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  1. Like
    Fether got a reaction from SpiritDragon in Gender neutral prayers?   
    I always find it quite humorous when Ward members take opportunities like a congregational prayer, testimony on fast Sunday or an opportunity to speak at church to push their beliefs on the Ward. There was a man in a Ward I served my mission in that would prayer quite loudly and say things pertaining to the end of times... it felt more like an mini talk in the middle of his prayer xD a few times he chastised the Ward for not giving enough attention to the end of the world.
    Or when a member in the same wars got up on fast and testimony meeting and bore testimony on the end of the world and how it will be brought on by muslims.
    Or in the Ward next to it, a lady would bear testimony of heavenly mother every month.
    Im not sure if this particular occasion fits in to what I described, maybe it was just a slip up of words?
  2. Like
    Fether reacted to Traveler in UVU asks professors to report non-inclusive student speech to Behavior Assessment Team   
    The laws (justice) as officially and consistently upheld by our courts (judges) and clarified by the country’s elected officials.  .
    The Traveler
  3. Sad
    Fether got a reaction from Lindy in Dogs in Restaurants   
    Why in the world did you get reactions and not me!? 
  4. Like
    Fether got a reaction from seashmore in Old Testament Accounts that I do not believe happened   
    And maybe the situation with Job and the dialogue between God and the Devil was just the scribe's way of reconciling why Job was facing so many trials
    just thoughts! I do agree though, I'm not sure what all is literal and what isnt
  5. Like
    Fether got a reaction from NeuroTypical in Dogs in Restaurants   
    Why in the world did you get reactions and not me!? 
  6. Confused
    Fether got a reaction from zil in Dogs in Restaurants   
    Why in the world did you get reactions and not me!? 
  7. Haha
    Fether got a reaction from zil in Dogs in Restaurants   
    Do the dogs eat your beef?
  8. Haha
    Fether got a reaction from Jeremy A in Star Trek or Star Wars?   
    StaR Wars

  9. Like
    Fether got a reaction from mirkwood in UVU asks professors to report non-inclusive student speech to Behavior Assessment Team   
    Sounds like something a commi would say
  10. Like
    Fether reacted to Still_Small_Voice in LDS Athletes Who Turned Down $400,000+ to Serve Missions   
    Did you know that three Latter-Day Saints turned down six-figure signing bonuses or more in order to serve a mission? And in doing so, they made history in a unique way.  These three were Jeremy Guthrie, McKay Christensen and Cale Iorg.  Read more on the article here:
  11. Like
    Fether reacted to laronius in Deeper understanding of "House of the Lord"   
    @Fether, I found this in an old Ensign article. Maybe something to chew on:
    The Hebrew family was also known as a house. The founding of a family was to build a house. The use of the term house was very flexible and could include the entire nation (the house of Jacob or the house of Israel) or a segment of the people (the house of Judah or the house of Joseph).
  12. Haha
    Fether reacted to NeuroTypical in TV shows in the last 5-10 years   
    Yay!  Phineas and Ferb is a show that has at least one original song per episode, done in just about every musical genre known to man.  The musicians with the gig are named Bowling for Soup, and they did a stellar job for that show.   Nominated for a Grammy in 2003, but they celebrate that night for winning Time's "worst dressed".
    Here - have all gazillion songs.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Phineas_and_Ferb_songs
  13. Like
    Fether reacted to laronius in Equal in heavenly things   
    Perhaps we draw too much of a distinction at times between the temporal and spiritual. The Lord has made it clear that ALL things are spiritual to him and so it would make sense that any commandment we receive that appears to be temporally related ultimately would have a greater spiritual purpose to it. Perhaps the idea of Zion is the ideal example of this. It is the creation of oneness among people that is manifested through having all things common among them temporally but is rooted in a condition of a oneness of heart and mind.
  14. Like
    Fether got a reaction from Sunday21 in Old Testament Accounts that I do not believe happened   
    And maybe the situation with Job and the dialogue between God and the Devil was just the scribe's way of reconciling why Job was facing so many trials
    just thoughts! I do agree though, I'm not sure what all is literal and what isnt
  15. Like
    Fether got a reaction from laronius in Equal in heavenly things   
    Remember it is according to our WANTS and NEEDS. I want a drumset... most people don't. My friend wants a road bike and bike racing equipment... I don't.
    I know in the eternities that I will want a strong sounding, easy to tune, 4 piece pearl drumset with either Evans or aquarian drum heads, zildjan cymbals (and maybe 2 wuhan chinas), and a nice crisp high hat. All worth around $3000-$5000 in the US. If I were living in a small community with the law of consecration in full swing, I would settle with a small, 4-piece travel drum-kit, worth $400-$600 approx. If the whole church were doing it, maybe a regular sized stock pearl set worth around $700-$900
    (I just want to note that the cheapest drumset you can buy on the market is around $300).
    If I saw my buddy Rob (who is infinitely better at all things percussion) running around with a $2000 drum set while I only had a $700 one, I would be fine  he would want it more and would likely use it for his career.
    The Law of consecration does not entail all of us having the same clothes, same food, same house, and same car, but rather is a community of people with a desire for their neighbor to be well off and happy. Everyone in such a community finds more joy in their neighbor's success than their own.
    the personality trait that prescribes the thinking "Why does he get more than me!?"  Is one of the main reason we can't live the law today.
    Also, dealing with your question about equal in Heavenly things, take this quote into consideration:
    "A Saint who is one in deed and in truth, does not look for an immaterial heaven, but he expects a heaven with lands, houses, cities, vegetation, rivers, and animals; with thrones, temples, palaces, kings, princes, priests, and angels; with food, raiment, musical instruments, etc., all of which are material. Indeed, the Saints’ heaven is a redeemed, glorified, celestial, material creation, inhabited by glorified material beings, male and female, organized into families, embracing all the relationships of husbands and wives, parents and children, where sorrow, crying, pain, and death will be no more. Or to speak still more definitely, this earth, when glorified, is the Saints’ eternal heaven. On it they expect to live, with body, parts, and holy passions; on it they expect to move and have their being; to eat, drink, converse, worship, sing, play on musical instruments, engage in joyful, innocent, social amusements, visit neighboring towns and neighboring worlds; indeed, matter and its qualities and properties are the only beings or things with which they expect to associate"
    - Orson Pratt
    I think Heavenly equality is much like earthly equality. You may also add spiritual gifts and Christlike attributes.
  16. Like
    Fether got a reaction from Traveler in Equal in heavenly things   
    Remember it is according to our WANTS and NEEDS. I want a drumset... most people don't. My friend wants a road bike and bike racing equipment... I don't.
    I know in the eternities that I will want a strong sounding, easy to tune, 4 piece pearl drumset with either Evans or aquarian drum heads, zildjan cymbals (and maybe 2 wuhan chinas), and a nice crisp high hat. All worth around $3000-$5000 in the US. If I were living in a small community with the law of consecration in full swing, I would settle with a small, 4-piece travel drum-kit, worth $400-$600 approx. If the whole church were doing it, maybe a regular sized stock pearl set worth around $700-$900
    (I just want to note that the cheapest drumset you can buy on the market is around $300).
    If I saw my buddy Rob (who is infinitely better at all things percussion) running around with a $2000 drum set while I only had a $700 one, I would be fine  he would want it more and would likely use it for his career.
    The Law of consecration does not entail all of us having the same clothes, same food, same house, and same car, but rather is a community of people with a desire for their neighbor to be well off and happy. Everyone in such a community finds more joy in their neighbor's success than their own.
    the personality trait that prescribes the thinking "Why does he get more than me!?"  Is one of the main reason we can't live the law today.
    Also, dealing with your question about equal in Heavenly things, take this quote into consideration:
    "A Saint who is one in deed and in truth, does not look for an immaterial heaven, but he expects a heaven with lands, houses, cities, vegetation, rivers, and animals; with thrones, temples, palaces, kings, princes, priests, and angels; with food, raiment, musical instruments, etc., all of which are material. Indeed, the Saints’ heaven is a redeemed, glorified, celestial, material creation, inhabited by glorified material beings, male and female, organized into families, embracing all the relationships of husbands and wives, parents and children, where sorrow, crying, pain, and death will be no more. Or to speak still more definitely, this earth, when glorified, is the Saints’ eternal heaven. On it they expect to live, with body, parts, and holy passions; on it they expect to move and have their being; to eat, drink, converse, worship, sing, play on musical instruments, engage in joyful, innocent, social amusements, visit neighboring towns and neighboring worlds; indeed, matter and its qualities and properties are the only beings or things with which they expect to associate"
    - Orson Pratt
    I think Heavenly equality is much like earthly equality. You may also add spiritual gifts and Christlike attributes.
  17. Like
    Fether got a reaction from Sunday21 in Old Testament Accounts that I do not believe happened   
    Just a thought on the story of Jonah... it never really says he was alive while in the whale. God may have just brought him back to life after he washed up on the shore 
  18. Like
    Fether got a reaction from pam in TV shows in the last 5-10 years   
    Phinease and Ferb
    white collar
    Doctor Who
    Black List
    Legends of Tomorrow
  19. Like
    Fether reacted to Traveler in Equal in heavenly things   
    I do not think being equal with things means what many think it means.  For example, I do not want very many things.  The main reason is that I do not want to take care of things just because I have them.  But I want some things a lot and those things I take very good care of.  My ski equipment and my bicycle are things I value and I take care of.  I do not like to let others use my bicycle or skis – especially those that do not take care of them.   The reason is (surprise) that they do not take proper care of them.
    I have often wondered how G-d feels about letting us be stewards over his creations for which he loves and cares about.  I am convinced he is what some may call shellfish in that I honestly believe if we will not take care of his things – our stewardship will become less and less – perhaps to the point that we have no stewardship at all (which is the worst kind of poverty).
    Maybe I am not a true Later-day Saint but I have little regard for those that refuse to take care of their things.  For example, I wonder why someone should have a decent bed when they refuse to even make their bed most days.  The same with dishes.  Those that leave dirty dishes they use in the sink for others to take care of – I do not believe should have equally clean dishes to eat from.
    I have come to believe equality is equality of service, love and compassion.  I also have no problem letting others use things I value enough to care for when they care for them as well.  But I do not believe it is a true service to provide things for people that do not appreciate them – at least enough to care for them themselves.
    The Traveler
  20. Like
    Fether reacted to Vort in TV shows in the last 5-10 years   
    Ha! I thought I would have nothing-zero-zilch-nada-goose egg to contribute to this thread, but I just thought of one.
  21. Like
    Fether got a reaction from Sunday21 in Where did the Book of Mormon take place?   
    I knew a bishop in KY that was set in the idea that that was where the Book of Mormon took place. I do t remember specifics, but I guess there is a massive ancient battlefield where millions of arrow heads still rest today. He also suggestrf that at that time, "North" referred to "up hill" rather than the direction.
    I wonder if God inspired Joseph to put inaccuracies in the geography and directions to prevent us from finding places in the Book of Mormon
  22. Like
    Fether got a reaction from Anddenex in Is God the most high? Does it actually matter?   
    I have played with the idea that God was just a man part of a highly technologically advanced human race that squires immortality, then to build a perfect society, the "god's" built this simulation for all men to go down before become part of such a perfect society. Only those that pass this simulation will acquire said "God hood" and he a part of this eternally growing perfect society.
    This is of course all hullabaloo and not worth spending time rationalizing
    this talk was one of my first exposures to the topic and I feel it answers a lot of your questions.
    this doctrine doesn't diminish god, but raises us to him. God does not intend that he will always be a mystery, but that one day we will be to fully rationalize his greatness and understand how he got there. 
    Why doesn't he do it now?
    a thousand years  ago if a man cured a case of polio, he would be a magician or holy man. Today he would be a doctor or scientist, far less impressive. We may have a similar reaction to god if we understood everything today.
  23. Like
    Fether reacted to The Folk Prophet in What are our cultural tendencies?   
    The most problematic Mormon cultural problem in my opinion is the tendency to complain about Mormon cultural problems.
  24. Like
    Fether got a reaction from Midwest LDS in Is God the most high? Does it actually matter?   
    Ephesians 1:3-5, and Alma 13 suggest otherwise
  25. Like
    Fether reacted to Vort in Polygamy in class!   
    As a matter of definition, marriage is an institution between one man and one woman. This is always the case. Plural marriage is not a marriage consisting of one man and multiple women; rather, it is multiple marriages, each between one man and one woman, where the man is the same in the various marriages. I find this distinction important; my great-grandfather's marriage to his first wife was separate from his marriage to my great-grandmother. Plural marriage was not some sort of communal  polyamorous marriage idea. I do hope that that point comes through in the lesson.