Joseph Smith Fought Polygamy


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Restoration Bookstore -- Who We Are

We are believers in Jesus Christ and His true Gospel, which was restored by Him through His servant, Joseph Smith, Jr. and continued by Him in the Reorganization of 1860 through His servant Joseph Smith III. The Restoration Bookstore is sponsored by Price Publishing Company, a nonprofit corporation dedicated to the preservation and publication of materials supporting these principles. The Restoration Bookstore began operation on January 23, 1989, and has continued to provide books and materials supporting these beliefs. We went online April 6, 2003, which was one hundred and seventy-three years after the Church was organized. We are pleased to make these resources available to you and hope you will visit us often and find spiritual strength from this site.

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Two interesting experiences I've had:

1- I inherited an old book published by the church in the early 1900's. On the subject of the claims made by those who thought Joseph Smith III should be the new prophet. It presented ten or fifteen of the restored church's claims, and gave what sounded like a well-reasoned and relevant reply to why it was hogwash.

2- I got to talk online to a member of the RLDS church who tried to convince me JS III was the real successor. I pulled out the book, and was utterly surprised to find this guy was making the exact same points that my book had addressed. So without knowing much about the issue, I was able to just type a few highlights of my church's response that left the guy totally without any response.


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I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that this is from someone from the Community of Christ church (formerly known as the RLDS church). They vehemently deny that Joseph ever taught or practiced polygamy.

You're correct. That was the first thing I looked for on the site.

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I thought the RLDS (aka. C of C) acknowledged Smith's polygamy finally, but downplayed it, kind of like they downplay the whole translation process, the first vision, and generally everything unique about the founding of the church. Didn't they even accept the trinity and the creeds that Smith was told were an abomination?

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But the fact that Joseph was found innocent in court hearings still makes me wonder. If he did practice polygamy he would have at least been found guilty on that account.

Just out of curiosity, why the interest in exonerating Smith of practicing polygamy? What difference does it make if he did or he didn't?

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Just out of curiosity, why the interest in exonerating Smith of practicing polygamy? What difference does it make if he did or he didn't?

Particularly since succeeding prophets did so in ways that one can't even begin to deny. Usually you find the arguments that he didn't being made by those who have trouble reconciling prophet + polygamy, but if one is LDS (instead of RLDS/CoC) that just kinda shifts the problem it doesn't eliminate it. You still have prophets practising polygamy.

Edited by Dravin
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Lessee, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob(Israel), Moses -- I don't think Joseph started it.

The nauvoo ordinance book, along with journals by Wilford Woodruff and a few others, provide clear evidence that Joseph was sealed to many wives. It's in 'Royal Arch' cipher, though.


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Joseph Smith Fought Polygamy

You can read this entire book online at the site I posted. Apparently the practice did not start with Joseph Smith. In fact, he testified he was innocent of it.

I don't know if he fought it much but it certainly wasn't something he was happy or comfortable with when he recived the commandment to by any means.

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I read an interestering review of the book a week or so ago that did bring up the possibility that just because someone said it (plural wives of Joseph Smith) doesn't mean it actually happened.

It seems both sides of the debate want the extremes: either Joseph Smith detested and abhorred polygamy or he was a nymphomaniacal pervert.

But I imagine the truth is somewhere inbetween, and I think it's been discussed many a time on this forum.

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It did take Brother Joseph 12 years to finally reveal the revelation.

D&C 132 section heading:

Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Nauvoo, Illinois, recorded 12 July 1843, relating to the new and everlasting covenant, including the eternity of the marriage covenant, and also the plurality of wives (see History of the Church, 5:501–7). Although the revelation was recorded in 1843, it is evident from the historical records that the doctrines and principles involved in this revelation had been known by the Prophet since 1831.

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I read an interestering review of the book a week or so ago that did bring up the possibility that just because someone said it (plural wives of Joseph Smith) doesn't mean it actually happened.

It seems both sides of the debate want the extremes: either Joseph Smith detested and abhorred polygamy or he was a nymphomaniacal pervert.

But I imagine the truth is somewhere inbetween, and I think it's been discussed many a time on this forum.

I think has some decent articles on the topic.

And if i recall right that evidence does point to him having more than one wife. But I do wish that people would be more mindful of "that just because someone said it (plural wives of Joseph Smith) doesn't mean it actually happened."

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Hanging around historians has made me much too dubious of any historical sources, sadly enough, especially personal accounts.

As I understand, the book of the OP did bring up some interesting situations where there is no record of some of these wives actually having been married to Joseph Smith other than what they've said.

I know it goes against my first sentence, but there ya go.

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Sounds like he is.

37Abraham received concubines, and they bore him children; and it was accounted unto him for righteousness, because they were given unto him, and he abode in my law; as Isaac also and Jacob did none other things than that which they were commanded; and because they did none other things than that which they were commanded, they have entered into their exaltation, according to the promises, and sit upon thrones, and are not angels but are gods.

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Isaac did none other thing than that which he was commanded. We only have record of one wife. So either one wife is sufficient for all the blessings listed in section 132 (provided none others are commanded), or the additional wives he was commanded are not recorded. I lean toward the former. (or there's some record I don't know about, which is why I asked for documentation).

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Isaac did none other thing than that which he was commanded. We only have record of one wife. So either one wife is sufficient for all the blessings listed in section 132 (provided none others are commanded), or the additional wives he was commanded are not recorded. I lean toward the former. (or there's some record I don't know about, which is why I asked for documentation).


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I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that this is from someone from the Community of Christ church (formerly known as the RLDS church). They vehemently deny that Joseph ever taught or practiced polygamy.

Actually the members of the Restoration Bookstore are not part of Community of Christ church. They are part of the Restorationists that left the Community of Christ (previously RLDS) due to problems with accepting new changes, ie women allowed in the priesthood, etc. You just need to read more of their articles to see they do not agree with the CofC.


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