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    Still_Small_Voice reacted to The Folk Prophet in Mass violence & gun control   
    An interesting take:
  2. Like
    Still_Small_Voice got a reaction from JohnsonJones in Backed into a corner because of Church calling   
    I also struggle in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Ever since my teenage years I have struggled with weakness.  I think my struggles will be life long.  But I count it joy for what I have to deal with when I see trials others bear that would crush me.  Many saints struggle in their walk with the LORD through out their lives.  The Apostle Paul I think was haunted by the christians he help throw into prison and those he persecuted in his early life.  Know that you will be required to take up the cross daily and follow the LORD.
    Keep enduring Scott and do not give up.  Alma taught if we know more than desire to believe let this continue to work in you.  Let the desire to believe and have faith in Christ continue to work in you
  3. Like
    Still_Small_Voice got a reaction from Midwest LDS in Mass violence & gun control   
    Tyrants will never give up until your privately owned gun is legally required to be disassembled in two different locked safes with the ammunition locked in a third separate safe.  Magazines over five rounds are banned from legal ownership and you are no longer able to legally own a handgun.  If you own one of these legally owned firearms be prepared to accept random searches from police officers verifying your gun is locked up according to law.  Only corrupt tyrants seek to outlaw self defense.
    This being said I do not believe the 2nd Amendment gives unlimited rights to arms.  I am against people owning fully automatic firearms.  A semi-automatic 30 round firearm should be sufficient for self defense.  I do not believe it should be legal for people to own hand grenades or rocket propelled grenades. 
    Watch footage of someone firing an M-134 machine gun.  3,000 to 4,000 rounds per minute of .30 caliber 147 grain bullets being fired.  Definitely too powerful for private citizens in my own opinion.  I think they cost over $100,000 anyway.  Full automatic firearms have heavy restrictions and for the most part are illegal anyway.  No further laws are needed.  
  4. Like
    Still_Small_Voice got a reaction from Backroads in Mass violence & gun control   
    Tyrants will never give up until your privately owned gun is legally required to be disassembled in two different locked safes with the ammunition locked in a third separate safe.  Magazines over five rounds are banned from legal ownership and you are no longer able to legally own a handgun.  If you own one of these legally owned firearms be prepared to accept random searches from police officers verifying your gun is locked up according to law.  Only corrupt tyrants seek to outlaw self defense.
    This being said I do not believe the 2nd Amendment gives unlimited rights to arms.  I am against people owning fully automatic firearms.  A semi-automatic 30 round firearm should be sufficient for self defense.  I do not believe it should be legal for people to own hand grenades or rocket propelled grenades. 
    Watch footage of someone firing an M-134 machine gun.  3,000 to 4,000 rounds per minute of .30 caliber 147 grain bullets being fired.  Definitely too powerful for private citizens in my own opinion.  I think they cost over $100,000 anyway.  Full automatic firearms have heavy restrictions and for the most part are illegal anyway.  No further laws are needed.  
  5. Like
    Still_Small_Voice got a reaction from jewels8 in Music & the Spoken Word -- The Myth of Fairness   
    This needs to be shouted from the rooftops and shown over and over.  Gratitude is the antidote for covetousness.
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    Still_Small_Voice reacted to NightSG in Mass violence & gun control   
    It's considerably easier to make a functioning submachine gun than crystal meth.  A single shot firearm, even suppressed, is trivial with just a drill press and some hand tools.  Guaranteed if guns are harder to get, criminals will go that route, leaving only the law abiding disarmed.
    Meanwhile, a bunch of little old ladies would die at the hands of home invaders.
  7. Like
    Still_Small_Voice reacted to NeuroTypical in Mass violence & gun control   
    Post Columbine, take a look at the thousands of stories of bad guys with guns out killing people.  The vast, vast, overwhelmingly vast conclusion to just about all of those stories, is they were stopped by a good guy with a gun.  
    If someone comes up with a "wave my magic wand and all the guns disappear" thing, I'll reconsider my opinion.  But until then:

  8. Like
    Still_Small_Voice got a reaction from MrShorty in 500 Years ago on October 31st 1517 . . .   
    On Oct. 31, 1517, 500 years ago, a relatively unknown German monk named Martin Luther purportedly nailed his “95 Theses” to the large church doors marking the entrance to Schlosskirche Church in Wittenberg.  Contrary to popular belief, Luther’s dramatic act was never meant to spark a theological revolution. Luther’s 95 Theses, which outlined numerous perceived problems with the established Christian churches in Germany and throughout Europe, was written in Latin, not the common German language, and was directed toward his fellow academics and students at the University of Wittenberg.
    Read more at:
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    Still_Small_Voice got a reaction from seashmore in 500 Years ago on October 31st 1517 . . .   
    On Oct. 31, 1517, 500 years ago, a relatively unknown German monk named Martin Luther purportedly nailed his “95 Theses” to the large church doors marking the entrance to Schlosskirche Church in Wittenberg.  Contrary to popular belief, Luther’s dramatic act was never meant to spark a theological revolution. Luther’s 95 Theses, which outlined numerous perceived problems with the established Christian churches in Germany and throughout Europe, was written in Latin, not the common German language, and was directed toward his fellow academics and students at the University of Wittenberg.
    Read more at:
  10. Thanks
    Still_Small_Voice got a reaction from MollyMormon in Always good, want to be bad   
    Here is something to experience in Las Vegas.  Driving 150 miles per hour on a race track.  I want to do ten laps with this eventually:
    There is also zip lining in Las Vegas high up in the air from one building to another. 
    Edit:  Leave the drinking, gambling and prostitution of Las Vegas to others while you get to experience the great stuff it has to offer.  There are also amusement park rides on top of a very high up building.  I do not know if I could handle that.  It would be terrifying I think.
    The zip line is about 490 feet up in the air and costs about $30 for one trip.  Take a look at this here:|Search|USA-MST&utm_term=zipline las vegas&utm_content=Rio Zip Line - E
  11. Like
    Still_Small_Voice reacted to mirkwood in Hatred of Christians in America?   
    If we are going to toss names out, you should have included the Obama and Clinton supporters. 
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    Still_Small_Voice reacted to Vort in Hatred of Christians in America?   
    False equivalency. I appreciate your metaphor, but even in the metaphor, the assignment of blame is greatly unbalanced. To say that "both are idiots" suggests that they are equally guilty. They are not, either in your example or in the real-life equivalent.
    Trump is a buffoon and an embarrassment. He is still ten times better as President than Hillary Clinton would have been.
  13. Sad
    Still_Small_Voice got a reaction from LoudLizard in Hey Texas people   
    I have watched footage of people going out on helicopters in Texas and shooting dozens of wild feral hogs with rifles in one flight.  Even with this type of attempted control they are still not able to get a handle on the situation down there (atleast from what I have read).  Wild hogs also attack people sometimes.
  14. Like
    Still_Small_Voice got a reaction from LoudLizard in Title of Liberty Movie   
    The movie short is funded for The Title of Liberty.  $171,000 is what they have raised thus far.  This is great news!
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    Still_Small_Voice got a reaction from LoudLizard in Title of Liberty Movie   
    There are nine days left to contribute to back the movie.  Spread the word and chip in $5 if you can afford it.  I gave some money to this cause.  It is close to $103,500 in funding for the movie right now.
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    Still_Small_Voice got a reaction from LoudLizard in Title of Liberty Movie   
    I also thought the Book of Mormon movie was terrible.  "17 Miracles" and "Ephriam's Rescue" were good movies in my opinion especially for the amount of money they had to work with.  I could tell they were low budget but they told the story well in my opinion.  I have heard of many people who were touched by the trials they saw the old Saints had to endure. 
    They are hoping to make a short movie with the $150,000 and then get a lot more money for the full movie production with: "Reign of Judges: Title of Liberty."
  17. Like
    Still_Small_Voice got a reaction from LoudLizard in Title of Liberty Movie   
    Seashmore, if you have no funding to support this movie share it with as many people as possible.  I want to see the "Reign of Judges: Title of Liberty" movie succeed.  I think this will do some good in our telestial world.
  18. Like
    Still_Small_Voice got a reaction from LoudLizard in Title of Liberty Movie   
    "Reign of Judges: Title of Liberty" looks like it would be a great movie and a missionary tool.  If anything it is a message of liberty like "The Patriot" movie was.  I know freedom is not free.  The creators of the movie are asking for $150,000 in funding to start.  Right now they have close to $22,100.  I may donate some funds to this.
  19. Like
    Still_Small_Voice got a reaction from Sunday21 in Bishop - Taking Away a Temple Recommend?   
    I have never in my thirty plus years as a member of the Latter-Day Saint church had a Bishop yell at me.  Many times my experience with a Bishop is one of accountability and the LORD calling me to be a better Saint.  I believe some of my weaknesses will be lifelong that will go with me through this mortal life.  But everything will be able to be overcome in the LORD so long as we humble ourselves and call on Him and strive to put Him first.  Praise the LORD for his mercy and long suffering toward us.
  20. Like
    Still_Small_Voice reacted to Grunt in Bishop - Taking Away a Temple Recommend?   
    Interesting.  That seems like an odd relationship in a religion to me.  The Bishop cares about you.  He's there to help you in any way he can.  Come to think of it, I don't particularly worry about any mortal. Maybe I'm the odd one.
  21. Like
    Still_Small_Voice reacted to a mustard seed in Bishop - Taking Away a Temple Recommend?   
    >,< You and @skippy740 called it. He had intended to call me as an FHE something or nother but with my schedule, it kind of makes things difficult. So, he called me as the ward indexer instead. I am relieved and a bit excited to get started.
    @Grunt The anxiety has very little to do with the bishop, so, please don't take my reactions as being indicative of members reactions as a whole towards their bishops. I fact, it is because I have been so close with my branch presidents/bishops in the past that I am feeling so anxious right now. I've had a conversation with this bishop once before and then I stopped coming to church frequently. The last time I stopped attending church, it was by choice and I went inactive for 8 years. He probably has no idea about my history but I was anxious about everybody thinking this was "Falling Away II" or something. Because it makes me sad to have to work on Sundays at all, and missing church on top of it? I didn't want this man whom doesn't know me very well to assume that I didn't care or wasn't trying. And it was my own stress and expectations that led me to be so anxious about this "vague meeting" with the Bishop. Not him nor his station. The topic of the thread too was indicative of my stress about "I'm not doing what I am supposed to be doing right now and everybody will assume it's because I'm being deliberately bad!!! Oh no!!!" insecurities.
    My bishop is such a loving and kind man and I could see it in his face as he deliberated right in front of me what he could give me to do. Because he loves me and cares about me and doesn't want to lose me. He wants me to feel included and connected and I just truly appreciate him being a man worthy of inspiration from the Spirit like that. Thak you all for the encouragement and being patient with me, lol.
  22. Like
    Still_Small_Voice got a reaction from seashmore in Title of Liberty Movie   
    The movie short is funded for The Title of Liberty.  $171,000 is what they have raised thus far.  This is great news!
  23. Thanks
    Still_Small_Voice got a reaction from Sunday21 in LDS Athletes Who Turned Down $400,000+ to Serve Missions   
    Did you know that three Latter-Day Saints turned down six-figure signing bonuses or more in order to serve a mission? And in doing so, they made history in a unique way.  These three were Jeremy Guthrie, McKay Christensen and Cale Iorg.  Read more on the article here:
  24. Like
    Still_Small_Voice got a reaction from Fether in LDS Athletes Who Turned Down $400,000+ to Serve Missions   
    Did you know that three Latter-Day Saints turned down six-figure signing bonuses or more in order to serve a mission? And in doing so, they made history in a unique way.  These three were Jeremy Guthrie, McKay Christensen and Cale Iorg.  Read more on the article here:
  25. Like
    Still_Small_Voice reacted to Latter-Day Marriage in What advice would you give someone considering divorce over income?   
    I think divorce is a GREAT idea, as long as we are talking about her divorcing herself from her parents.
    I was unemployed for over 2 years after the high tech crash in 2000, and it wasn't from lack of trying.  I finally got a job that payed the same rate I earned tutoring high school kids while I was in university, where employees were treated like dirt, and it was a 2 hour bus ride there and 2 hours back home every day.  That lasted a couple years then they laid everybody off and I was unemployed for 1.5 years after that.  Were times hard, you bet they were, but even when in-laws, parents, and others were casting a disdainful and suspicious eye my way over my failures, my wife stood by me and pushed back at their less than kind remarks.  She never turned on me and called me a failure or attacked me for what was happening and I needed that because I was down on myself over it enough on my own.
    It wasn't until 2008 that I landed a good job that started to set things right, and when I got it I prayed that I would not forget the lessons I learned from that trial.  We came out of it with a stronger marriage than before and a lot more. 

    Divorcing somebody you love over a low income is so shallow, so materialistic, so gold-digging, so immature, so short sighted, so selfish, so unchristian, so loving mammon rather than God.  Joseph Smith wasn't wealthy, Christ wasn't wealthy, Lehi lost all his money to Laban and lived in a tent, Job lost all his wealth, would she divorce them if she were married to them?