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Is it sacrilegious to put an animals name in the Temple?

The temple is a special place for us because it is for eternal family blessings of a human nature; there is nothing wrong with a sincere prayer for your animal; but they canott receive the eternal blessings of the temple; it is not nessacery to have temple prayer for them; regular singular prayer is just as good for a pet; temple prayer role may help our feelings about the pet, but the temple is for man and woman;:)

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The temple is a special place for us because it is for eternal family blessings of a human nature; there is nothing wrong with a sincere prayer for your animal; but they canott receive the eternal blessings of the temple; it is not nessacery to have temple prayer for them; regular singular prayer is just as good for a pet; temple prayer role may help our feelings about the pet, but the temple is for man and woman;:)

They can't? Where is this in the scriptures? Unless you are simply stating that animals do not have eternal marriages.. which should go without saying. I don't think that is what this thread is about though.

After all.. animals were in the Garden were they not?

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well.............. probably isn't appropriate but I have done it. Remember the scripture that tells us to pray over our families, and animals? well. I love my animals so much that they are a part of my family.

I love animals very much too and I have prayed over them when injured and watched them be healed. Others I have prayed over and sadly but reassuringly watched them leave me to make their merry way to the Spirit world with me promising to be a 'good girl' so I can see them again someday.

A few years ago I used to live on a farm and one day I found my beautiful pet lamb laying on the ground under a heavy gate which had somehow fallen on him. He wasn't moving. It was an awful sight.

I knelt down and prayed for help to get the heavy gate off the lamb and prayed for him to recover. I got up picked up the heavy gate (easily I might add) and carried my lamb inside. I kept him warm as I watched the miracle of his recovery unfold. I cried with joy and thanksgiving for the beautiful gift of more earthly time with my beloved pet. :)

I haven't thought about putting pets names on the prayer roll when they are ill but I like the idea of putting their owners names on it.

I love this article called "the Gospel and Animals" on It has helped me and many of my animal loving friends both members and non members alike. - Ensign Article - The Gospel and Animals

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The temple is a special place for us because it is for eternal family blessings of a human nature; there is nothing wrong with a sincere prayer for your animal; but they canott receive the eternal blessings of the temple; it is not nessacery to have temple prayer for them; regular singular prayer is just as good for a pet; temple prayer role may help our feelings about the pet, but the temple is for man and woman;:)

putting names on the temple role has nothing to do with the ordinances performed there for our eternal progression. the prayer role is for those "sick or afflicted or needing the prayers of the temple patrons" the reason we put names on the list is that it is more powerful due to so many praying and that the prayers are from righteous people.

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Is it sacrilegious to put an animals name in the Temple?

Please refer to: Alma 34:

"17 Therefore may God grant unto you, my brethren, that ye may begin to exercise your faith unto repentance, that ye begin to call upon his holy name, that he would have mercy upon you;

18 Yea, cry unto him for mercy; for he is mighty to save.

19 Yea, humble yourselves, and continue in aprayer unto him.

20 Cry unto him when ye are in your fields, yea, over all your flocks.

21 Cry unto him in your houses, yea, over all your household, both morning, mid-day, and evening.

22 Yea, cry unto him against the power of your enemies.

23 Yea, cry unto him against the devil, who is an enemy to all righteousness.

24 Cry unto him over the crops of your fields, that ye may prosper in them.

25 Cry over the flocks of your fields, that they may increase.

26 But this is not all; ye must pour out your souls in your closets, and your secret places, and in your wilderness.

27 Yea, and when you do not cry unto the Lord, let your hearts be full, drawn out in prayer unto him continually for your welfare, and also for the welfare of those who are around you."

So why not have someone pray over your beloved animal?

Mary Fielding Smith prayed that her oxen would be healed so that she could make it to the Salt Lake Valley and it was healed.

All prayers whether they be made at home or in the temple turn to the same source and the scriptures are His words. So if He says that it's okay to pray over animals, then why not?

Just as long it is a true cause and of heartfelt measure rather than a mockery of the temple ordinance.

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My Bishop is teaching a financial class this month and one of the points he made at the first class was that God owns everything and we are the stewards of it. I know his point was to make us more aware of our blessings and to help us be more careful with our money but it applies across the board. My dogs belong to God, they are His. I have stewardship over them while they are on this Earth.

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The temple is a special place for us because it is for eternal family blessings of a human nature; there is nothing wrong with a sincere prayer for your animal; but they canott receive the eternal blessings of the temple; it is not nessacery to have temple prayer for them; regular singular prayer is just as good for a pet; temple prayer role may help our feelings about the pet, but the temple is for man and woman;:)

They can't? Where is this in the scriptures? Unless you are simply stating that animals do not have eternal marriages.. which should go without saying. I don't think that is what this thread is about though.

After all.. animals were in the Garden were they not?

I think it would probably be more accurate to state that animals have no need for the temple blessings. Most evidence I've read (I'm thinking Talmage, and not directly scriptural) indicates that animals don't have agency and, therefore, do not need the atonement. The extension of that would be that they aren't required to have faith.

Along those same lines, I don't think I'd ever consider putting an animal's name on the prayer rolls. They just don't have a need for it. The owner, however, might have a need, and so I might be inclined to include their need. However, if I were putting together the prayer roll and came across a request for Scruff'ems, I wouldn't not include it either.

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well.............. probably isn't appropriate but I have done it. Remember the scripture that tells us to pray over our families, and animals? well. I love my animals so much that they are a part of my family.

To me this is kinda silly. Animals are not "family" I know I know Im going to start getting hit with hate mail for that comment but none the less it is the truth. And you can not use the excuse of "love" because I know people who love their money FAR more than most of us love our pets and that does not make their dollar bills a member of the family.

Now dont get me wrong. I've had a couple of pets that when I lost them I admit I cried. They were dear to me! One had been my "best friend" for over 12 years. And I was an adult so not just lack of emotional control of a child. But I believe that when the Lord commanded to pray over our animals it isnt reference their eternal salvation. Remember what the Temple is for. The temple is where He gives you, His children the opportunity and duty to take up your role in "bringing to pass the immortality and eternal life of man"

Animals are not in need of saving. And so there is no reason to submit an animals name to the temple. And I know not all prayer requests to the temple are "salvation based" some are for health, or financial recovery in hard times and any number of other reasons. The point is the temple is for MAN to grow closer to his creator. Now, that is not to say you can not or should not pray for your animals. Pray for their health, pray for their recovery if they are sick or injured, and I would even acknowledge praying for their comfort and happiness. But lets not mock the House of the Lord with our PetsMart affections.

Now, I do have a question of my own. And I will only accept an answer from someone who is or has been in a Bishopric or higher... Can you administer a blessing of health or healing upon an animal? An example of this may be on a horse or ox upon which you rely for sustenance or labor.

Havejoy/ Margin of Error I didnt notice your posts before I made my own. I like what you say. Very well put.

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Now, I do have a question of my own. And I will only accept an answer from someone who is or has been in a Bishopric or higher... Can you administer a blessing of health or healing upon an animal? An example of this may be on a horse or ox upon which you rely for sustenance or labor.

I am not as a female in that position lol BUT

I know a man who was twice a District President, once a Stake President, served several times on Bishophrics amongst other church callings, who would have blessed an animal if asked - they didn't need to be for sustenance or labour although given his background could have been - his son blessed our dog after talking to him;) interestingly after he did that dog asked for a blessing on one occasion. At least one Branch President of 15 years service that went out at 2am to bless a dying cat, and one that blessed his washing machine (not sure he would recommend it lol he was terrified of his wife's reaction when she came back and found he had broken it - however blessing worked)

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My opinion is anything that is important to you is important to the Lord. We are to be a caring people. How we care about animals is typically a good indicator of how caring we are.

Specificaly about your question, I don't know if it's correct to submit an animal's name to the temple for prayer. But, I bet your Stake President could tell you. My hunch is it's not recommended.

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It's interesting to read everyone's opinions/comments in this thread. Thanks

While we are on one of my favourite topics - ANIMALS I have another article that I love which I wish to share with you from about - animals. LOL

I forgot to mention it when I posted another article titled "The Gospel and Animals" earlier in this thread.

It's titled "Where do animals fit in the eternal plan of things?"

I especially love this paragraph with the question -

Just what is the relationship between men and animals?

Men are children of God. Animals are for the benefit of man. This does not mean, however, that man is not to have a concern for this part of his stewardship. The prophets in all ages have indicated that man will be accountable for his treatment of animals and that justice and mercy should be exercised concerning them. Alma encourages us to pray over our flocks. (Alma 34:20, 25.) There are numerous examples in Church history of animals being administered to by the anointing of oil and their resultant healing. In the best-known incident, Mary Fielding Smith’s oxen were spared to bring her pioneer family, including a future President of the Church, Joseph F. Smith, to Utah. (Preston Nibley, Presidents of the Church, Deseret Book Co., 1959, pp. 234–34.)

link - Liahona Article - I Have a Question

Who couldn't love these guys?

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Most people are made of meat too. And yes, they are delicious! I know you're scratching your head about that "most" comment. To answer your question the rest are made of mostly hot air. Dont recommend eating those people. Give ya gas.

Yes but they are low in calorie. Perfect for those cannibals out there with bulging waistlines.

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As much as I love and appreciate animals, as much as I have prayed for animals and had my prayers answered (my first real experience with G-d answering prayers was as a young boy of eight praying for my dog); I am troubled with those that so value their pets that they think of them as family. I am not sure if they are devaluating children and spouse to the level of animals or so valuating animals to the level of children and spouse. I believe it is abusive to the role of parent and the covenant of marriage to prize, love and treat any animal the same or better than children or spouse but I have sadly seen it done and sincerely hope that this is not the attitude of anyone on this forum.

The Traveler

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I love my animals very much but have never thought of their need for temple prayer...however not too long ago I wanted my dh to give my dog a blessing on the basis of her poor health. (he did refuse but I prayed daily over that dog and she did get better).

I do believe God cares for our animals and will bless them because of our concern.

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I am troubled with those that so value their pets that they think of them as family. I am not sure if they are devaluating children and spouse to the level of animals or so valuating animals to the level of children and spouse. I believe it is abusive to the role of parent and the covenant of marriage to prize, love and treat any animal the same or better than children or spouse but I have sadly seen it done and sincerely hope that this is not the attitude of anyone on this forum.

The Traveler

I love animals - I especially love cats they are wonderful companions, - but I love my Father in Heaven and my Saviour Jesus Christ more than I can say - I love my husband with all my heart, plus my grown sons, my parents, my siblings and my many friends and relatives of whom I love too.

Sometimes animal lovers are mistaken as loving their pets more than they do their spouse etc but I think that it appears that way simply because animals are quite dependant on their owners. If we cannot look after our animals properly we shouldn't have them.

Maybe people love animals because the animals love them back - maybe there is something lacking.

My cats provide things my husband cannot for example they keep me company and are of great comfort when he is at work and I am alone & in pain but they are not his substitute.

I even have a cat here with me as I type this - I must say that animals show us humans how to love no matter what - unconditionally. We can learn a lot about loving others from their example. I would hope that humans would act with the same love and compassion the animals shows us.

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated”

Mahatma Ghandi

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