The best video game I have ever played.


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(Those of you who are gamers will laugh at the fact that I am years behind the curve. But you will also recognize the truthfulness of my statement.)


- Very, very, VERY spatial

- 1st person but NOT a shooter

- Amazingly creative

- Fun puzzle-solving involved, and not trivial (after the first few)

- Ending sequence is a riot


- Too short (took me maybe 12 hours total; I am sure that an experienced gamer would take half that time or less)

- No 2-player mode (not a problem for me, but it might be fun)

My 17-year-old showed it to me and I decided to try it. No cheats or anything. Didn't even read hints or any such thing, and I am very glad for it.

Seriously, it's good that all video games are not like this, or I might be one of those guys who lives in his basement and draws welfare checks.

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And the protagonist is female, which has very little bearing on the game but is a change from the typical male protagonist.

I had my wife sit down and play it for a few minutes, and she was so bored with it she finally asked not to play it any more. She was completely unenthralled with the spatial aspect of the game. Don't know if that's a common female POV or if that's just Sister Vort.

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Just read a years-old review suggesting that Portal was based on a game concept by students at DigiPen, a Redmond game programming undergrad institution. Glad to know it was my fellow Redmondian weirdos that came up with such an awesome idea.

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Your endorsement and this review make me want to try Portal 2 sooner rather than later.

Portal 2 came out with a lot of hype... It would be hard for anything to live up to that kind of hype. But it is good solid squeal. It continues the story, and it has everything you said you liked about the first one.

I think you will be quite happy with bumping it up your gaming list/budget whatever

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If it's an X-Box game and I can get it cheap at gamestop. I might try it. But my husband will like it, sounds like his type of game.

On your computer, you install the (free) Steam gaming engine. Once that's done, Portal costs ten bucks through the Steam site, or you can download a demo for free.

Edited by Vort
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The Enrichment Center reminds you that the Companion Cube cannot speak. In the event that the Companion Cube does speak, the Enrichment Center urges you to disregard its advice.


[i took up playing the ukulele, specifically so I could teach myself how to play the closing song of the game.]

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If it's an X-Box game and I can get it cheap at gamestop. I might try it. But my husband will like it, sounds like his type of game.

If you mean XBOX 360 then yes you can play it. The Orange Box: Xbox 360: Video Games

I think you might even be able to just download the Orange Box on Xbox live.

But, I actually would say Portal for some reason seem to be a game I would play on the PC. For some reason it just plays really well with a mouse and Keyboard. (just my opinion... the other reason is below)

Portal 2 is actually just as fun if not funner then the first one. (gets you really thinking).

I think it was April they came out with an update for Portal 2, that allows you to create your OWN levels! I know I just blew your mind! I made like a couple that you can upload to Steam and anybody can download them. The problem is a million other people are making levels so its kind of hard to find the good levels (like mine of course). As of now you can only make levels on the PC. They could maybe bring this to the PS3... because it has steam. But I don't see this every coming to Xbox live.

One of the Developers that worked on Portal 1 broke off and made this game

Quantum Conundrum

That just got released. Instead of a portal gun you change dimensions. (between a fluffy dimension and a heavy dimension...)

Doesn't seem as good as portal, but I might give it a shot someday.

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Now get Portal 2!!! I must warn you though, it was too much for my graphics card to handle so I'm not surfing the web in safe mode.... not as much fun:(

Silly graphics card file error. We miss video games, but at least I have plants vs zombies to keep me company in the mean time.

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If you mean XBOX 360 then yes you can play it. The Orange Box: Xbox 360: Video Games

I think you might even be able to just download the Orange Box on Xbox live.

But, I actually would say Portal for some reason seem to be a game I would play on the PC. For some reason it just plays really well with a mouse and Keyboard. (just my opinion... the other reason is below)

Portal 2 is actually just as fun if not funner then the first one. (gets you really thinking).

I think it was April they came out with an update for Portal 2, that allows you to create your OWN levels! I know I just blew your mind! I made like a couple that you can upload to Steam and anybody can download them. The problem is a million other people are making levels so its kind of hard to find the good levels (like mine of course). As of now you can only make levels on the PC. They could maybe bring this to the PS3... because it has steam. But I don't see this every coming to Xbox live.

One of the Developers that worked on Portal 1 broke off and made this game

Quantum Conundrum

That just got released. Instead of a portal gun you change dimensions. (between a fluffy dimension and a heavy dimension...)

Doesn't seem as good as portal, but I might give it a shot someday.

Yes, I do mean XBox 360. Thanks. :)
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