What in the heck? These kids vandalized their own ward...


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Teens set fire to Pleasant Grove LDS church

My friend had been following this story and sending me links because we had been discussing religious hate crimes. I was particularly interested in this one, because I had mentioned that with all the controversy surrounding the church's stance on homosexual marriages that there might be some renegades who try and mess with the church to make a statement. So I just assumed it was the result of religious intolerance at the hands of some infantile teenagers. But then today she sent me this link.

LDS Church Vandalized - Connect2Utah.com

After some time, it was discovered that the kids were actually all LDS too. What in the heck? It is just a really bizarre story that I don't understand. Has anyone had something like this happen at their local wards? A member vandalizing their own building? I guess I don't understand why they would write anti-Mormon statements when they were Mormon themselves. Maybe mental illness?

Just kind of sad, I didn't know if anyone else had heard about this story. I know some of you are Utahan's, I thought maybe there was more coverage of this where you lived.

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I guess I don't understand why they would write anti-Mormon statements when they were Mormon themselves. Maybe mental illness?

Just not being the most introspective of teens? Also possible they wanted to shift blame away from them. The thinking may have been similar to yours, that nobody would expect LDS of doing such a thing.

Edited by Dravin
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maybe they hated mom and dad making them go to church? i've seen rebellious teens more than once. that's a rough age. still no real power or control over your life, totally dependent on mom and dad and their rules. but more than old enough to make life miserable for them. if they aren't converted i could see it turning into a mess like this.

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I think it could be mental illness since normal teens who don't like being made to go to church by their parents don't burn down their church. Most teens who don't like going to church just go along with their parents while they're still living at home, as they understand "my house, my rules." For some of them, they wait until they move on their own, and end up quitting their childhood church. Some go to a different denomination, and others quit organized religion altogether unless it's for a family funeral or other obligation.

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I'm thinking Gwen's guess is pretty likely. A lot more likely than some sort of group shared-mental-illness thing.

There can be a huge gap between appearing on church rolls and showing up on Sunday, and being converted the the Gospel of Christ.

My wife has more than a few stories about gang bangers who somehow still managed to show up on time to bless the sacrament.


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Just not being the most introspective of teens? Also possible they wanted to shift blame away from them. The thinking may have been similar to yours, that nobody would expect LDS of doing such a thing.

That's a good point. Maybe they thought writing those words would keep them out of suspicion. I never considered that before. So sad. I would never DREAM of defacing someone's property as a kid, much less a flipping church. Much less my own. :huh:

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My wife has more than a few stories about gang bangers who somehow still managed to show up on time to bless the sacrament.


Okay, it isn't SUPPOSED to be funny, but somehow that statement still made me spit my Sprite all over my keyboard.

Gang bangers? Does she mean that term literally, or just referring to hoodlums in general?

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My wife has more than a few stories about gang bangers who somehow still managed to show up on time to bless the sacrament.

Okay, it isn't SUPPOSED to be funny, but somehow that statement still made me spit my Sprite all over my keyboard.

Gang bangers? Does she mean that term literally, or just referring to hoodlums in general?

I wish it was funny. No, real live gang members. It's a term they use to refer to themselves. They'd be off Saturday night getting high or drunk, committing various criminal or immoral acts (or both), and give the parents some cock-and-bull story about their whereabouts. And the parents would often buy the story, because they looked like such nice young people at church, all dressed up in their suits or dresses.

It's really not that funny. My wife had to visit these idiots in the emergency room lots of times - and attend more than one funeral before she had graduated high school. This was in decent, respectable Sandy Utah.

And I can pretty much also guarantee that it's going on in your ward also, to one extent or another.


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We had some kids in MN vandalize the church during seminary when they got kicked out of class for being little t***s. (Or maybe I should say BIG ones.)

I'm not surprised it was members of the ward that lit the fires. Some kids push to see how far they can go. Lots of times it's spoiled, bored rich kids with not enough chores or responsibilites.

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I wish it was funny. No, real live gang members. It's a term they use to refer to themselves.............

It's really not that funny........


My apologies. I wasn't laughing at the behavior so much as the term, which I haven't heard used outside of a very specific context (not the one you described). I'm sure it is infuriating to witness this in your ward.

I don't find punk kids committing crimes and then putting on a show of piety at church very funny myself. As for my old ward, well....we only had two teen boys who were members. The current missionaries usually had to pass sacrament.

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The words spoken by LM are very true whether we wish to believe or acknowledge the facts or not. Yes it is sad, but if any parent/adult thinks it's not possible or true in pretty much every town to some degree or the other then I hate it for them. For kids raised LDS some of the reasons may be what I refer to as the "preachers son/daughter" syndrone. It's not really a syndrone but I think most of you know what I'm trying to say. You crack the door because they have reached a certain age, give them a little breathing room and they loose it. I've tried to think of ways to help. To get involved more in the lives of teens in our town. Easier said than done. Prayer, and lots of it is the most I can do right now besides keeping my eyes and ears open and doing everything I can to keep the communication thing between me and my sons strong. Ages 13, 19 and 20. There has been things they've talked to me about going on in our town that is unbelievable. And I thought I was a rebel at that age. :(

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Teens set fire to Pleasant Grove LDS church

My friend had been following this story and sending me links because we had been discussing religious hate crimes. I was particularly interested in this one, because I had mentioned that with all the controversy surrounding the church's stance on homosexual marriages that there might be some renegades who try and mess with the church to make a statement. So I just assumed it was the result of religious intolerance at the hands of some infantile teenagers. But then today she sent me this link.

LDS Church Vandalized - Connect2Utah.com

After some time, it was discovered that the kids were actually all LDS too. What in the heck? It is just a really bizarre story that I don't understand. Has anyone had something like this happen at their local wards? A member vandalizing their own building? I guess I don't understand why they would write anti-Mormon statements when they were Mormon themselves. Maybe mental illness?

Just kind of sad, I didn't know if anyone else had heard about this story. I know some of you are Utahan's, I thought maybe there was more coverage of this where you lived.

First time i've seen the story. yes each case is sad.

Even people who are born into the church need to attain a testimony of it for themselves. Young people tend to be vulnerable to peer pressure. and temptation is something everyone has to fight with.

It's also easy to fall away from truth and reject the teachings. Generally when that happens things go downhill from there.

.... or it may be what Bill cosby says about kids:

Kids are brain damaged ;P

And such just illuminates how true when the prophets say that the devil strives hardest against families and young people, especially those who are in the gospel.

Edited by Blackmarch
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We had some kids in MN vandalize the church during seminary when they got kicked out of class for being little t***s. (Or maybe I should say BIG ones.)

I'm not surprised it was members of the ward that lit the fires. Some kids push to see how far they can go. Lots of times it's spoiled, bored rich kids with not enough chores or responsibilites.

um...whats the stars supposed to mean?

Fill in the blanks. ;)

Twits? I can't for the life of me figure out what word starting with a /t/ would need to be censored.

Has anyone seen the movie Saved?

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