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    mirkwood got a reaction from Palerider in Why have many people left the Church after reading false things?   
    Speaking as a child of a half LDS parentage:
    The above post rather than Maureen's "daddy and daddy" backhanded shot at the LDS church.
    The church is concerned with how the child in a part member home is raised without causing distress.  Maureen knows this, but as usual wants to take shots at the church. 
    Everyone sees it Maureen, quit pretending otherwise.  If you need lessons in how to interact with a different faith I recommend you use @prisonchaplain as a source for good relations with a religion you do not believe.  I'd think after as long as you have been here that you would have to have read some of his posts.
  2. Like
    mirkwood reacted to zil in Why have many people left the Church after reading false things?   
    It is one thing to dislike / disagree.  It is another to accuse the church of being inconsistent with other policies and doctrine when the consistency is clearly demonstrable.  I think that is where the disconnect seems to be happening.
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    mirkwood reacted to Just_A_Guy in Why have many people left the Church after reading false things?   
    "Not exactly the same" is an understatement of gargantuan proportions.  Part-member families, or inactive-member families, have hope of repentance and future sealing; and even in homes where the parents are cohabiting-but-unwed, the repentance process does not necessitate the dissolution of the home.
    I think communication on these sorts of issues will be facilitated when critics of Mormonism finally admit that they wanted to be able to spin the narrative that the Church was teaching kids to break up their "families"; and that those critics are mostly just miffed that they must now content themselves with histrionic tales of kids whose legal custodians weren't about to let them to grow up as Mormons anyways.
    I mean, let's be honest here.  When teenaged posters come into this forum complaining that their parents won't let them be baptized--those in this forum who are on record as opposing the Church's policy, aren't exactly first in line to tell those kids that their parents are "turning them away from Jesus."  Because whether they admit it or not, these folks generally don't believe that Mormonism provides a viable path to Jesus.  They aren't concerned about these kids' spiritual development; they're just playing games because in their heart of hearts they believe gay sex is more important than the Church's truth claims and the spiritual benefits it purports to offer.
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    mirkwood reacted to prisonchaplain in Why have many people left the Church after reading false things?   
    I'll jump in and answer the OP's post, by offering a different example.  There is a very bad practice that sometimes happens in Pentecostal circles.  At the altars, as young people (roughly 12-16) are seeking the baptism in the Holy Spirit, with the expectation they will 'speak in tongues' a prayer-counselor may suggest to the seeker that s/he hum. As they do, the counselor will tap their jaw, and when odd noises come out, declare, "S/he's got it! Their speaking in tongues!"  Too many have left those altars convinced that all tongues are fake, and the whole think is nonsense. One of our best known theologians, Stanley Horton, had such an experience, and said it took him a few years before he would once again seek out encounters with the Holy Spirit.  Similar stores could be told about praying for the sick, the blessings of tithing, etc.  Manipulation and charlatanism by a few, lead many to give in to wholesale doubt.
    So it is that a bad spin on the facts of an admittedly unusual set of practices and circumstances in early LDS history cause many, who's faith had come perhaps too easily, to consider it all made up, when they read some of those accounts.  Likewise, many LDS are joining the many mainstream and Evangelical Christians who have never understood the scriptural basis for sexual and family ethics (such as the Law of Chastity, and the call to heterosexual monogamy) who have come to perceive traditional teaching as mean-spirited and antiquated. 
    This string reminds me of my need to regularly re-affirm the witness of the Spirit as to the truth of the gospel, and the veracity and authority of scripture.  All scripture and no love may be Pharisaism, but all feeling and no scripture leads to heresy.  May we master in the Spirit's love, and find our foundation is God's Word.
  5. Like
    mirkwood got a reaction from Vort in Why have many people left the Church after reading false things?   
    Speaking as a child of a half LDS parentage:
    The above post rather than Maureen's "daddy and daddy" backhanded shot at the LDS church.
    The church is concerned with how the child in a part member home is raised without causing distress.  Maureen knows this, but as usual wants to take shots at the church. 
    Everyone sees it Maureen, quit pretending otherwise.  If you need lessons in how to interact with a different faith I recommend you use @prisonchaplain as a source for good relations with a religion you do not believe.  I'd think after as long as you have been here that you would have to have read some of his posts.
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    mirkwood reacted to Vort in Why have many people left the Church after reading false things?   
    You're missing the point, Doc, which is that the LDS Church is bad, and/or its doctrine is horribly divisive, and/or it's just plain fun to badmouth that Salt Lake Corporate Entity® and all those darned Old White Males that run it. Come on, get with the program. Your best primer is the Salt Lake Tribune; they'll show you how it's done.
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    mirkwood reacted to Just_A_Guy in Why have many people left the Church after reading false things?   
    I think there's a perception that in discussions like this, talking about the Church's policy in terms of whether or not it "welcomes children (as Jesus did!!!)", is more than a little loaded.
    I think that beneath their posturing, critics of the policy know quite well what would happen if little Mormon children were routinely coming home and saying "Daddy and Daddy, my primary teacher says we can never be an eternal family and you are both going to Hell unless you repent and divorce."  In fact, I dare say they were counting on such exchanges.
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    mirkwood reacted to Vort in Why have many people left the Church after reading false things?   
    Honest stupidity can be remedied. There is no cure for intentional obtuseness.
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    mirkwood reacted to Just_A_Guy in Why have many people left the Church after reading false things?   
    With all due respect, this just isn't true.  At least, not in the policy sense that you suggest.
    Missionaries over the past couple of decades at least have traditionally been instructed not to baptize willing children--even with parental consent--unless it was clear that there would be a supportive home environment and an adult willing to oversee that child's spiritual progress.  On my mission, we declined to baptize several very desirous tweens and early teens for precisely this reason.  Without a doubt, those were some of the hardest conversations I had to have.
  10. Like
    mirkwood reacted to Phoenix310 in I'm not a Mormon   
    I'm not a Mormon. At best, I'm a struggling non-denominational Christian. I'm also a person who has done something many non-Mormons won't do.
    I have always heard so many negative things about Mormons and the LDS. Horrible things that made want to stay clear of Mormons. All my life, childhood, adulthood, in and out church, from everyone including fellow Christian's. Horrible things said about Mormons.
    One day, servings at my now old church, I had a fellow Christian make a negative remark about Mormons. One remark too many for me to accept. So I asked him, what proof do you have to back up your remark? He struggled, but failed to give any proof. His remarks was based on ignorance and social impressed impression/social acceptence. That was not okay. Facts from learning he failed to have.
    So this got me thinking that day about what the truth was about Mormons and the howdo I find out. Well, it was days after that some missionaries came to my door. I saw opportunity and it just knocked on my front door. It was this moment where I knew a journey for me was starting.
    I talked to the missionaries and invested time to learn about Mormons and the LDS. Without any judgement, I gave my desires to learn the truth. Want to know what I learned? ...
    First, there are endless lies constantly being told about Mormons and the LDS Church. Out of ignorance and other motivated reasons, people tell lies about Mormons. Oh my goodness, the lies I always heard. Misinformed andmisundertood because it is easier to tell a lie than to take out the time to learn the truth.
    Mormons are good hearted people has a strong sense of family. A sense of family that is stronger than any I've seen from any other faith. A sense of family that can not be compared or equal to any other faith. I was super amaze.
    I've learned alot about Mormons and the LDS Church. I have more learning to do and I'm not a Mormon, but find myself defending the Mormon faith with an open mind against the lies and insults I hear constantly.
    No, I'm not a Mormon but I will defend thier faith when I hear lies and insults others say. Why? Cause I have learned the truth about Mormons and the LDS Church and I will not accept anything but the truth.
    Mormons are good people and always welcome in my life and home.
    I have more to learn, but I am getting with missionaries. We'll see where my journey goes from hear.
    Don't need to be a Mormon to like them.
  11. Like
    mirkwood got a reaction from Blackmarch in Missionary Skools a perp   
    I watched and thought...heh...that would have been me...except I would have kept the gun once I got possession of it...
  12. Like
    mirkwood reacted to Vort in I Didn’t Serve a Mission, and It’s OK   
    Better title: "I'm a woman who didn't serve a full-time mission, and that's OK"
  13. Like
    mirkwood reacted to NeedleinA in Missionary Skools a perp   
    They could 100% comply without any resistance and a criminal could still shoot... you just never know. 
  14. Like
    mirkwood got a reaction from NeedleinA in Missionary Skools a perp   
    I watched and thought...heh...that would have been me...except I would have kept the gun once I got possession of it...
  15. Like
    mirkwood reacted to MrShorty in Is a vasectomy or getting your tubes tied an abomination to God and His plan?   
    As near as I can tell, the Church's official position on birth control is that it is up to the couple to decide, and that whatever decision a couple comes to is okay -- not some kind of slap in the face to God or anything like that.
    I'm pretty sure that there is a small paragraph (unless it has changed recently) in the CHI that recommends against "permanent" forms of birth control -- the reasoning I have seen given is because of possible regrets later if the couple changes their mind (and only the couple themselves can know if that is a possibility). Even though, as noted by the previous posters, that the Church discourages it, I am unaware of anyone being subject to any kind of church discipline for choosing permanent birth control like this. In my mind, it all comes down to the couple's choice.
  16. Like
    mirkwood reacted to pam in Decaf Coffee   
    And to also point out.  Decaf still has caffeine.  Unless is uncaffeinated there is still caffeine in it.  But as you said, it's not the caffeine that is the issue.
  17. Like
    mirkwood reacted to zil in Decaf Coffee   
    I only wish to point out that the Word of Wisdom prohibition against coffee and tea was not established because of caffeine, so the "decaf" part of this scenario is irrelevant.  Whether you had a cup of caffeinated coffee or decaf, it's the same violation of the Word of Wisdom.  Beyond that, you'll have to figure out how you want to handle this, particularly if you have a worthiness interview wherein keeping the Word of Wisdom is discussed.
  18. Like
    mirkwood got a reaction from Maureen in Being grateful my trials are what they are, knock on wood   
    He said, "Thou art beautiful in your amorphous dress."
    She said, "Thy beard is well groomed."
  19. Like
    mirkwood reacted to Backroads in Being grateful my trials are what they are, knock on wood   
    My husband feels he now has to grow a beard and buy a plow to be attractive to me. =D
  20. Like
    mirkwood got a reaction from Sunday21 in Being grateful my trials are what they are, knock on wood   
    He said, "Thou art beautiful in your amorphous dress."
    She said, "Thy beard is well groomed."
  21. Like
    mirkwood got a reaction from classylady in Being grateful my trials are what they are, knock on wood   
    He said, "Thou art beautiful in your amorphous dress."
    She said, "Thy beard is well groomed."
  22. Like
    mirkwood got a reaction from Bad Karma in Being grateful my trials are what they are, knock on wood   
    He said, "Thou art beautiful in your amorphous dress."
    She said, "Thy beard is well groomed."
  23. Like
    mirkwood got a reaction from Backroads in Being grateful my trials are what they are, knock on wood   
    He said, "Thou art beautiful in your amorphous dress."
    She said, "Thy beard is well groomed."
  24. Like
    mirkwood reacted to Backroads in Being grateful my trials are what they are, knock on wood   
    MH friends, I've had a bad word of a day.  My class was out of control: a stealing party, the ADHD bunch were all off their meds/therapy, the one who was smashed by a fridge last year spent the morning in court about it and was thus distracted all day, our grade team meeting devolved into a suspicious rant about other staff and administration, which left me feeling negative, we burned dinner, and my daughter chopped her hair off.
    I need Girl Scout cookies, a bubble bath, and my guilty pleasure Amish romance novels.
    And yet, I found myself reminded that about this time last month I was in the hospital as my other daughter fought off bacterial meningitis.
    I am so lucky my biggest trial right now is a bad day at a job I otherwise love and my kid cutting her own hair.
    Rant/acknowledgment of blessings over.
  25. Like
    mirkwood reacted to Palerider in Never done, would like to do!   
    I hear that ....old Trafford.   Would love to see a match there.  Too bad as a missionary in England I wasn't allowed to go.