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Everything posted by mikbone

  1. “The brethren direct me to say that the Church has never announced a definite doctrine upon this point. Some of the brethren have held the view that it was possible in the course of progression to advance from one glory to another, invoking the principle of eternal progression; others of the brethren have taken the opposite view. But as stated, the Church has never announced a definite doctrine on this point.” -Secretary to the First Presidency in a 1952 letter; and again in 1965 “None would inherit this earth when it became celestial and translated into the presence of God but those who would be crowned as Gods — all others would have to inherit another kingdom — they would eventually have the privilege of proving themselves worthy and advancing to a celestial kingdom but it would be a slow process [progress?].” -Brigham Young, in Wilford Woodruff Journal, 5 Aug 1855 “Once a person enters these glories there will be eternal progress in the line of each of these particular glories, but the privilege of passing from one to another (though this may be possible for especially gifted and faithful characters) is not provided for.” -Joseph F. Smith, Improvement Era 14:87 [November 1910] “I am not a strict constructionalist, believing that we seal our eternal progress by what we do here. It is my belief that God will save all of His children that he can: and while, if we live unrighteously here, we shall not go to the other side in the same status, so to speak, as those who lived righteously; nevertheless, the unrighteous will have their chance, and in the eons of the eternities that are to follow, they, too, may climb to the destinies to which they who are righteous and serve God, have climbed to those eternities that are to come.” -J. Reuben Clark, Church News, 23 April 1960, p. 3 “It is reasonable to believe, in the absence of direct revelation by which alone absolute knowledge of the matter could be acquired, that, in accordance with God’s plan of eternal progression, advancement from grade to grade within any kingdom, and from kingdom to kingdom, will be provided for. But if the recipients of a lower glory be enabled to advance, surely the intelligences of higher rank will not be stopped in their progress; and thus we may conclude, that degrees and grades will ever characterize the kingdoms of our God. Eternity is progressive; perfection is relative; the essential feature of God’s living purpose is its associated power of eternal increase.” -James E. Talmage, The Articles of Faith [1899 edition] pp. 420-421 The question of advancement within the great divisions of glory celestial, terrestrial, and telestial; as also the question of advancement from one sphere of glory to another remains to be considered. In the revelation from which we have summarized what has been written here, in respect to the different degrees of glory, it is said that those of the terrestrial glory will be ministered unto by those of the celestial; and those of the telestial will be ministered unto by those of the terrestrial—that is, those of the higher glory minister to those of a lesser glory. I can conceive of no reason for all this administration of the higher to the lower, unless it be for the purpose of advancing our Father’s children along the lines of eternal progression. Whether or not in the great future, full of so many possibilities now hidden from us, they of the lesser glories after education and advancement within those spheres may at last emerge from them and make their way to the higher degrees of glory until at last they attain to the highest, is not revealed in the revelations of God, and any statement made on the subject must partake more or less of the nature of conjecture. But if it be granted that such a thing is possible, they who at the first entered into the celestial glory—having before them the privilege also of eternal progress—have been moving onward, so that the relative distance between them and those who have fought their way up from the lesser glories may be as great when the latter have come into the degrees of celestial glory in which the righteous at first stood, as it was at the commencement. Thus: Those whose faith and works are such only as to enable them to inherit a telestial glory, may arrive at last where those whose works in this life were such as to enable them to entrance into the celestial kingdom—they may arrive where these were, but never where they are.” B. H. Roberts, New Witnesses for God 1:391-392. Some years ago I was in Washington, D.C., with President Harold B. Lee. Early one morning he called me to come into his hotel room. He was sitting in his robe reading Gospel Doctrine, by President Joseph F. Smith, and he said, Listen to this! "Jesus had not finished his work when his body was slain, neither did he finish it after his resurrection from the dead; although he had accomplished the purpose for which he then came to the earth, he had not fulfilled all his work. And when will he? Not until he has redeemed and saved every son and daughter of our father Adam that have been or ever will be born upon this earth to the end of time, except the sons of perdition. That is his mission. We will not finish our work until we have saved ourselves, and then not until we shall have saved all depending upon us; for we are to become saviors upon Mount Zion, as well as Christ. We are called to this mission." “There is never a time,” the Prophet Joseph Smith taught, “when the spirit is too old to approach God. All are within the reach of pardoning mercy, who have not committed the unpardonable sin.” Boyd K. Packer, “The Brilliant Morning of Forgiveness,” Ensign, Nov. 1995, 18
  2. A flat affect is worrisome of clinical depression. An endowed male refusing to pray is another concern... Do you have friends in common? If so what do they think is going on? Sounds like youall have had a serious communication barrier. Was it an issue during the courtship? Until you understand what is going on in his head, and what his and your expectations are you are kinda spinning your wheels.
  3. I submit, your obstinance prevails.
  4. I think the confusion is due to the word quickened. I believe that in the material I quoted the word quickened should have be sustained. Mortal bodies receive nutrition, oxygen, and remove waste via the blood. Immortal bodies use a different substance. I think of it as a fluid spirit light substance. Note the difference between Flesh and Blood & Flesh and Bone. The following link has good explanation of the idea that Immortals bodies do not have blood. Improvement Era: A Mormon Blog | No Blood Before The Fall? Where’d THAT come from?
  5. Verse 24 is the voice of God. Verse 25 seems to be hearsay 'it shall be said in time to come'. You commented that the scriptures cannot make up its mind. Moses 5:24 is definitive in my opinion. Cain was perdition (a bad person - IMHO). Somehow he managed to meet the requirements that allowed entrance into mortality.
  6. Moses 5:24 For from this time forth thou shalt be the father of his lies; thou shalt be called Perdition; for thou wast also before the world. Apparently Cain was a bad apple prior to Earth life.
  7. Before the fall Adam's Body was quickened with spirit. After the fall it was quickened with blood.
  8. From a basic physics standpoint: C-ship: The Dilation of Time 1) As one approaches the speed of light time slows asymptotically, and at the speed of light time stops. 2) God is Light D&C 88 & 93 Doctrines of Salvation, Joseph Fielding Smith, volume 1, p. 92 Adam quickened by Spirit, Not by Blood.* Man became a living spirit clothed with a physical, flesh and bones body, but the body was not quickened by blood, but by spirit, for there was no blood in Adam's body before the fall.* He was not then "flesh" as we know it, that is in the sense of mortality.* In that state Adam could have remained in the Garden of Eden forever and all things that were created would have remained in that same condition forever. 3) If God is composed of light, then He does not experience time and is thus eternal.
  9. lol, yeah I agree. There is alot of Proverbs 26:11 going on over there. But every once in a while there is an uplifting post. It's like watching the CBS, NBC, or ABC.
  10. What Quentin Tarantino Taught Me About the Temple By Common Consent, a Mormon Blog This is a recent blog post from the BCC site. I found it insightful. Also interesting because the R rated film Pulp Fiction plays an important part in the post. Must admit that I did watch the movie Pulp Fiction, and at the time did not see the symbolism. But there it is.
  11. From Evidences and Reconciliations - John A. Widtsoe I believe that the Earth was born, baptized, and will eventually endure a baptism of fire.
  12. We voted early, but live in California so I could have voted for (candidate deleted by moderator) and it would have made no difference. But at least I get the option to be called in for jury duty. Yeah! We did donate some money to the campaign and fast offerings though :)
  13. The Holy Temple:Amazon:Books LDS.org - Support Materials Chapter - Preparing to Enter the Holy Temple The first link is to my favorite book about temple symbolism (Boyd K Packer). The second is the text of a pamphlet based on the first book.
  14. Family and Consumer Science Looks like an obvious fit to me. I got my BS @ BYU Provo in Nutrition Science. It was awesome. Wonderful teachers, interesting classes. I took this one course wherein organic chemistry was an elective, and the first day I showed up, we baked oatmeal cookies at our own personal kitchen set up. We had the best college parties. The facilty could really cook. I continued with my education, went to medical school and an now fixing bones for a living. Many of my classmates became registered dietetics. No doubt some now are chefs and work in the restaurant field.
  15. There are a few instances that one can look at within the scriptures that let us understand what happens when one passes thru the veil. In my opinion the best reference is found within Ether chapter 3, see verses 10-20. From these verses it suggests that one passes thru the veil only after sufficient testing and faith. And upon passage thru the veil one then receives his pre-mortal memories. Everyone will become resurrected. It is obvious that most of those that are resurrected will never pass thru the veil. I'm not even sure if one must pass thru the veil to enter into the celestial kingdom. Do some research on the ordinance of receiving one's calling and election. I would suggest that passage thru the veil is an ordinance that all must partake of who wish to follow the plan of exaltation. It may be a long time after we are resurrected before we are ready to pass through the veil. Although some men have done so during mortality... 3 Nephi 11: 14-15 also gives some insight to the temple ceremony.
  16. Dunno, I appreciated the sisters when I was out on a mission. I got married 6 months after my mission. And any mormon boy not married by the age of 27 is a menace to society - Brigham Young. Lots of LDS young ladies get married before they turn 21 years old. I never visualized my daughter with a missionary tag until today... Yeah thats why I wrote 30ish. No cut off was given.
  17. I never considered sending my daughters into the mission field... Not until today.
  18. LOL! Pres Holland just said that BYU Pres Samuelson got no forewarning. He must be in panic mode. Good question in the press conference. Will the BYU incoming freshman class be all female? And yeah, this is probably a great year to apply to BYU.
  19. same here. My boys will now be able to go into the field together.
  20. Big announcement about missionaries leaving early. I bet sister missionaries double or triple.
  21. Further light and knowledge is out there. You gotta seek it if you want it. Truth is Truth. Knowing calculus will improve your algebra and simple addition. no doubt. That being said... "The reason we do not have the secrets of the Lord revealed unto us is because we do not keep them but reveal them, we do not keep our own secrets but reveal our difficulties to the world even to our enemies then how would we keep the secrets of the Lord? Joseph says I can keep a secret till doomsday." - Joseph Smith, Jr. Sermon delivered at Smith Homestead on Sunday December 19, 1841
  22. Corruption biblically infers sin. Genesis 6 and Moses 8 further ties corruption to violence. It makes sense that the flood occurred to prevent pre-moral spirits to be sent into families of unbelievers and sinners. I'm not sure that animals can sin. But perhaps the biological profile of species on the Earth at that time was out of control and unhealthy. I guess the real question is to define the term corruption. Genetically human DNA is far from perfect.
  23. We don't know why God from time to time decides to destroy all life. I agree with you that the book you are reading is poorly put together. Does he mention all the mass extinction events that modern scientists believe occurred from studying the geologic record.
  24. It is unlikely that the Amalekites were practicing genetic engineering.