killed.

The problem we have for now is that there are many prophesies concerning the times of the last days but few pay attention. Always concerning these things does the L-rd reveal his secrets with symbols and does not speak in the terms that speculators like to use to the detriment of those that listen. If someone is wondering if they should waist their time investing for retirement that may not occur because Jesus will come – my recommendation is that you will be better off considering long term investments for your family.

The Traveler

Very fascinating theories. I find it interesting some of the generalizations. We talk ourselves into believing them sometimes, like saying nothing much will change when the Lord comes. The series of 'Comings' will be wonderful for the saints. The mission of the 144,000 will be amazing as they will be living a terrestrial existence much like Christ after he reached his mission, as well as those who have tarried since then. Alma 9:21 teaches us about the doctrine of translation which will be very evident, so things will not be basically the same, in my humble opinion. I often ask how many survivied the flood? We do not know since all the Saints who were obedient, and righteiou, and faithful were translated before the flood. Noah of course had be preserved since the PH line had to come through him. BTW - did you know that Adam had a significant contibution to what was taken on the Ark I was going to reveal what but the Spirit contrains me. Anyway, we should all be working toward the terrestrial paradigm since none of us can leap to the Celesital wihtout passing through the Terrestrial (think of the temple endowment) not to mention the myriad of scriptural references also. Angels, visions, and more miracles will be necessary during the Mmilleniual reign of the Savior, Yes, things will be considerably different, but we will not be converted to instant shepherds with crooks walking around in robes. The space shuttle will still fly and our technology will be around too, just enhanced. Let's remember that the Mayans did not have the PH to provide the revleation to predict the end of the world, but it is an intersting corolllary. Angels still do come and visit.

All the best,

Abraham of the Chaldeas

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Very fascinating theories. I find it interesting some of the generalizations. We talk ourselves into believing them sometimes, like saying nothing much will change when the Lord comes. The series of 'Comings' will be wonderful for the saints. The mission of the 144,000 will be amazing as they will be living a terrestrial existence much like Christ after he reached his mission, as well as those who have tarried since then. Alma 9:21 teaches us about the doctrine of translation which will be very evident, so things will not be basically the same, in my humble opinion. I often ask how many survivied the flood? We do not know since all the Saints who were obedient, and righteiou, and faithful were translated before the flood. Noah of course had be preserved since the PH line had to come through him. BTW - did you know that Adam had a significant contibution to what was taken on the Ark I was going to reveal what but the Spirit contrains me. Anyway, we should all be working toward the terrestrial paradigm since none of us can leap to the Celesital wihtout passing through the Terrestrial (think of the temple endowment) not to mention the myriad of scriptural references also. Angels, visions, and more miracles will be necessary during the Mmilleniual reign of the Savior, Yes, things will be considerably different, but we will not be converted to instant shepherds with crooks walking around in robes. The space shuttle will still fly and our technology will be around too, just enhanced. Let's remember that the Mayans did not have the PH to provide the revleation to predict the end of the world, but it is an intersting corolllary. Angels still do come and visit.

All the best,

Abraham of the Chaldeas

Perhaps the Mayans did have priesthood to provide revelation. Perhaps the revelation came from a previous Nephite prediction.

but i dont think 2012 will be the end of the world or a changing of an era.

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Perhaps the Mayans did have priesthood to provide revelation. Perhaps the revelation came from a previous Nephite prediction.

but i dont think 2012 will be the end of the world or a changing of an era.

Just for fun there are some rather interesting parallels in the calendar given in the Book of Enoch - The calendar used by the people of the ancient Dead Sea Scrolls - The calendar used in ancient Israel (not the Pharisees) at the temple and the Mayan calendar that explain all kinds of things - like 7th heaven. i.e. There are 6 gates of heaven through the sun passes each morning and evening to cross the sky. This is the solar month calendar and the sun passes through each gate twice to complete a year cycle. The 7th gate was believed to be unseen and the gate to the heaven where G-d lives. Thus the 7th heaven.

The Traveler

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Perhaps the Mayans did have priesthood to provide revelation. Perhaps the revelation came from a previous Nephite prediction.

but i dont think 2012 will be the end of the world or a changing of an era.

I like the way you cover your tracks. For example if they did have the Nephite info it would be a prophecy not a prediction. Also, you say it might be in 2012 but might not be either. So I guess we don't know either way. I suggest we let the Lord take care of it. It reminds of those who posted that April 6, 2000 was going to be the beginning of the 2nd Coming, or that there were only going to be 12 Prophets since that made a 'quorum'. Such folly. In my opinion it will denegrate so naturally, as is evident in today's environement that the frogs will not notice the water is beginning to boil. For example, if the Yellowstone Caldera blows it will be 1500 times larger than (worse case) Mt. St. Helens (1500 cubic km vs. 3 cubic km at MSH). Anyway, it is going to be a great ride.

Abraham (Your bro in the go)

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I like the way you cover your tracks. For example if they did have the Nephite info it would be a prophecy not a prediction. Also, you say it might be in 2012 but might not be either. So I guess we don't know either way. I suggest we let the Lord take care of it. It reminds of those who posted that April 6, 2000 was going to be the beginning of the 2nd Coming, or that there were only going to be 12 Prophets since that made a 'quorum'. Such folly. In my opinion it will denegrate so naturally, as is evident in today's environement that the frogs will not notice the water is beginning to boil. For example, if the Yellowstone Caldera blows it will be 1500 times larger than (worse case) Mt. St. Helens (1500 cubic km vs. 3 cubic km at MSH). Anyway, it is going to be a great ride.

Abraham (Your bro in the go)

Well thought out post. However, you missed an newly discovered volcano at the south pole (the primary reason for global warming?) It is a young volcano and the world's 2 largest - next to Yellowstone. It could errupt with a major erruption any time - for sure it will sometime in the next 500 years. When it errupts it will melt enough ice to rase the oceans from 12 to 20 feet which would displace 80% of the world's population.

Also according to timetables given in the Book of Revelation there will be a 10 and 1/2 year period prior to the second comming that will be divided into 3 parts of 3 and 1/2 years. If one is to believe the Bible they would know that the 10 and 1/2 year period has not started and thus the world cannot end by 2012.

The Traveler

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Well thought out post. However, you missed an newly discovered volcano at the south pole (the primary reason for global warming?) It is a young volcano and the world's 2 largest - next to Yellowstone. It could errupt with a major erruption any time - for sure it will sometime in the next 500 years. When it errupts it will melt enough ice to rase the oceans from 12 to 20 feet which would displace 80% of the world's population.

Also according to timetables given in the Book of Revelation there will be a 10 and 1/2 year period prior to the second comming that will be divided into 3 parts of 3 and 1/2 years. If one is to believe the Bible they would know that the 10 and 1/2 year period has not started and thus the world cannot end by 2012.

The Traveler

Hi T,

I was impressed with the spirit of your post. It was very thought provoking, as I have never heard of the SP Volcano. I will have to do my homework. They will probably work together - just to compel people to come to Christ. JK Agreed that the earth cannot 'end' in 2012 but some have postulated that the end might start then. To me it sounds like the Charles Taze Russel pedicting the 2nd comming in 1914 and when He did not comply, said, "Oh, Oh, since the Archduke Ferdinand was assesinated then UHHHH WW1 started so that is the beginning of the 2nd coming, so I was right, Ahh, yeah thats it. To me if we each are progressing toward translation See Col 1:3, then we can be confident and calm in the Faith, not Lo here Lo there. Thank you for your response. I hope all have their supply and are prepared. I wonder what a lb. of molasses would go for in a barter eonomy. hee hee.


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Well thought out post. However, you missed an newly discovered volcano at the south pole (the primary reason for global warming?) It is a young volcano and the world's 2 largest - next to Yellowstone. It could errupt with a major erruption any time - for sure it will sometime in the next 500 years. When it errupts it will melt enough ice to rase the oceans from 12 to 20 feet which would displace 80% of the world's population.

Also according to timetables given in the Book of Revelation there will be a 10 and 1/2 year period prior to the second comming that will be divided into 3 parts of 3 and 1/2 years. If one is to believe the Bible they would know that the 10 and 1/2 year period has not started and thus the world cannot end by 2012.

The Traveler

BTW - Thank you, thank you, thank you for not referring to the Book of Revelations (it does not have an 's') Also, did you know that the, for the lack of a better word, title page of the Book of Revelation when it refers to John the Divine, it is a ajective not a noun so to make this clearer it could read, or at least be unerstood to read "John the Diviner'.

Cool huh?


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