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Everything posted by Crypto

  1. My understanding of the Boy Scout program is that it easily involves the gospel, and according to their bylaws requires religious participation. The scouting program teaching general principles and encourages each chartering organization to provide the religious support. The program method is more expansive than just camping. It's bad implementation that causes it to not be gospel related.
  2. My thought process was along the lines of how both genders potentially having close proximity to each other during activities much like camping and not wanting to participate in the potential risks that follow. In my area at least for one week they are trying to fill a single boy scout camp with lds boy only troops. (quite a big area btw multi stake....) I'm open to being incorrect, girls have been allowed in venturing for quite some time.
  3. I hope they have a well developed youth program in place, there are quite a few things that it'll need to replace! I look forward to seeing it though.
  4. There is only one God to us. That is our father in heaven. Someone put it in prettier words than myself, but I paraphrased something. Our father will always be that to us. Intelligence can be neither created or made. Thus Eternal. If God, [and us technically] have always been around we don't need to worry about the chicken and egg idea, because it simply becomes one of progression. Less like chickens and more like rock becomes sand, sand becomes sand stone, sand stone transforms into various metamorphic rocks.... etc... (Not that this comparison per say is doctrinal)
  5. I think the camping is optional. I hope they still have a summer camp week for both groups.
  6. Not surprised after the introduction of girls into boy scouts...and of course the meeting the scouts had that was scheduled during conflicting time for church leaders. I am excited to see the new program. I hope there is still ample opportunities for the youth to be exposed to people of differing beliefs to foster good will with others. A strong emphasis for service in the community would accomplish this. Hopefully it will accomplish what masonry, and later boy scouting provided for a sense of unity and brotherhood. It also helps fix the murmuring of unequal funding between the youth groups.
  7. Teach children to use books & teach them how to use technology. No need to cherry pick just one or the other. You might be surprised or maybe not how many missionaries seem to lack navigational skills without a gps. You also might be surprised how many are technologically illiterate (from places with an abundance of technology). Spend some time going with the local ones, it makes for an interesting case study about their upbringing and some of the very things being talked about here and the downfalls from it. (assuming it's a device mission)
  8. Very true. Knowledge without humility is a closed mind and the start of "hobby horse riding". Still working on that humility thing though 😆
  9. This is a great example of my biggest personal pet peeve. 🙃
  10. This is sometimes true and a stance I used to have. I think though I have found that the members in general have a good rudimentary understanding of doctrine, but often every individual will have one or two misunderstandings. Most seem to like how it should guide their life view, style, and actions. Rather than having a strong abstract understanding. I think that is okay. When I hear false doctrine I like to try and have a private discussion about it so as not to create contention. Sometimes there are ways to bring it up directly and tactfully. Sometimes there are simply diverging opinions on what is correct. Evolution is a great example.
  11. This is one large reason why I think the youth should have devices. (Could be good mission prep for missions with devices. Which could be all of the US & Canada + other countries) It would also give the youth a chance to become comfortable with using the electronic version so that when they are home they are more likely to use the scriptures in general. A positive influence on a device that can certainly be used for bad purposes. Church is [normally] a safe place to learn. Also the videos that go with the manuals are great! I still love my paper copies of the scriptures as well.
  12. The teenager in this conversation seems to have a lot of power at getting a reaction... It is a good example of being stern, but...
  13. I think it is good to implement a blocklist on the high bandwidth sites. Anti sites and some other social media sites have been blocked for years. Have you ever been to church needing to use church materials and the internet is too slow until everyone leaves? I have. đŸ™‹â€â™‚ïž Not everyone knows about VPN's. Missionaries use facebook often at church buildings, not gonna get blocked as it currently stands. It's an annoyance for things to be blocked, but ultimately it makes good sense. (Bandwidth, $$, Attention, Security) On the other hand I very much disagree about parents neglecting proper parenting and banning technology rather than teaching children how to use it properly. I have a hard enough time trying to get the youth to bring their devices to class so we can GASP use it properly...because of the parents.
  14. I have seen quite a few bright, and not so bright people on either side. For those without an organized religion or structured belief system , It seems to me that often their political party becomes their dogma.
  15. Sounds like you aren't sure about the truth claims of the Church but still see it as something to live a good life in Faith. When you talk about Faith what do you mean? What is it to you to live in Faith?
  16. I saw Kimi No Na Wa, it was a very very good show. It was mentioned above, I recommend it.
  17. I'm not applying to anything in particular, it does seem relevant in the aggregate of life! Has anyone ever tried handing you an eagle scout card, or other like things other than a TR?
  18. Does Monster painting then make you a monster? I mean a veritable vortex of vortical vortices does seem like it could be some sort of mythical monster in some strange and fantastical land lauded by such horrors. or do such acts of painting simply make you some sort of artist
  19. Faith, Hope, and Charity. But the Greatest of these is Charity.
  20. You certainly have an eye for noticing Thank you
  21. Oh! Of course that happens! Thanks for clarifying what that was for me
  22. I don't have a problem with people disagreeing, but when I feel contention, or seem to feel contention radiating from someone else I think that may be best.
  23. If I was to ask for a set of scriptures, I would be welcomed with: The Old Testament The New Testament Another Testament of Jesus Christ (Book of Mormon) Pearl of Great Price Doctrine and Covenants These by a strict canonical definition constitute the scripture of the Church. Otherwise we would be getting into a discussion about the various things said by Apostles that are frankly wrong, such as Paul (referring to D&C 74:5 ) That being said conference and similar documents, statements, and talks are of great value and contain much doctrine and the saints would be mightily blessed to follow its counsel. Like the Lectures on Faith (which I absolutely adore and have been greatly enriched by [btw no longer in the D&C]) It may be “As good as scripture”, but that doesn’t mean it is strictly scripture. (I look forward to additional scripture, and even a few very well know proclamations being incorporated into the standard works. I accept these as scripture but well knowing they aren’t part of the human compiled “scriptures” [Which compiled records probably doesn’t matter terribly much to G-d other than connivence )
  24. The Church when examined is generally not based on pure orthodoxy, but is more about correct behavior. This should not be understood in the extremes where there is no orthodoxy, it is just that there is a wide degree of flexibility. Think baptismal interview questions / temple recommend interview questions. Or Articles of Faith (remembering that there is this something about dogmatic creeds being an abomination) Even within the above stated standards there is a difference, room for people and where they are at in life’s journey. Baptismal interviews require that people are willing. Then as people approach the temple it becomes more of a “are you doing” (or not doing in reference to certain sins). Different standards growth oriented.