Is it a sin to circumcise?


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Is it a sin to get a curcumcision? I ask because I know it is a sin to alter your body, because our body is a temple. As such, doing things like getting tattoos or any form of permanently altering our body is a sin. Small things like dying yoour hair is ok, and even fake tattos, but permanent things that leave a mark like peircings is a not allowed.

Well circumcision does leave a mark in a sense as well. The peice of forskin removed from the penis is not a drastic change but it is still an altered change that permanently effects the body. Jesus has dne away with the old laws of circumcision being required but at the same time does it now become a sin to do so? I mean, yes the change is seemingly good and appearence wise is appealing for our spouse but overall isn't doing such a thing a sin, as now there is no good to come of it except physical attraction, and even then that doesn't warrant altering ones body.

I just wished to know because I wouldn't want to do this to my son and have him live with the rest of his life because of my mistake, not that it would be so tragic or anything, just wanna advoid it if possible. If circumcision is not a sin I will go through with it when and if I have a son as even if the benefit is mostly for a means he will only use once he is married its still a benefit unto him.

Nonetheless, is circumsion a sin in the church or is it ok?

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Is it a sin to get a curcumcision? I ask because I know it is a sin to alter your body, because our body is a temple. As such, doing things like getting tattoos or any form of permanently altering our body is a sin. Small things like dying yoour hair is ok, and even fake tattos, but permanent things that leave a mark like peircings is a not allowed.

Well circumcision does leave a mark in a sense as well. The peice of forskin removed from the penis is not a drastic change but it is still an altered change that permanently effects the body. Jesus has dne away with the old laws of circumcision being required but at the same time does it now become a sin to do so? I mean, yes the change is seemingly good and appearence wise is appealing for our spouse but overall isn't doing such a thing a sin, as now there is no good to come of it except physical attraction, and even then that doesn't warrant altering ones body.

I just wished to know because I wouldn't want to do this to my son and have him live with the rest of his life because of my mistake, not that it would be so tragic or anything, just wanna advoid it if possible. If circumcision is not a sin I will go through with it when and if I have a son as even if the benefit is mostly for a means he will only use once he is married its still a benefit unto him.

Nonetheless, is circumsion a sin in the church or is it ok?

The church has no policy nor does it have a position pertaining to circumcision. It's a decision to be made by the parents.

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. If circumcision is not a sin I will go through with it when and if I have a son as even if the benefit is mostly for a means he will only use once he is married its still a benefit unto him.


Well that is assuming his wife doesn't prefer uncircumcized which case it wouldn't be a benefit to him at all.


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I mean, yes the change is seemingly good and appearence wise is appealing for our spouse but overall isn't doing such a thing a sin, as now there is no good to come of it except physical attraction, and even then that doesn't warrant altering ones body.

If circumcision is not a sin I will go through with it when and if I have a son as even if the benefit is mostly for a means he will only use once he is married its still a benefit unto him.

Not everyone thinks circumcised is more attractive. It is what ppl are accustomed to but not necessarily better or worse. That is strictly appearance.

However, if you look into the subject you will find that many think harm is done and it is not a benefit. There are a lot of nerve endings in the skin that is removed that do change the function of the penis. I won't go into more here but if you are interested in taking an educated look at the subject I can provide you with some links that explain exactly what the function of the foreskin is and the consequences of removing it. I will warn you they are very explicit and educational resources that are not shy about the subject.

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I have heard trends are starting to shift, however most LDS parents that I know have their sons circumsized.

Trends are shifting. During my pregnancy I joined a big online community of expecting mothers, this group of mothers were of all races and religious backgrounds, and were not only US residents but from other nations as well. The site ran a poll for those pro and anti circumcision, and the vast majority of mothers polled that they were anti (or choosing not to) circumcise their sons.

Anyway, OP you've already received your answer :) But if you're still interested in discussing this in more depth, we've had many threads on this very issue. Just use the search feature.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is it a sin to get a curcumcision? I ask because I know it is a sin to alter your body, because our body is a temple. As such, doing things like getting tattoos or any form of permanently altering our body is a sin. Small things like dying yoour hair is ok, and even fake tattos, but permanent things that leave a mark like peircings is a not allowed.

What on earth makes you think that tattoos or piercings are not allowed. How could the Church stop you?

Women get pierced all the time. Men get pierced and tattooed and the Church does nothing about it. A tattooed doesn't keep you out of the temple or out of heaven for that matter.

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Tattoos and excessive body piercings (more than one piercing in the ears for women or any piercings for men) are strongly discouraged in the Church, but Snow is right, they won't keep you out of the temple and I've never heard the Church label them as actual sins.

As far as circumcision, it's entirely up to you. If you just want your son to look like all the other little boys, then you should know that the rate of circumcision in the U.S. is dropping sharply (down to 32% as of 2009). So if you live in the U.S. and you want your son to resemble other boys, you might want to NOT circumcise.

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For a scriptural basis, it's a good idea to review Acts 15. In particular:

24 Forasmuch as we have heard, that certain which went out from us have troubled you with words, subverting your souls, saying, Ye must be circumcised, and keep the law: to whom we gave no such commandment:

25 It seemed good unto us, being assembled with one accord, to send chosen men unto you with our beloved Barnabas and Paul,

26 Men that have hazarded their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

27 We have sent therefore Judas and Silas, who shall also tell you the same things by mouth.

28 For it seemed good to the Holy Ghost, and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things;

29 That ye abstain from meats offered to idols, and from blood, and from things strangled, and from fornication: from which if ye keep yourselves, ye shall do well. Fare ye well.

So, the answer then becomes "it doesn't matter either way."

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Now that we're considering pregnancy it is a good question. Even after researching it I still have no strong opinion.

And heaven forbid the Church care so much on the matter.

Don't overly stress about it. I'd talk it over with your husband and see how he feels about it. My husband and I chose to have our boys circumcised, mainly because my husband is, and DH thought it would be easier on the boys if they started comparing "theirs" to their dads. And, back then, it was still pretty much the norm for boys to be circumcised. I don't stress about it, or feel guilt about them being circumcised, though I've had people try to make me feel guilt. To me it's no big deal.

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I was a pediatric nurse for many years and assisted with many circumcisions. Many babies slept through the procedure. I couldn't go so far as to say it's barbaric. Most of the time it was no big deal and the end result left the young man with far fewer chances of infection, STDs, his future. My husband, sons and now two grandsons are circumcised. No regrets.

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I was a pediatric nurse for many years and assisted with many circumcisions. Many babies slept through the procedure. I couldn't go so far as to say it's barbaric. Most of the time it was no big deal and the end result left the young man with far fewer chances of infection, STDs, his future. My husband, sons and now two grandsons are circumcised. No regrets.

I also worked in nursing and can agree there are benefits to circumcision in some instances. I used to work in a special unit with severely disabled men, both physically and mentally, by birth. Many could not properly maintain hygiene and clean themselves. A couple were uncircumcised and it was an issue. In this case, I'd opt for circumcision.

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I also worked in nursing and can agree there are benefits to circumcision in some instances. I used to work in a special unit with severely disabled men, both physically and mentally, by birth. Many could not properly maintain hygiene and clean themselves. A couple were uncircumcised and it was an issue. In this case, I'd opt for circumcision.

I couldnt disagree with this. Ok so if God says and if there are probably health issues. lol.

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The foreskin has a function. It's good to know the function of something and weigh the pros and cons before removal. I had my sons circumcised out of cultural traditions and didn't do the research. Now that I know there is a function and what it is I do regret my decision. Mostly I regret not getting educated before making the decision.

I don't think anyone should have the choice taken away from them and I don't judge anyone for their choice. What I do think is wrong is lack of true informed consent (you have to understand the options before you can make an informed decision). If I were going to advocate for something it would be education.

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The foreskin has a function. It's good to know the function of something and weigh the pros and cons before removal. I had my sons circumcised out of cultural traditions and didn't do the research. Now that I know there is a function and what it is I do regret my decision. Mostly I regret not getting educated before making the decision.

I don't think anyone should have the choice taken away from them and I don't judge anyone for their choice. What I do think is wrong is lack of true informed consent (you have to understand the options before you can make an informed decision). If I were going to advocate for something it would be education.

If you don't ever know what the function of something is and you are "functioning" just fine without it, I guess you really wouldn't miss it if it were gone.

I certainly don't miss my wisdom teeth. Everyone I know who has lost their appendix or gall bladder doesn't miss it in the slightest. Nor do I think any less of them because it was removed. Some body stuff is just extra and mortality goes along just fine without it, in fact, perhaps better without it.

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But generally speaking, people don't get their appendix or gall bladder removed unless there is a health risk involved. Same thing applies to wisdom teeth, they get impacted and can cause problems if not removed. People usually have a CHOICE in these procedures but of course, if you don't opt for them, you may find yourself in serious pain or death even.

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If you don't ever know what the function of something is and you are "functioning" just fine without it, I guess you really wouldn't miss it if it were gone.

If you are born without arms, you've never had arms, you learn to function without arms and you have no concept of what it would be like to have arms then I guess you really wouldn't be missing out on anything.

If you live in constant pain and you learn to function in spite of that pain and that is your every day life and you have no idea what it's like to live without pain then I guess it's really no big deal and there is no need to make sure your children don't have to live with the same pain.

I'm not saying life doesn't go on and one can't function without it, I'm saying there is a function and you just might function better with it. Educate yourself on the function and then make an informed decision on what you think is best for your child.

I'm sure there are occasions where it is the better choice (one was already mentioned with folks with mental delays). However, one of the things I've been learning is that a lot of the major "issues" couples have to learn to work out when it comes to sexual relations are drastically reduced for couples where the man has not been circumcised. The issues are created because of the circumcision. It's not that couples can't figure things out and have a very satisfying sex life but is it possible that it could be better? If you could give that gift to your children would you?

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