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Everything posted by SilentOne

  1. New apartment decorating idea: posters of all my cousins on the walls. And hi, LadyGator.
  2. I found these after our family cat died. The first one contains a reference to Joseph Smith's comment regarding his horse.
  3. I still don't see how that is significantly different than him telling us honor the Sabbath day and thou shalt not steal. We are told what we should do and then given the freedom to choose whether or not to obey.
  4. Are there any universities nearby with libraries you could check?
  5. From your evidence, I would conclude his attitude towards free speech to be similar to his attitude towards free agency in general. We should have it. There are certain ways he would prefer us not to use it, but he will allow us to say/do those things.
  6. I now know that any variation of the phrase 'put ___ back where ___ came from' is going to make me think of this, at least when I'm tired:
  7. I spent a minute trying to figure out why these would earn an R-rating. Then I figured out what you were actually talking about. Anyway, last night I watched The Great Escape with my parents, brother, and sister-in-law.
  8. Do you eat the Marlboros straight from the package or is some sort of preparation involved? I'm always collecting new recipes.
  9. We often made a scarecrow as one of our Halloween decorations when I was growing up. One year my brother mentioned that he thought it would be fun to dress up in the scarecrow's clothes and hold the candy bowl in his lap with a sign reading "Take two." Then if somebody got greedy he could growl out, "It says take two!"
  10. From my experience, the witnesses witness and probably sign something. Everybody else basically sits there and then hugs the bride and groom at the end.
  11. Lazarus? My favorite is Valentine's Day. The way I grew up celebrating it, it's about honoring all the different loves you have in your life - children, siblings, parents, grandparents, friends.
  12. Your position sounds pretty much the same as mine.
  13. Have you ever done one of those "Your Life according to Your Music" things where you put your music on shuffle and use whatever songs come up to answer a question or describe a life event? Well, once when I played, one of the questions was "What will they play at your funeral?" Answer: The Point of No Return from Phantom of the Opera
  14. The intro wasn't written by Moroni.
  15. Do we have record of Moroni calling the New York hill Cumorah?
  16. I keep waiting for the congregational hymn to be Hinges or maybe The Wise Man and the Foolish Man, complete with actions. It just keeps reminding me of wiggle songs this conference for some reason.
  17. I don't see anything wrong with asking if somebody in the group is able and willing to help. If they start feeling entitled, then there's a problem.
  18. Why not both? Is there not a significant difference between Bolivian, Peruvian, Chilean and Spanish accents?
  19. As a shy extrovert, that would be quite a bit more comfortable for me as well.
  20. I'm posted sort of in the heat of the moment and am not sure I properly understood what I was replying to, so I'm just deleting that for now.
  21. Counting sheep is the opposite of relaxing for me. It starts out okay, then the sheep start speeding up, then some of them turn around and jump back over and I'm not sure whether to count them again or subtract from the total, and all the time the sheep keep speeding up and speeding up, and then I've got about five jumping over one way and two coming from the other with new ones replacing them before they hit the ground, with another big group just walking/running around the fence, and there's no way I can keep track of them all.
  22. The Screwtape Letters, and I believe Screwtape is the uncle and Wormwood the nephew.
  23. It was my understanding that the law of chastity includes not viewing porn or masturbating. Fornication and adultery are other sins that also violate the law of chastity.