Cola Drinks


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I've seen quite a few threads about Cola drinks, and the differing opinions about it by posters. I know the discussion about it is already closed but I'm quite not satisfied with the answers. So i just thought I should give a little info about the subject: Check out ENSIGN December 2008 issue pgs. 47 - 52, and Doctrine and covenants Institute manual pg. 209 (D&C 89:9). I believe these two should do it and fix LDS' stand on cola drinks and other beverages with addictive substance once and for all. :lol:

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Check out ENSIGN December 2008 issue pgs. 47 - 52,

I assume you're referring to this article: - Ensign Article - The Energy Drink Epidemic

The article is written by a physician who works for the Church Missionary Department. He is not a General Authority, nor are his statements binding. Furthermore, the article focuses primarily on energy drinks, not sodas.

and Doctrine and covenants Institute manual pg. 209 (D&C 89:9).

You mean this statement?:

Some of the early Brethren explained what was meant by this phrase. Hyrum Smith, brother of the Prophet, wrote: “And again, ‘hot drinks are not for the body, or belly;’ there are many who wonder what this can mean; whether it refers to tea, or coffee, or not. I say it does refer to tea, and coffee.” (“The Word of Wisdom,” Times and Seasons, 1 June 1842, p. 800.)

The Prophet Joseph Smith said: “I understand that some of the people are excusing themselves in using tea and coffee, because the Lord only said ‘hot drinks’ in the revelation of the Word of Wisdom. . . .

“Tea and coffee . . . are what the Lord meant when He said ‘hot drinks.’” (In Joel H. Johnson, Voice from the Mountains [salt Lake City: Juvenile Instructor Office, 1881], p. 12.)

Again, it says absolutely nothing about cola drinks.

I believe these two should do it and fix LDS' stand on cola drinks and other beverages with addictive substance once and for all. :lol:

Congratulations. You're not a General Authority and your opinions bear no weight on the general membership of the Church.

P.S. Typically when threads are closed, it's for a reason.

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I've seen quite a few threads about Cola drinks, and the differing opinions about it by posters. I know the discussion about it is already closed but I'm quite not satisfied with the answers. So i just thought I should give a little info about the subject: Check out ENSIGN December 2008 issue pgs. 47 - 52, and Doctrine and covenants Institute manual pg. 209 (D&C 89:9). I believe these two should do it and fix LDS' stand on cola drinks and other beverages with addictive substance once and for all. :lol:

In case you don't want to go searching for the links. - Ensign Article - The Energy Drink Epidemic

Doctrine and Covenants Institute Student Manual - Section 89 - The Word of Wisdom

But no, neither of these sources really give a definitive answer as the first is written by a physician who consults with the Missionary Department (in other words, not a General Authority, let alone a prophet, seer, or revelator), and the article is geared toward caffeine abuse, which doesn't necessarily speak to all caffeine consumption.

The second statement refers to addiction and dependency as well. Again, that doesn't speak to all forms of caffeine consumption.

I think it's a bit of a stretch to try to take these statements to mean "caffeine = eternal evil." It's just as much of a stretch to say that caffeine is never bad, based on these articles. As is so often the case, pragmatism will come out victorious (or something like that)

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I'm a little more relaxed on leaving threads open than other mods. I wouldn't be surprised to see it closed later if another mod decides to do so.

My theory is that perhaps, in the off chance and if the moon is blue enough, someone might make a comment or two that benefits someone (member or lurker). As long as the thread remains civil, I'm okay with leaving it open.

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Suzie: I had a young men’s leader once who used to chide me every single week because my family didn’t drink caffeinated beverages. At one time it got so bad that I told my mom I wanted to change wards. I don’t know what this guy’s deal was… I wasn’t pushing MY choices on anyone else, or expressing the sentiment that I felt cola drinks were against the word of wisdom (at that time I was still figuring out why I thought about it myself, and who was I to lecture anyone on the finer points of the WoW), but this man felt the need to make a big deal of it week after week after week.

For some reason, it is a big deal to a lot of people. I look at it this way: There is counsel, and there is commandment. Breaking counsel usually leads to a breaking of a commandment. Even if a GA, or 70, or whatever says drinking cola is bad this would be counsel, probably because it can be addictive, which could then put someone in violation of the commandment… but I don’t know a single person who has had their temple recommend taken away for drinking a Mountain Dew.

When I was on my mission I was told the coke people would offer us in bottles was much healthier than the water =)

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In my opinion, who really cares? If someone thinks that cola drinks are wrong for them, that is great. If someone wants to drink them, that is great, too?

It reminds me of people more concerned about living the letter of the law than the spirit of the law. The church purposely doesn't overdictate to us our diets. Do we really want to be told in detail how to eat and drink? That takes away our freedom. We should focus almost entirely on Love of God, Love of each other and the other basic commandments.

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Speaking of addicting substances like Pepsi and Coke....why does no one ever mention Dr. Pepper? That stuff has more caffeine than either of the 2 'standards'.

Sugar is addicting, and it doesn't have caffeine. Cherries can be addicting. Basically, you use your own judgement and try to not become dependent on anything to help you get through the day.

I feel for you, Twisted_Fairytales. There are times when I want a Dr. Pepper so bad I'd almost pull a Rapunzel's mom. Unfortunately cutting out colas was my New Year's resolution even before I knew I was pregnant so I'm stuck :P

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I've seen quite a few threads about Cola drinks, and the differing opinions about it by posters. I know the discussion about it is already closed but I'm quite not satisfied with the answers. So i just thought I should give a little info about the subject: Check out ENSIGN December 2008 issue pgs. 47 - 52, and Doctrine and covenants Institute manual pg. 209 (D&C 89:9). I believe these two should do it and fix LDS' stand on cola drinks and other beverages with addictive substance once and for all. :lol:

Please provide the link. Something you need to ask yourself, what is more addictive just not in sodas but almost everything we tend to eat today, sugar or caffeine?

Reference Materials: - Ensign Article - The Word of Wisdom: The Principle and the Promises - New Era Article - Not for the Body - Liahona Article - Caffeine - The Subtle Addiction - Ensign Article - Cancer, Nutrition, and the Word of Wisdom: One Doctors Observations - Ensign Article - My Obsession with Food

Edited by Hemidakota
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In my opinion, who really cares? If someone thinks that cola drinks are wrong for them, that is great. If someone wants to drink them, that is great, too?

It reminds me of people more concerned about living the letter of the law than the spirit of the law. The church purposely doesn't overdictate to us our diets. Do we really want to be told in detail how to eat and drink? That takes away our freedom. We should focus almost entirely on Love of God, Love of each other and the other basic commandments.

Basically, we should be self-governed. :D

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Speaking of addicting substances like Pepsi and Coke....why does no one ever mention Dr. Pepper? That stuff has more caffeine than either of the 2 'standards'.

Sugar is addicting, and it doesn't have caffeine. Cherries can be addicting. Basically, you use your own judgement and try to not become dependent on anything to help you get through the day.

I feel for you, Twisted_Fairytales. There are times when I want a Dr. Pepper so bad I'd almost pull a Rapunzel's mom. Unfortunately cutting out colas was my New Year's resolution even before I knew I was pregnant so I'm stuck :P

How about Afro Cola days...number one drink for college students in the past. :P Maybe it is time to come out with my latest TURBO BOOST Patches.

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I think the only reason there is so much confusion on this particular subject is because of what President Hinkley said during his Larry King interview so long ago. I found a transcript of the interview. Here is the dialog.

CALLER: I was wondering about some of the guidelines in dietary restrictions Mormons live by, and how strictly members follow it. Because I was reading, once, the word of wisdom. My impression was that its major point was that one should respect all life, including animals and, as such, only consume them when absolutely necessary to sustain life, and to then eat them sparingly. But I've noticed that Mormon -- this is rarely followed by Mormons, and I'm wondering if this has anything to do with, as reported by "TIME" magazine.

Larry King: OK, president?

Gordon B. Hinckley: Oh, I don't know. You've read a part of the word of wisdom. The word of wisdom covers many things. It covers the excessive use of meat, as I see it. It covers, in a very particular way, the use of tobacco and alcohol.

Larry King: By saying no?

Gordon B. Hinckley: By saying, by proscribing those things.

Larry King: No to caffeine?

Gordon B. Hinckley: No to caffeine, coffee and tea.

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Im drinking pepsi or coke every day at the minute, Im craving it in my pregnancy!!

You sound like me -- my husband and I had a barbecue for the 4th and bought a pack of Dr. Pepper expecting that people would come and drink it. But noooo... there is a ton of it left. However, the doctor told me to watch the caffeine intake no matter where it comes from (coffee, tea (obviously I don't drink those, but they were mentioned just in case), soda)... I'm having such a hard time keeping my hands off that soda! It's terrible! ...But then I figure the kid should turn out okay if I avoid it for 9 months so I'm sure gonna try, lol.

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This horse has been dead for years, it's time to stop beating it. Unless you're tenderizing in preparation to eat it. In which case there is the saying about swallowing a horse whole, but straining at gnats.

Without dead horses what would we talk about. Besides i like the "ambiguity" of this topic, as a youth it allowed me to be a "bad boy" without actually being a bad boy. Standing by my mothers station wagon kicking back a jolt cola....


plus this



(the picture is not me)

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(the picture is not me)

Of course not. You're muscular, blue, ugly and can change yourself into a rocket, your arm in to a cannon or something else for dramatic or comedic effect. You are after all, Hordak, a bad guy who secretly wants to be good, because he's not that good at being bad.

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