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Everything posted by Crypto

  1. What is base fees against principal?
  2. Maybe the records are already among us, we simply are unaware of their connection to the lost tribes of Israel. There are quite a few religious texts. One direct example might be the Dead Sea Scrolls... (emphasis on might and maybe since, it's just a guess)
  3. Sometimes the consequences...the truth...hurts.
  4. It's not exactly uncommon to hear unkind things said about LDS scout troops from heavily involved scouters. Though I think it would be more uncommon if lds troops showed a little more scouting spirit. I can say that my stake schedules a week where all the scout troops go to scout camp, and a fair amount of them go to the local camp. The camp rescheduled opening campfire to accommodate the large amount of LDS scouts that were coming to camp that week. Which is really nice.
  5. There goes a good portion of the count
  6. For some reason that doesn't surprise me. It also make me a little sad actually.
  7. Sorry, it's wrong. It definitely was time travelers with their heavy machinery. You see in an alternate timeline there was a vast store of rare earth elements that will become hugely important (more so than what we use them for today) for interstellar craft which provides a great advantage in warfare. It created a golden age for the area that is now considered Turkey. At first this wasn't a problem because Turkey has fair relations with the international community, but a group of rebel forces ended up taking over the country and then using it's new found political power and wealth to wage war. Because of the reduction of the rare elements the world wide economy collapsed, and eventually large portions of the world were taken over. In order to combat this a theoretical design for a time machine which was stored away in a secret vault was used to build a time machine in which they transported a team to mine the area before it could be used by the group they were now fighting. Due to not wanting to disrupt space time and create time paradoxes they carefully selected a time and period that would have minimal impact on how the world develops, however since modern powersources would be hard to construct and refuel they decided to use a more rudimentary heavy wheeled vehicle, rather than their space capable hovercraft. and as such the heavy vehicles from the time travelers are in fact what caused the grooves.
  8. Or maybe men are more physically and emotionally prepared to do what is required on a mission? (I'm just trading your speculation for mine.)
  9. I think the article in general has good advice, but you will likely find even good people who demonstrate several of the points to various extents. Don't go too far when applying the advice is what I think. Otherwise a whole lot of people are going to be lonely (especially if people apply it to friendships)
  10. That's what a scout troop that is overly focused on rank advancement without learning the actual skills, that isn't run by the boy's, does to a program....
  11. haha made me laugh :) (i'm taking this discussion light heartedly)
  12. You want the arguments not for those who reject the message but for those who are still yet undecided and listening trying to see which way is right.
  13. Is it my fault for not knowing about Dynamical Systems & Chaos level mathematics even though I was taught about arithmetic? Is it the fault of my teachers for teaching me arithmetic and not Dynamical Systems & Chaos ?
  14. You are correct, they are different things, as is said in the articles. However the terminology Urim and Thummim seem often times to be used interchangeably by many latter day saints and understood as the same as the seer stone. Possibly due to lack of historical study, or similarity in use. A time while attending institute... the seer stone, and the Urim and Thummim were addressed (while studying the D&C) One student even after being told the seer stone existed and was separate from the Urim and Thummim was stuck on the idea that the seer stone was simply one of the Urim and Thummim or an interchangeable term. It's possible many of the early saints made a similar mistake, as is alluded to in the discussion, idk if any historical analysis has been done on this though. (which would be interesting to see if anyone has a reference to some work done on it)
  15. un-surprisingly it follows that homosexuals are only a small percent of the total population (around 1% depending on the polling source) and only a fraction of that would likely be interested in a scouting program. Not even considering heterosexuals who would have decided to support such a program for political, or differing 'moral' beliefs.
  16. Sometimes it may be disease. Or maybe more accurately sometimes dis-ease. Every person has their own life experiences and knowledge to draw upon, and often the case this causes people no matter how rightly or wrongly build views that are different. To compound the issue people in general don't actually have open minds (rightly and wrongly), and their hearts are hardened to things that may differ from the view they have built. Compassion might be a good start, it tends to be soothing to those in dis ease.
  17. Ignoring the context of the discussion: Wow that really resonated with me for some reason.
  18. No problem! You don't have to do YPT training online You can even find the training guide here: You would still need to talk to your local council to see who can do the YPT training.
  19. It would be amazing to see LDS wards actually run scouting like it's supposed to (I'm NCS certified). LDS troops have a notorious reputation for not being very scouting like. I've not only heard it, i've seen it first hand. Scouting is a wonderful tool that can be used to help strengthen the priesthood brethren. A file that is spent can't sharpen an ax. The file is the scouting program, it's spent when not used properly or dulled down, The Ax is the Priesthood. Even if the church chooses another tool to figuratively sharpen the ax (e.g. whetstone) It still has to be used right. Scouting helped teach me the reality of spirituality through actions. I gained very little from our young mens activities, which consisted of fun time and a little bit of prearranged service projects, and lectures about spirituality. Thus i'm a big supporter of the Scouting program. I'm surprised that I see so much luke warm support for the scouting program, being that all the skills and program advancement in scouting directly related and address all areas of missionary preparation when done correctly. (Which certainly includes the religious preparation, especially venturing) That being said I see great possibilities in the recent turn of events if the church were to withdraw from scouting, and since so many members and wards are apathetic or luke warm about the program. It would give the church an opportunity to craft a program (that I think simply because it would be run by the church) that members would show more support for. If this was done I would be excited to be involved and use all of the knowledge, skills, and experience that I have learned through being involved in scouting to help such a program bloom. In other comments, I strongly suspect the world wide scouting movement was inspired by the lord to help prepare the world for the gospel. Oh and just something cool! I got to meet an international scout from Jamaica and an international scout from the Dominican Republic!