Mormons who swear ALOT outside of church


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My wife made a comment about a member who was at a curves session the other day. She was watching as another member was using multiple 4 letter words over and over about the temple and the church. She said she did not see my wife but then, saw her and shut up. When that person left, others said "I can see you and sister doe being members of the church, but her??? no way!"

My wife said she sounded like she had truckers mouth. She was a little embarrassed.

Ever seen a case like this? From my understanding, the bishopric has warned her about her foul mouth.

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Apostle J Golden Kimball was famous for his swearing during his talks. The main reason I do not swear is because I was raised in a home where swearing was forbidden. I never heard my father cuss. I know many good people that were raised in a home where swearing was an implicit part of expressing important things and showing emotion. It is difficult when someone like me meet up with the later.

I have learned that many people that swear are spiritually inept but I have also learned there are exceptions. What a person does is always more important than what they say and what they do when they are not required to do anything is more important than what they do when they feel they must.

The Traveler

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with some its just a habit they are working on breaking, I know occasionally an odd swear word comes out of my mouth after I have spent time with my Mum and brother. Doesn't make them a bad person just means its one of their things they are struggling with

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My wife made a comment about a member who was at a curves session the other day. She was watching as another member was using multiple 4 letter words over and over about the temple and the church. She said she did not see my wife but then, saw her and shut up. When that person left, others said "I can see you and sister doe being members of the church, but her??? no way!"

My wife said she sounded like she had truckers mouth. She was a little embarrassed.

Ever seen a case like this? From my understanding, the bishopric has warned her about her foul mouth.

I suggest people to look up J. Golden Kimball....

that being said this would have to be a case by case basis.

Some have to work harder on it than others.

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Apostle J Golden Kimball was famous for his swearing during his talks.

Brother Kimball primarily used "Biblical" swears, though, didn't he? "Damn" and "hell" but out of context. Incidentally, an amusing bit of trivia about him: the first time a radio broadcast was ever censored due to offensive language was during a General Conference broadcast while J. Golden was speaking.

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I find profanity to be an interesting subject.

Sometimes the proper term is cursing

I call a friend a dog (jokingly) " you dog" no big deal.

I call a friend the proper female dog name. I'm cursing.

Sometimes it's the improper term that is cursing

" bowel movement" no big deal

" .slang word for it" Cursing

Acceptance depends on culture

On top of that you have all those "mormon swears"

"What the heck" What makes what the heck ok when it is being used to say the same thing? (Unless around children in which case i can understand)

But really isn't saying "You're a jerk" the same as saying " You're a (insert swear). or saying Raca?

I don't think it is the term Raca (or a new swear word) that is the problem. it is saying it to your brother that is the issue.

my 2 cents

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I find it interesting that this entire thread is basically saying that a Mormon that swears is not a good Mormon. That is ridiculous. I have studied linguistics for quite awhile. Swearing is linked to dialect and judging someone based on their dialect is ridiculous. While poor language can be a mark of a lack of refinement or even rebellion it is not a mark of a lack of value or goodness...

Or like the person who said "Swearing Mormons are the worst kind." Judge... Judge... Judge... There are lots of things worse than swearing.

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I find it interesting that this entire thread is basically saying that a Mormon that swears is not a good Mormon. That is ridiculous. I have studied linguistics for quite awhile. Swearing is linked to dialect and judging someone based on their dialect is ridiculous. While poor language can be a mark of a lack of refinement or even rebellion it is not a mark of a lack of value or goodness...

Or like the person who said "Swearing Mormons are the worst kind." Judge... Judge... Judge... There are lots of things worse than swearing.

So your saying God thinks its quite alright to use foul language or swearing?

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I find it interesting that this entire thread is basically saying that a Mormon that swears is not a good Mormon. That is ridiculous. I have studied linguistics for quite awhile. Swearing is linked to dialect and judging someone based on their dialect is ridiculous. While poor language can be a mark of a lack of refinement or even rebellion it is not a mark of a lack of value or goodness...

Or like the person who said "Swearing Mormons are the worst kind." Judge... Judge... Judge... There are lots of things worse than swearing.

I agree with the bold part.

I've always had a colourful vocabulary but anyone that knows me knows that I have strong moral values. My aunt is also a good example of someone with a naughty mouth but is probably one of the most compassionate and caring people you'll ever meet. She's not LDS but believes you treat others as you'd wish to be treated. And she's a great role model to me because of her huge efforts in animal rescue and volunteering with the homeless. Oh and I also liked LM's post :] Well stated.

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I have a hard time agreeing with its ok to sin a little. lol

Who said it's OK to sin a little? (I admit I haven't read this entire thread..)

My point simply was, you can have a mouth like a sailor and be a bit rough around the edges but be one of the most ethical people around. Yes foul language is a turn off and in most cases unnecessary BUT it doesn't strip away one's core values. But everyone is going to have different opinions on this. I just think basing one's "goodness" based on their language is silly. How many LDS have clean vocabs but are more than willing to back-stab you?

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So your saying God thinks its quite alright to use foul language or swearing?

Using the Lord's name in vain is a sin. Foul language? Who is the judge of that?

Back in the 80's the F word was new in the Philippines - we used it a lot! It sounded COOL! It's like saying "like" after every word... You know, like, when Marissa, like, flipped her hair and like, everybody sorta, like, wanted to follow.

But you say the Spanish word for milk and you won't even see the back of my mom's hand swinging towards your face... you just feel your face go WHAM! explode.

It is not the words that is foul. It is the INTENT behind those words. My dog mated with a first-class AKC bitch. Nothing wrong with that. Use it with a different intent - intended to bring down women - you just transgressed against your sisters. And it wouldn't matter one bit if you change the word to "witch"!

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Using the Lord's name in vain = Swearing to another person in the name of God about the truthfulness of an act that is false.

Calling on the Lord to damn something, as in saying "G-d damn it!" or "G-d damn you!" is not the same thing. It is not using the Lord's name in vain, but simply being disrespectful by asking the Lord to damn someone or something trivially.

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