Medical emergency in temple?


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my guess.... they would call the ambulance and while waiting they would give the person a blessing and then move them to the foyer to wait (if someone came with the person they would probably also leave to make medical decisions, etc)...... i would hope that's how they would handle it if it were me.

to me a more curious question would be what happens then? do they start the session over, does someone come in and take the name of the person/persons leaving and pick up where they left off, do they send the name back to be used in the next session?????

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Of course we'd let paramedics in. Why wouldn't we?

* We dress our endowed dead in temple clothing, and have no restrictions on who can come to the viewing.

* We hold open houses and invite the public to tour our temples, we just don't make the ceremonies public.

* Once I left my planner at a temple, and went back to get it the next day. They let me go past the front desk, in my street clothes, to go look for it at the security office.


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i'm having a hard time imagining what could happen in the temple that someone couldn't be moved. lol mind helping me out?

in my mind most likely medical emergencies in a temple would be heart attack, stroke, passing out, blood sugar issues, pregnant woman going into labor/water breaking..... seizure.... that's all that is coming to me right now.

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I'm sure they'd let them in. Somehow, leaving someone bleeding at the bottom of the stairs and not doing the right thing about it, doesn't strike me as probable.

lol ok i guess falling down the stairs (thus bleeding or something to deal with) could be a problem.... i go to a smaller temple, never been to one of the "really big" temples so in my mind i'm imagining the smaller temple (no stairs).... and thinking, why couldn't they move them, it's like 25 feet to the door? lol

i don't know how big the font is in the other temples but in ours it's just big enough for 2 ppl to perform the baptisims... sometimes when the youth are there they get in a groove and inch closer and closer to the side. if the witnesses aren't paying attention and tell them to move back to the center you can get your head clocked. i've seen it happen, no major injuries. not very conducive to the spirit though. lol (i'm sitting here thinking this shouldn't be funny.)

i agree i don't see why they wouldn't let emergency ppl in. in my mind though if there were a safe and reasonable way to escort them to the door they would. but then maybe that's just me. lol

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FYI, yes they do let emergency personal in, if the medical emergency happens during a ceremony it is put on hold until the emergency is handled. They will get patrons out of the way and have people posted to provide quick and easy and direct access for the emergency personal to the person needing attention and to keep patrons from wandering into the area.

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Unless the patient is in immediate danger, you are instructed not to move them. That's why you shouldn't move someone to the foyer. Especially if someone fell--they may have hurt their back or neck without you knowing and you can do more damage if you move them.

I'm with LM--there is absolutely no reason why emergency personnel cannot enter the temple. And I, personally, believe that it doesn't "desecrate" the temple to have them enter (I've heard people say that the temple needs to be "rededicated" or something). They are professionals doing their job and does not detract in any way the sacredness of our temple or the ceremonies performed there.

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I think they would let the medical personnel in, if the person who has the emergency is in a session then they take the name slip and place it back in the stack of names to allow someone else to go through for that name. It is what my temple does for anyone who is unable to finish a session for whatever reason.

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Public officials such as fire department, building inspectors, code enforcement officers, police department personal etc. are all given access to the temples as required by local laws. I am in a position with my company that I do work in the temples on a regular bassis. Sometimes if a repariman or technician with a recommend can't be found they will use someone qualified with no recommend. Those with no recommends who must enter are escorted at all times by temple staff. This would also apply to EMT's if they must go into the temple where a person was in need of help. The room would also be cleared of anyone who was in the process of a session or sealing and be relocated to another empty room to continue.

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When and if the person can be moved to the foyer it is done. If the patron cannot be moved, emergency personnel can be taken to the site, using the shortest route and the nearest exit point. All other patrons are not left in the area and as far as temple clothing goes, anything not necessary is removed so that anything sacred does not become a display or distract from the purpose of the emergency personnel. As for temple clothing on the deceased, that is not done until after public viewing, as instructed in the church handbook.

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lol ok i guess falling down the stairs (thus bleeding or something to deal with) could be a problem.... i go to a smaller temple, never been to one of the "really big" temples so in my mind i'm imagining the smaller temple (no stairs).... and thinking, why couldn't they move them, it's like 25 feet to the door? lol

Wouldn't want to move someone who has had a heart attack, a stroke or

a suspected spinal cord injury. The will of God would not be served by exacerbating the patient condition, would it?

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The Salt Lake temple has a great medical facility in it is what I was told by a doctor who had to help treat an individual with health problems. However I have never seen it so take the second hand information for what it is worth

Considering how often the GA's are there (and their age ^_^ ) I wouldn't be surprised if this were true.

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