DeSantis Blamed for Racially Motivated Shooting


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A racist white gunman shot three black people in Jacksonville, FL shooting.  Those gathered around the vigil jeered and booed Gov DeSantis for speaking.  The sentiment was that because DeSantis had loosened gun restrictions, it was his fault that the gunman had the guns in the first place.  Therefore, the shooting was his fault.

The gunman flat out wanted to kill some black people.  Now he's going to jail.  Well good riddance... except...

The case is now no longer about the victims and the shooter.  It is now about "It's DeSantis's fault."

The thing that I haven't been able to find is why the "loosening of gun restrictions" (Constitutional carry) had any effect on whether the guy could have a gun.  They make no mention of any prior legal issues.  No history of mental illness.  No public statements that he was going to kill anyone.  No domestic violence complaints.  The only fact they keep hammering is the fact that he is a racist.  Nothing would have shown up in a background check.

If DeSantis had not changed any gun restrictions in the state, would the situation have been any different?

I have no idea because no one bothered to even ask the question, much less answer it.  How can you blame him for doing something that at the surface level seems to have no effect on the current case.

The reason why they're doing this is:

  • He was racist.  Because of this red flag, he never "should" have had a gun under (proper) red flag laws.
  • All white people are racist.
  • Natural conclusion: No white people should have guns.

I've never heard anyone (right or left) actually say it in this framing.  But have we not heard these statements isolated from each other?  Is this not the natural conclusion of the overall ideology with these core principles?

Edited by Carborendum
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So glad the news of the hurricane hitting Florida drowned out the calls for more citizen gun control in the State.  No one in the mainstream news seems to care about the murders of black people continually in Chicago.  Our mainstream news media is pretty corrupt.

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And the story is going nowhere down here. I wish the democrats the very best if they try to run with this one. DeSantis is very, very popular down here.

He was just in the next town over inspecting flood damage. Say what you want about his politics but I’ve heard he’s actually a very nice guy and good person.  

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