When did you realize your getting old?


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The older you get the older, "old" becomes. The other day i saw 90210 on tv and thought man those kids look young. Then i remembered when it was first on tv and how old the actors looked.

Then i realized.I'm getting old:(

Or maybe they hired younger actors this time :)

So when did you realize you were getting old?

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i think i saw that "i'm old" moment in my mom... lol we were going to my grandma's (her mom's) funeral. we were from florida but the funeral was in alabama... we had to rent a car and well odds of losing a car we aren't used to in a parking lot was pretty good so my dad got it with georgia plates so it would stand out better (he wasn't able to go with us, just mom and some of the kids).

so anyway she got stopped for speeding and the cop asked her why she was driving so fast, and questioning her, he wasn't to happy about the fl liscence, ga plates and being in al. so she was getting very upset and in trying to explain she says, "i didn't realize i was going that fast... (goes into the plates issue)..(starts crying).. i'm on my way to my mom's funeral and you're young enough to be my son!"

the cop didn't know what to do. he looked around at us kids, asked the oldest if they could drive yet (answer was no) and then said he would give her a warning and to please slow down. lol

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when the missionaries started saying "you remind me of my mom".... which was happening by 23 by the way lol sigh

I think it was a few months after I turned 20 that I had my first "I'm old" moment, when I realized that I was now older than about half the missionaries out there. Then I went on my mission (at 21 1/2) and realized that missions don't turn boys into men...they're still boys, but with a greater understanding of and love for the Gospel. But they're still immature.

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The older you get the older, "old" becomes. The other day i saw 90210 on tv and thought man those kids look young. Then i remembered when it was first on tv and how old the actors looked.

Then i realized.I'm getting old:(

Or maybe they hired younger actors this time :)

So when did you realize you were getting old?

I remember the original actors and if I recall they were already in their late 20's even though they were supposed to be playing high schoolers. I think these days they are using actors of the appropriate ages a lot more than they used to. I haven't seen the new 90210 though so I don't know (I only saw parts of the original one because my sister liked it and I was around 10 years old at the time).

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I think for me it happened at the grocery store when I found a little can of anti aging cream in my shopping cart. Yup. That was a good feeling.

Or maybe it was when my joints started getting stiff if I sat too long or perhaps it was when I started taking fiber every day.

My "sisters" hanging two inches lower that normal didn't help either. :(

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Guest TheLutheran

. . . My "sisters" hanging two inches lower that normal didn't help either. :(

I just realized that I'm not only old (it took me forever to "get" what you were talking about here Ms. 1/2 -- I thought it had something to do with your fellow female churchgoers at first) and a prude (I'm sure I blushed out loud)!! :eek:

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