Anyone else here that thinks money can solve A LOT of problems ?

Guest JoshDwellington

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Guest JoshDwellington

Hey !

Not too long ago, we had a talk from that old lady and she basically said :

" money is all the world is looking for, but money will never ever bring happiness" and

" all those who have money are greedy people that will never know the true Word of God"

Then, I mentioned my disagreement with a female friend (member), stating that being both financially comfortable AND happy was possible.

I even got further and said money and happiness could not be separated.

How surprised was I when several other members heard of my conversation and acted all horrified, looking at me like I was sinning !

Anyone else thinks that more money =

better schools for the kids ??

higher quality food ??

less worrying about the rent ?

better medical treatment ??

Lord never said money = sin !!

I mean I obviously over-simplified things to show that the lady's talk was biased, as well as exaggerated. Of course people who are higher in the social ladder aren't free of trouble and have their cons, but who would say they'd be happy with less money ???

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Having money lulls us into thinking that we can fix nearly every problem by throwing our money at it and making it go away. That is simply not the case. Having money simply brings with it different challenges than not having enough money. Very few of us would act and behave differently if our financial status were completely opposite of what it is now.

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When my husband had a job we could pay all of our bills, rent, we could buy good quality food, and squirrel some away for emergencies, occassionally do something special, and pay for the car when it broke down. With all that, I still didn't have health insurance (the kiddo was on Healthy Families) because it would have cost another $400 a month which would have remove our ability to eat. That sucked.

Now my husband doesn't have a job. Now we have to worry about how we're going to pay rent next month (skip EDD drama here) and that REALLY sucks.

Money doesn't buy happiness? Fah. The love of money doesn't buy happiness. Having the money you need to take care of what needs to be taken care of and then have the ability to share your substance afterwards is far better than not having enough money.

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Money is NOT the root of all evil as we often hear the Bible misquoted. It is the "love of money that is the root of all evil." Having money is not in and of itself bad. Money does get in the way a lot but it can be a good thing too.

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Guest Alana

Money can bring it's own problems, just like being very attractive can. Good thing I'm poor and ugly!!!

Money can buy lots of fun things. I like to do fun things, but I'm also easily entertained.

A study of lottery winners one year after they won the lottery didn't show the people being any happier. I still dream about winning the lottery, even if I don't play.

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Money can bring it's own problems, just like being very attractive can. Good thing I'm poor and ugly!!!

Money can buy lots of fun things. I like to do fun things, but I'm also easily entertained.

A study of lottery winners one year after they won the lottery didn't show the people being any happier. I still dream about winning the lottery, even if I don't play.

That is statistically impossible Alana I had to laugh. Just so you know, 100% of people that have won, have played so there you go :lol:

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There's a great exchange in It's a Wonderful Life where George Bailey asks Clarence if he has any money; Clarence replies that they don't have money in heaven and George retorts "Well, it comes in kind of handy down here, bub."

That pretty much sums up my thoughts.

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Being unemployed has let me see the blessing of having a paycheck. I've never asked to be rich. I just want to pay my bills and put some money aside to take the kids on a trip once a year and maybe even retire one day. I don't think that's sinful. The stress of unemployment and money issues is not good for families. There's nothing worse than rationing out food and having to minimize to such an extent that your quality of life is in serious jeopardy. Health insurance, gas in the car... those necessities and things can be easily taken for granted when you have steady paycheck.

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Being unemployed has let me see the blessing of having a paycheck. I've never asked to be rich. I just want to pay my bills and put some money aside to take the kids on a trip once a year and maybe even retire one day. I don't think that's sinful. The stress of unemployment and money issues is not good for families. There's nothing worse than rationing out food and having to minimize to such an extent that your quality of life is in serious jeopardy. Health insurance, gas in the car... those necessities and things can be easily taken for granted when you have steady paycheck.

I can;'t comment being the UK, the National Insurance scheme helps a lot in that situation, however we have been very poor as a couple, and at times I have been homeless - in those situations you recognise the hand of the Lord much more than you do when comfortable


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Being out of debt and having money put away for retirement would bring me happiness. That's all I ask for. Oh..and a new car.

That makes sense. But there is a need to cease wanting at this point, since more wanting leads to unhappiness. The more material possessions, puts us less in touch with our true essence and purpose.

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The wanting a new car enables me to work and to get to work. That helps me to get out of debt and put money away. I don't think that's asking too much.

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As spoken from a church pulpit in Saratoga Springs, UT:

"Money may not buy happiness, but it sure makes the misery easier to bear."

Money is crucial. Look at the Nephite cycle! When they're righteous, the Lord prospers them! Why? To make them trip and fall? No way. Because WEALTH IS A TOOL. WEALTH in the right hands can do more good than any number of poverty-stricken-but-well-intentioned souls!

I want wealth. Not because I want a boat. Not because I feel that granite countertops are a must-have. I want wealth so that I don't have to waste so much of my life stressing about how to stay afloat. I don't want to miss another month of home teaching because I was working till 10:30 at night, six days a week, with my truck's headlights on to light the way - in order to pay the bills. I want to retire at a reasonable age and spend DECADES serving missions all over the world! I want to be able to accept any calling that comes from the Lord - without hesitation or reservation - because my financial house is in order. I want to pay more tithing. I want to donate to more charities. I want to sponsor young men on their missions! I want to host firesides, FHE's, etc that build my bonds of love and friendship with my neighbors/community!

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I think having a lot of money is not bad, not a sin, is not something bad that we wish we had money, the bad things happen if we finally get to have a lot of money sometimes, it becomes difficult to focus on the good things having a lot pf money, money sometimes makes people proud, make'em believe you have the world under you, until you understand that monew doesnt buy health, doesnt buy a better life , might buy some quality in material stuff,

in conclusion money is not bad at all, is bad that having money makes people think that they have it all, and consequently forget that is for our HF, that we have everything..

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Money is covenient and dangerous. Used wisely it frees up time, and makes smooth the pathway to better living for our children. The Kingdom of God can also receive blessing from wealthy benefactors. However, for most middle and lower class folk, a windfall would like end up being mostly "wind" and "fall." Lottery winners are the classic example: 8 lottery winners who lost their millions - MSN Money

Of course we all think we're smarter. Greater may be He that is in us, but we are foolish if we think we can dance around the edges of Satan's temptations, and not get stung. "Better is one day in His courts, than thousands elsewhere."

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Money can take care of some basic needs such as food for your family, and a roof over their heads to protect them from the weather. Wanting a car that runs well and doesn't need costly repairs all the time is a good thing because it can allow someone to get to and from work to provide for their families.

Things like cable TV, the internet at home, and cell phones are luxury items.

Edited by ADoyle90815
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