What’s the last movie you watched?


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Ah, the Dahlia Family Thanksgiving Favorite. We quote this film around the house all of the time and of course, we always give a little nod to John Candy, whom we dearly miss.

I've never seen the whole film in one go - usually bits here and there.

I love both of the them. John candy was amazing.

I'm living this older films at the moment.

Might watch Uncle Buck tonight.

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Lego Movie - Took my 10 year old son and thought it was hilarious.

Kung Fu Hustle - Picked up the Blu-Ray. My kids who love Shaolin Soccer loved it.

Napoleon Dynamite - Picked up this Blu-Ray too and watched it. Another one my family enjoyed.

Berlin (The Musical). - The music and Lyrics


The music was on par with all the big musicals. It's in the financing stages right now but I hope this sees production. Alan Hawkshaw who wrote all the music and lyrics is LDS.

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I just read these...

I've been dialed down on the movies!

Yo, Anatess! Yay or nay on this one???

Robocop. YAY! For sure!

We saw Robocop today. Meh. I love Gary Oldman, Michael Keaton and Jennifer Ehle. But, we felt there were too many inaccuracies to fully enjoy it.

Just one example: One of the concerns was the psychological health of their Robocop choice. But, the moment Alex "woke" up, they scar him psychologically by dismantling him in front of him. That part could have been handled differently while still showing off the CGI and "reveal" without mucking up the storyline like they did.

This is not my take on it. The concern was the psychological health of the Robocop choice BEFORE he becomes Robocop. He has to be stable enough to be able to undergo the transformation and handle the power of the enhancements. Alex is deemed by the Doctor as psychologically stable enough to undergo the procedure so that showing him what was left of his organic self is something he also deemed Alex can handle.

I love this movie. Waaaay better than the original. That visor action thing is just adrenaline pumping. And with the original Robocop theme song, it gives you some nostalgic moments if you liked the original. The best change from the original - the partner is not a girl... it totally works for me.

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I probably won't see Robocop only for the reason that I hate remakes. I enjoyed the first one.

There are movies that are simply just worth remaking. The original was great but the Robots concept was waaaay too difficult to pull off in that era. The ED-209 was a joke in the original. Even George Lucas' AT-AT Walkers produced almost a decade prior were 100x better than they were.

What makes the movie is Robocop - the robot. He was very very clunky in the original. Today's technology pays homage to this concept by making Robocop how he is intended to be.

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Talking about remakes...

There are movies that are worth remaking because the original sucked... The Incredible Hulk is a perfect example. Unfortunately, the 2nd one is not much better. The Avengers version of the The Hulk is a thousand times better. I'm really hoping he'll get a movie of his own soon.

Toby McGuire's Spiderman was awesome. This one doesn't need a remake and I was very surprised that they made one so soon after. But the Amazing Spiderman was good enough that it was still enjoyable. I'm not liking the plot timeline at all though. I wish Marvel would just take Spiderman back already.

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I just read these...

I've been dialed down on the movies!

Robocop. YAY! For sure!

This is not my take on it. The concern was the psychological health of the Robocop choice BEFORE he becomes Robocop. He has to be stable enough to be able to undergo the transformation and handle the power of the enhancements. Alex is deemed by the Doctor as psychologically stable enough to undergo the procedure so that showing him what was left of his organic self is something he also deemed Alex can handle.

I love this movie. Waaaay better than the original. That visor action thing is just adrenaline pumping. And with the original Robocop theme song, it gives you some nostalgic moments if you liked the original. The best change from the original - the partner is not a girl... it totally works for me.

I'm getting major mixed signals on this one!

I have seen the original Robocop but unfortunately, I was pretty young when I last saw it and I don't recall much of it at all. So I don't have much to compare to, I suppose. But I still want to see this new remake of it.

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The whole movie series of Beverly Hills Chihuahua.

First one is cute. I can appreciate the work put in with training all those dogs! The following two aren't nearly as interesting BUT my daughter loves them because we have a Chihuahua that looks just like one of the Chihuahuas in the movies.

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Watched 'The Krays' last night. It's been a while since I've seen it; it's still riveting. We don't hear much about them in the States, but in the UK, the Krays were the criminal enterprise. They were in their heyday around the time of the Beatles and 'swinging London.'

It'll make you rethink your ideas on mothering.

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Just watched Gravity. I didn't check to see if anyone has talked about it. I cant wait for the "How It Should Have Ended" version from HISHE to be made, because it should have been a 5 minute film. But hey, if I want reality, I would just go sit on my front porch. :)

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Standing Up

Never heard of this movie but it was on Netflix. I was pleasantly surprised and quite enjoyed it. The plot revolves around two preteens that are social misfits, and are stripped naked and marooned on an island by their camp peers, only to befriend each other and take on an adventurous journey together. I actually cried a bit towards the end. I'd recommend it for a family night, it's pretty inspirational, and still have some light-hearted funny moments. The child male and child female leads do a really good job, I thought. One more mention, the soundtrack of this film is seriously Oscar worthy! Go to Amazon and listen to it for yourself, I have never heard of the composer but he did a remarkable job.

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That would be interesting...is this on a channel or you have them on DVD ?

Its on Hulu.com under the TV Documentary genre. (pretty much the only genre I use on hulu lol, that and the movie documentary one)

a whole lot of them, many of them cover really big cases or cases that introduced something new in regards to how a crime was either processed or closed.

this series covers more of how a case progressed. another series I really enjoyed was crime 360 which focused more on how the forensics are processed in a crime.

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American Psycho

Finally got around to watching this. I'm not sure how I felt about it. I like Christian Bale but I wasn't sold on his acting in this one. The whole thing just came across a bit spoofy to me. Did anyone else think that? So, meh, guess it might be an okay watch on Netflix.

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