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Everything posted by Crypto

  1. I have always heard stories about people going to Band camp!
  2. I would cite other verses than the one used, to debate against ex nihilo. But I agree with Prison Chaplin in that it could be a reasonable way to interpret scripture. (It should be obvious that while I say it is reasonable, I still disagree with his position. Which is Okay! )
  3. I think several people are confused, I will admit, I am by some of it, and I think some others alluded to that in their own posts. I also think there is A LOT of miscommunication going on, and some personality conflicts as well. Time for some group therapy
  4. An argument could be made that America is like or is becoming like Babylon of old. But it wasn't always like that. Crime might have had higher rates in the past (one form of sin), but the defining feature is the acceptance or even embrace of sin. I wonder how that thought would hold up in comparison to Babylon.
  5. Just to warn you. The whole when people say "Goodnight [name]" or more bluntly "Go to bed [name]" in context of a discussion with disagreement, and perceived by me as passive aggressive, is probably one of my biggest pet peeves. It really makes me angry(Almost spoke in pirate too 0.o), because it is like couching "shut up" in...well a passive aggressive manner. It is dismissive. I know that may not be how it was intended....but i'm just going to put this out there.
  6. #268 is largely what I was referring to. I also didn't mean it in any condescending way.
  7. That is a very pragmatic way to deal with things. I've been in far too many awkward situations where I have to bite my tongue.
  8. I think in a few of these posts Vort is being snarky, and perfectly well understands where the other person is coming from, while still expressing Vort's disagreement.
  9. I second that venting is anything but cathartic. That said there is certainly a difference between expressing what one is feeling , which can be healthy, and venting. Anytime I vent, I feel worse afterwards, it is like a self feedback loop of negativity.
  10. I was about to say and EMT's and such too. But there it is. I would like to add lifeguards, and search and rescue. Also first responders
  11. apparently I need the learn mormonese, and I'm a mormon...
  12. This is why you always roll with a cup.
  13. I read them from time to time, depending on if the article looks interesting or not. You mean you don't have web analytic's to track what each user is doing! 0.o I like this place better now
  14. Remember lewy when you were growing up, and how you got into that fight that one time? Remember how you said some pretty bad things if you ever saw him when he was grown? Remember how lewy always said he'd grow up to be a spy one day?
  15. I think it's a bit more concerning that there are people exercising unrighteous judgement based on someone who was considered to be a potential bishop in the first place. (At least it was implied to in the OP[original post])
  16. Does the bishop in a ward tell each and every other potential candidate for any ward callings why they were rejected in favor of another candidate? I don't see why a bishop being called would be any different. Yes it would be interesting, but I don't think it is really practical or relevant, especially because it opens the door to contempt where often no harm is intended.
  17. A bit of a tangent, but does Ubuntu still ship with amazon adware? I haven't hung out there pretty much since.
  18. It is always fascinating when looking at different personalities, communication types, bias, and even language and seeing how people fail to understand what is being trying to be communicated. (Anatess addressed this in another thread) It would be interesting to try and identify different communication styles and how to 'translate' what you are trying to communicate through a different style. An example of which is a logic style form to a feeling style form, but i'm sure there are many many many more.
  19. Lots of social activities? There are a great deal of people who would LOVE to be in such a close knit ward. My ward has maybe 5 big social activities a year. My suggestion is that if it is putting strain on your family, simply just don't go to some of the extra activities, no problem. No need to go inactive over it. I'd still recommend you and your family attend activities on occasion, for you, your husband, and children, all people have various levels of socializing that are good for them.
  20. I happened to speak with my stake president about this policy and he expressed a great amount of grace on how and why the policy was implemented. The news headlines did no justice to what he communicated, nor the guidance he said he had been given. If you are struggling with this, I plead with you to pray with an open mind, and if needed ask those you trust within the church for better understanding.
  21. One thing for myself is that when I notice such things happening I like to immediately tell myself. "If this was me saying, or doing, would I really be doing such things with such bad intentions" It helps a little, with both situations.
  22. Every once in a while, particularly when not sleeping well and missing a meal, and sometimes just after having a bad day, I notice an air of pessimistic criticalness, when actions and things said from others are taken in the worst possible way they could be interpreted as...even good things sometimes. Along with this I have two questions. When encountering this in others, what are some ways that you continue to be charitable with them dispite the negativity? When it is ourselves, how would you bring oneself to be more charitable, especially with those certain individuals that always seem to get on one's nerve.
  23. Here you go, i've fixed it. Now we really know who TFP is. Image now up to date!