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2 hours ago, LDSGator said:

One of the scariest scene in horror moviesĀ 

The scariest movie scene I remember is in Jaws where Richard Dreyfuss gets a head in the face under the boat (and drops the shark tooth, leading to him being pooh-pooh'd by all the leading citizens: "Shark-schmark!" "But I had the tooth!" "Where is it then?" "I...I dropped it!" "Pooh-pooh to you, Mr. Dreyfuss-Schmayfuss-silly-person! We'll keep the beaches open till sharkey's funished his din-dins!")

The Daily Jaws on X: "Ben Gardner actor Craig Kingsbury was born #OTD in  1912, was his character in #Jaws killed by...#Quint rather than the #shark?  That's the fanciful theory of the

When I first saw this at the cinema, the kid sitting next to me (who'd already seen the movie once) gave me a count-down. "The scary bit's coming! It's nearly here! It's almost time for the scary bit! Here comes the scary bit..."

It still scared the bejeebers out of me.

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8 minutes ago, Jamie123 said:

The scariest movie scene I remember is in Jaws where Richard Dreyfuss gets a head in the face under the boat (and drops the shark tooth, leading to him being pooh-pooh'd by all the leading citizens: "Shark-schmark!" "But I had the tooth!" "Where is it then?" "I...I dropped it!" "Pooh-pooh to you, Mr. Dreyfuss-Schmayfuss-silly-person! We'll keep the beaches open till sharkey's funished his din-dins!")

The Daily Jaws on X: "Ben Gardner actor Craig Kingsbury was born #OTD in  1912, was his character in #Jaws killed by...#Quint rather than the #shark?  That's the fanciful theory of the

When I first saw this at the cinema, the kid sitting next to me (who'd already seen the movie once) gave me a count-down. "The scary bit's coming! It's nearly here! It's almost time for the scary bit! Here comes the scary bit..."

It still scared the bejeebers out of me.

Dude, I couldnā€™t agree more. Jaws is a classic and that scene is a gem

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19 minutes ago, LDSGator said:

Dude, I couldnā€™t agree more. Jaws is a classic and that scene is a gem

The book is quite a lot different. Dreyfuss' character getsĀ ***SPOILER ALERT*** eaten by the shark, and he has a liaison with Brody's wife. (Dreyfuss, I mean, not the shark.)

The first time I read it at age 9 or 10, I was forbidden to read that chapter. (The one where Ellen and Hooper/Dreyfuss do the unmentionable.) Believe it or not I obeyed! I was that innocent age when people getting their heads ripped off by sharks was a LOT more interesting than whatever grown-ups did in bed.Ā 

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1 hour ago, NeuroTypical said:

BTW @Jamie123, your posts are even more fun when I read them in my head voiced by what I imagine your avatar sounds like.Ā Ā 


Irene Inspiration! ("Will they ever catch her?")

She appeared in the opening titles of "The Do-It-Yourself Film Animation Show", which was often shown on Saturday mornings in the 1970s and 80s.

I almost posted a YouTube link, but sadly the only episode I could find features drawn upper-body nudity. That wouldn't be allowed on kids' TV today! The 1970s were a more tolerant age (at least in the UK).

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2 hours ago, Jamie123 said:

The book is quite a lot different. Dreyfuss' character getsĀ ***SPOILER ALERT*** eaten by the shark, and he has a liaison with Brody's wife. (Dreyfuss, I mean, not the shark.)

The first time I read it at age 9 or 10, I was forbidden to read that chapter. (The one where Ellen and Hooper/Dreyfuss do the unmentionable.) Believe it or not I obeyed! I was that innocent age when people getting their heads ripped off by sharks was a LOT more interesting than whatever grown-ups did in bed.Ā 

Yup. Iā€™ve read the book many times. Benchley admitted he made up the sex scene to sell more books.Ā 

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Captain Black | Gerry anderson, Scarlet, Black

(Just to be clear, that is not Captain Scarlet. That is Captain Black - his main nemesis.)

(A rant about Captain Scarlet: Every episode began with the "Mysterons" delivering a message beginning "This is the voice of the Mysterons! We know you can hear us, Earth Men! This week we are going to..." after which the ghostly voice would outline this week's strategy against humankind. And thanks to this timely warning, Colonel White and boys and girls of Spectrum would figure out a way to thwart the plan. Always. You'd think that after a few episodes, the Mysterons would have cottoned on that by sending a warning they were giving away the advantage of surprise: but no. The ghostly warnings kept coming. When will these spooky aliens learn?)

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1 hour ago, prisonchaplain said:

So to speak. Also a fashion officianodo.

He reminds me of someone - I can't quite think who.

Someone I'd like to set on the groups of young teens who loiter in alleyways and think it's funny to engage me in sarcastic "polite conversation" whenever I walk through.

I don't trust teenagers. I used to be one.

I'm being un-Christian. Shame on me!

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