TV Shows


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Can anyone recommend some decent TV shows and movies?

It doesn't have to be kid-friendly. I'm a single girl in my 20s. I can overlook mild foul language and violence as long as the violence is good guys vs. bad guys.

I like Burn Notice and all of the cop shows. Also enjoyed LOST even thought it was CRAZY!

I like sci-fi shows, too, and have seen most of them. Maybe you have an obscure one to suggest?

Thanks so much!

I'm stuck in Korea until April. Been here 10 months and am running out of entertainment options.


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Some fun, good shows:

Chuck - Start with season one. This is a fun, church-friendly show with little to no cursing, but a brilliant cast and incredible writing.

Supernatural - Season one is a bit slow-going - It's pretty mindless 'Monster of the Week' style fighting. The ending of season one is great, though, and Season 2 builds to the overarching story of the whole show in Season 3, where it hits its stride.

Glee - I'm sure you've watched it. ;) Start with season 1. It's entertaining.

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Thank you for the suggestions! I will check them all out!

PrisonChaplain, I've been watching a few Korean dramas on mysoju. I like The Coffee Shop Prince. I find that Korean TV shows are VERY tame and full of DRAMA. There is even a Korean drama that is a lot like 24 in the U.S. It involves a South Korean secret agent being sought by North Korean spies.

I've heard good things about Off The Map. I'll try to watch it this weekend.

I really appreciate the recommendations!

Have a great weekend, guys!


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Movies (my favorites this year):


How to Train Your Dragon

Toy Story 3

Yeah, they're all animation. But, the non-animated ones are blah this year.

Okay, non-animated ones:


Ironman 2

Alice in Wonderland

And for TV Shows - this one has been from a few years back - so you're probably gonna catch this on DVD or reruns in Nickelodeon:

Avatar the Last Airbender (ok, it's animation too - but it's really cool).

A good one still running:

Clone Wars (ok, another animation)

Top Shot (reality show about multi-weapon sharp shooters - I really liked this for some reason)

Dancing With The Stars - I was soo on my feet about Jennifer Gray (Baby in Dirty Dancing)

And if you're into Martial Arts:

Grandmaster Ip Man - this one has some broken bone violence and world war 2 violence (it's a mostly-true story about Bruce Lee's mentor).

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TV shows I recommend:

Supernatural, The Good Wife, Fringe (S3 is really good so far), Bones, Masterpiece Classics (if you like period pieces, MC has some really good choices, a recent one is Downton Abbey, there's also Cranford and Return to Cranford). The really good sitcoms are The Big Bang Theory and Outsourced.

Movies I recommend are:

Stranger than Fiction, Lars and the real Girl, District 9, Star Trek (the newest one).

Have fun watching!


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Can anyone recommend some decent TV shows and movies?

It doesn't have to be kid-friendly. I'm a single girl in my 20s. I can overlook mild foul language and violence as long as the violence is good guys vs. bad guys.

I like Burn Notice and all of the cop shows. Also enjoyed LOST even thought it was CRAZY!

I like sci-fi shows, too, and have seen most of them. Maybe you have an obscure one to suggest?

Thanks so much!

I'm stuck in Korea until April. Been here 10 months and am running out of entertainment options.


Meghan - if you love SciFi shows, have you caught the great ones on the SyFy Channel? My favs are: Sanctuary, Eureka, Warehouse 13 & Caprica. They are very well done, excellent action scenes, & very captivating. I don't watch regular TV very much as there is not much that I find worthwhile to watch. I have found that cable channels offer better shows than regular TV.

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If you can get Netflix, it is totally worth it to get the entire X-Files series, Buffy & Angel, Stargate Atlantis, and many others. I know Lost is unavailable for streaming video, and some others I'd like to see, but I think it's a matter of time before everything is available for streaming.

Lost 1-6 is available for internet streaming or network (DVD player streaming for Netflix capable DVD machines)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Can anyone recommend some decent TV shows and movies?

It doesn't have to be kid-friendly. I'm a single girl in my 20s. I can overlook mild foul language and violence as long as the violence is good guys vs. bad guys.

I like Burn Notice and all of the cop shows. Also enjoyed LOST even thought it was CRAZY!

I like sci-fi shows, too, and have seen most of them. Maybe you have an obscure one to suggest?

Thanks so much!

I'm stuck in Korea until April. Been here 10 months and am running out of entertainment options.


I go the sci-fi route or the more educational ones... anyways shows that I've enjoyed;

Star Trek (OS), TNG, DS9, Voyager

Stargate SG-1

Babylon 5 (first 4 seasons)



The Dresden Files

The Vision of Escaflowne


Abbott and Castillo


Animal Planet


Future Weapons

Storm Chasers

Famous Dogfights


Border Patrol

Alaska State troopers

Modern Marvels

World's Toughest Fixes

Unsolved Mysteries


Super Structures of the World

American Chopper

Ultimate Factories

Mail Call

Big Stuff

Deadliest Journeys

Standalone movies I like:

Star Trek 1-13

Star wars original trilogy.


Spirited away

Nausicaa of the valley of the wind

Princess mononoke

Grave of the Fireflies

Howl's walking castle

Saints and SOldiers




Princess Bride (really good)

The Great Race (Really good)





Flubber (both versions), Son of Flubber

Herbie series.

Pink Panther series (original)

It's a mad mad mad world.

What's up doc?

Trinity is my name, Trinity is still my name, My name is Trinity

Never Ending story (first one)

Bicentennial man


Mrs Frisby and the rats of N.Y.M.H.

American Tail 1-2

Hunchback of Notre Dame

The Hunt for the Red October

Scarlet Pimpernel

Inspector General

Emperor's new Groove

Final Fantasy, the Dream Within

Apple Dumpling Gang, Apple Dumpling Gang Rides again

Haunting of hill house (original)

The Mummy 1 and 2

Indiana Jones 1,3,4

Chariots of Fire (Really Good)


Remember the titans

October sky


Titan AE


Over the Hedge

all of the Pixar films so far

Shrek series.


War Wagon

High Noon

The Truman Show

Finding Neverland

The Jungle Book

Around the world in 80 days.

Sherlock Holmes (the most recent version)

2,000 leagues under the sea

Edited by Blackmarch
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Lost 1-6 is available for internet streaming or network (DVD player streaming for Netflix capable DVD machines)

Awesome. It must have recently become available. I just finished Season 2 of Dollhouse, Pillars of the Earth, and I'm watching Season 1 of Heroes now. I've missed all kinds of stuff in the past several years. I think Joss Whedon is brilliant.

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I've heard good things about The Guild. If I recall correctly, it's a web series, so it's only available online, right?

Nope. You can get the earlier seasons as DVDs from Netflix. (Let's see if I can come up with a link.) In fact, you can get all four seasons on DVD. First three seasons you can stream on Netflix (one stream per season; no repeating titles or credits). Fourth season is "Very long wait" for the DVD, so I watched it on-line at the official site.

So, I'm a fan. Where were the Felicia Days (double major in Math and Violin Performance) when I was getting my degree in English with double minors in Math and Physics? Fifty years too late.:(

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