Temples for April 2024?

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Yes indeedily-doodily!  Me too.  I really caught the temple bug recently, so much that I've now got a spreadsheet that I'll update every General Conference and whenever there's a new announcement.  The spreadsheet gives me this chart, which thrills the heck out of me:


That there's what you call exponential growth.  I last saw a chart like that, when we were looking at COVID infection rates.  One person had it, then a dozen, then the whole world.  And now the same sort of thing is happening with temples.

The next 5 years are going to be a hoot.  The open question is how long the exponential growth will continue.  Someone did a plot - if it continues like it is now, we'll have ~2500 temples in 40 years.

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I live 3 hours South of the Medford Oregon Temple and 2 hours North of the Feather River Temple in Yuba city CA.

We probably don’t deserve a temple in our nearby city as we only have 2 Stakes in the local area.  And I doubt we could keep it busy enough even considering the draw from outlying smaller communities.

But my patriarchal blessing says I will spend many hours officiating in the temple and performing genealogy work.

I plan to continue taking community call and working for another 10 years before I retire.  So it would be prohibitive for me to fulfill the blessing unless a temple is built here within the next 10 years.

It will happen.


Edited by mikbone
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Just got to looking at Google Maps to see where the Austin, Texas temple might actually go because of how packed most of the Austin metroplex area is. 


Nameless is still on the map despite being largely defunct as a town. 

However, it's not been abandoned. 

There are multiple main roads that run through the area, there are historic sites, there's a new housing subdivision being built, and there's also a shooting range. 

Aside from the shooting range, it's the kind of place the church prefers to set up temples: lots of empty property, but still near main roads and housing. 

I wonder if this is where the Austin temple will actually wind up being built. 

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12 hours ago, Ironhold said:

Aside from the shooting range, it's the kind of place the church prefers to set up temples: lots of empty property, but still near main roads and housing. 

I wonder if this is where the Austin temple will actually wind up being built. 

There is a subdivision in Houston where I rented a home for a couple of years as we searched for our final home.  That subdivision was supposed to have a stake center built there due to rapid growth.

The surrounding residents got together to protest.  They didn't want to have to look at no Mormon church every time they drove in and out of the subdivision.  So, it wasn't built.  We were in a ward of over 500 members with a 90%+ activity rate.  It took three or four more years from the time I had moved in before they found a place on the other side of the freeway to build a stake center.

Imagine what will happen when a bunch of liberal protesters catch wind of a Mormon temple being planned in Austin.

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1 hour ago, Carborendum said:

Imagine what will happen when a bunch of liberal protesters catch wind of a Mormon temple being planned in Austin.

Such things are part of the process.  Some temples go into areas with welcoming and friendly neighborhoods, some go in to places despite vigorous and litigious opposition, and everything in between.  It's why we currently have 31 announced temples in the US that have not had groundbreaking yet. 

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5 hours ago, NeuroTypical said:

Such things are part of the process.  Some temples go into areas with welcoming and friendly neighborhoods, some go in to places despite vigorous and litigious opposition, and everything in between.  It's why we currently have 31 announced temples in the US that have not had groundbreaking yet. 

Yeah, last night I was on Quora and someone was blowing her stack about how the church "shoved a temple down" the throats of everyone in the town where she lived, only to go radio silent when I pointed out that temples don't just emerge from nowhere and if it was built then it had to have city approval first. 

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Heh.  Yep.  Here in Colorado Springs, we're all guessing where the temple location will be.  Speculators have narrowed things down to 2 speculations: 

- It'll be built south of the city, because that way the Denver temple district could reach halfway to ColSpgs, and the CS temple would be serving points south all the way to Pueblo.  This speculation runs off of the notion that it would be silly to have Pueblo patrons have to drive all the way up to ColSpgs, and then all the way through ColSpgs too.

- It'll be built north of the city, on this plot of land the church owns.  It was going to be a stake center, lots of land, they had permits and zoning approvals and everything, and then 6 years ago church HQ said "Nope no stake center.  Hold for more information."   And then the temple was announced last month.  (Cool thing is, the plot north of the city is close to me.  I drive past it on my way to work.)

I sometimes follow Nextdoor conversations to get a feel for my neighborhood and surrounding area.  Folks are often popping off about new developments, usually after they've ignored 8 months of community notifications and opportunities to voice their opinions.  

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 4/28/2024 at 8:25 PM, Ironhold said:

Just got to looking at Google Maps to see where the Austin, Texas temple might actually go because of how packed most of the Austin metroplex area is. 


Nameless is still on the map despite being largely defunct as a town. 

However, it's not been abandoned. 

There are multiple main roads that run through the area, there are historic sites, there's a new housing subdivision being built, and there's also a shooting range. 

Aside from the shooting range, it's the kind of place the church prefers to set up temples: lots of empty property, but still near main roads and housing. 

I wonder if this is where the Austin temple will actually wind up being built. 

You were not far off, but it is a few minutes down the road: https://newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org/article/news-for-temples-in-brazil-bolivia-and-texas

1801 E Park St, Cedar Park, TX 78613

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The brother of the person who is the Church PR person for our area taught EQ last week. He recounted a story told by his sister about when she escorted some public figures to  Conference. While between sessions she accompanied the group to visit the Temple Dept. with some others. Someone asked the Temple people why we are building so many Temples when we can't fill our current ones. The Temple Dept. Rep replied, "President Nelson is building them for the Millennium."


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7 hours ago, ZealoulyStriving said:

The brother of the person who is the Church PR person for our area taught EQ last week. He recounted a story told by his sister about when she escorted some public figures to  Conference. While between sessions she accompanied the group to visit the Temple Dept. with some others. Someone asked the Temple people why we are building so many Temples when we can't fill our current ones. The Temple Dept. Rep replied, "President Nelson is building them for the Millennium."


I believe it. Though I've also heard it said by general authorities that eventually the world will get dark enough that those desiring to remain faithful will flock to the temple for a reprieve. This I also believe. 

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