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Everything posted by Crypto

  1. I scream for Ice Cream La La LA (Or is it Ra?)
  2. Interestingly enough, originally I felt the same way, but after considering the logic people have laid out, it makes more sense to me, and is justifiable to not engaged in activities or support things they see as morally reprehensible. The general conclusion I take for all of this is that people shouldn't judge others and lash out at others, if they refuse to participate in activities they view are morally wrong. Which is a two way street, one side seems to view it as morally wrong to refuse to support a person in a major life decision (provide emotional support for the decision), the other side views it morally wrong to act in the major life decision. The major life decision being gay marriage. Both sides are doing this. Why is it acceptable for one side to judge the morality of the other? (Which is a separate issue from the acceptability of gay marriage, which can be argued from a community pov, or as a non-right privilege government discrimination/subsidy view) Just a side note, I don't intend to derail the thread
  3. The baptismal ceremony shouldn't be a social party, I don't see a problem with a few refreshments though. Celebrating the fact someone is baptized is perfectly appropriate, i'd say it's something better suited at a home though. imo
  4. I don't think Jesus would go hang out at a pagan ritual. If they were Jewish, (because it wasn't yet extended to gentiles yet) he would probably hang out with them at other times though.
  5. It certainly is something to think about. I'll ditto on what some of the people say about facebook, Too much in the way of meme's, and lack of deep conversation...unless it's some sort of politics argumentation.
  6. Gender roles don't equate with sexual orientation. Too many people judge on appearance. That is what I think.
  7. Money could even exist, Don't have enough? That's okay have such and such product anyways. Enjoy have a nice day!
  8. Probably because the current trend in historical work is to avoid an intimate connection between historian and biographical work (at least when presenting the history). This may make the work more palatable to some, especially those who would have the prophet's name for evil.
  9. If you are discussing the philosophical positions on God this can get very complicated very quickly, and often times contradictory. Whether God created, can create exceptions or is subject to Eternal laws isn't so important. God is a God of order, rather than like the human conceived erroneous and capricious pagan gods. This consistency is something that can always be trusted, is faith building, and ultimately good. A stark contrast would be Satan, his inconsistency and always allowing for exceptions. True Chaos wouldn't be a very pleasant thing. Whether you believe God is Transcendent, or Immanent can make a big difference as to how you approach this.
  10. I considered getting a motorcycle for a time...then literally everyone I knew started talking to me about how dangerous it is etc... I guess it depends a bit on where you live probably not as such a great idea in a place like New York city. Pros: Better fuel efficiency. Less costs on gas. A coolness factor. Generally easier to maintain. Takes less space. More nimble. Faster breaking speeds. Can almost always find parking. Less greenhouse emissions. Cheaper insurance. The easiest solution would be to avoid driving the motorcycle where you know there is high risk for accidents.
  11. I've read only through a portion of what is available as a sample on kindle, to determine if I wanted to read the whole book. I'm so far not finding anything of too much interest that I haven't already read in "Life of Joseph Smith by his Mother"
  12. So what colors, designs, or patterns should be allowed? (a bit tongue in cheek) I'm all for getting rid of ties, I hate the things.
  13. Some people are much more sensitive to conflict or doing something wrong than others. That would be my guess on the crying. I agree with the assessment that the rule is in place to prevent individuals from smuggling in recording devices "for what ever nefarious reason." It was a simple mistake, no harm done.
  14. This is interesting, I always have audio going while driving, either podcast, scripture, audio book, or music. I don't find it distracting at all. I find it super hard to sing and play an instrument at the same time though, while others have no problem. I think the skill set might be related some how. The differences between people are interesting!
  15. Colored ties are awesome, i've never seen anyone complain about a colored tie before. Go for it!
  16. Rhetorical question time! Whats the difference between a cape and cloak? One is worn by the villain one is worn by the hero. They look awfully alike sometimes though
  17. Many of the activities can also be done with the Den Leader. Often times this includes fun skill building crafts. Also it is always fun to put together field trips to view nature, or derby cars, or float little wooden boats down a nearby stream (if there is one)
  18. I would suggest starting with the Book of Mormon, then reading through the Doctrine and Covenants. D&C can be found online here:
  19. Many people have and seek after revelation, which theoretically makes them some sort of prophet. In this aspect many people could be considered a prophet. However according to our belief there is only one prophet that has stewardship over the church and the entire world in these latter days. God's house is a house of order, everyone is given according to their stewardship and faith. I don't think the LDS church would recognize him as a prophet, but might recognize him as a wise man with many spiritual truths. Unless he actively preached against or twisted the truth of God.
  20. Caffeine isn't all that bad as far as drugs go, however just like anything else it can have it's good sides and bad sides. The effects of many[read as :all] drugs will vary depending on personal biology. This is not unique to caffeine. In caffeine's case it will increase blood pressure depending on how much tolerance someone has built up to using it. Tolerance doesn't mean that it doesn't have an effect, just that a larger dose is needed to continue exerting the same level of effect. If you would like we can discuss the specific changes that develop from developing such a tolerance. (Or the practical side of things such as requiring the use of caffeine to maintain a baseline state after tolerance has developed) Which is all nice and dandy, except that it is irrelevant to the point I was making. You said: A doctor (told me)said: Conclusion: Not all doctors think caffeine, tea, coffee, energy drinks, soda etc... use is harmless to your health. ===================================================================================== If you would like to review some of the well know bad side effects, that could contribute to a doctor not recommending use see here: You can also click on the "uses" section to see some of the useful functions.
  21. The professional health community is not in complete agreement. I recently met with my general practitioner, non-lds (non lds area), and mentioned that my blood pressure might be a bit high that day because I took some caffeine supplementation; I was then told about why the doctor didn't drink coffee or other like beverages because of health reasons. From the conversation I think he inferred that that is where I got the caffeine from.
  22. I've been told if you sneeze it means someone is thinking of you. If the palms of your hands itch you will be getting some money/ something of value soon.
  23. I knock on wood, but I do it more as a culture thing that adds flavor to life than actually believing it has any effect. I'm sure I have some superstitions, nothing really comes to mind at the moment though.