What’s the last movie you watched?


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Nope, although if you recommend it (and it's not rated R), I might give it a go. I watched Interstellar recently, and found it superficially entertaining but seriously wanting on further reflection, especially with regards to the supposed father-daughter bond of love. Pretty sure I already ranted about that on this forum, though.

Checked the listing... It's R. It was really scary...

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Awesome film, went to see it at the cinema back in the day! Sam Neil is pretty amazing in it, as is Laurence Fishburne! Gets pretty gory though!

Yeah, saw this one on DVD when my husband and I were newly married... I don't normally watch horror shows but they had this billed as sci-fi, not horror, so we rented it... I couldn't sleep for weeks.

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Annie (the new rendition)


Surprisingly entertaining, despite not being a fan of Cameron Diaz, nor really following many movies of Jamie Foxx. I thought the cast, overall, dead a great job. The leading little lady is a vibrant young actress, refreshing, and fit the part perfectly. The musical numbers had new spins and while not as memorable as the originals, were catchy and fun. Jamie Foxx is a very talented man! The acting/chemistry between Annie and Mr. Stacks was fluid and believable, though it didn't bring me to tears, there were definitely parts that were moving. Pretty good family movie, with a couple adult innuendos and rude humour, but nothing above a PG13 in my opinion. My daughter, who is 3, was perhaps a bit too young to appreciate the story but she loved seeing the 'foster' girls singing and dancing. We rented it on Redbox and wasn't disappointed.

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Never Been Kissed.

Kids were like, I don't get it. Me neither. I don't get how a 25 year old can pass for 17.


I can...when I was first married I was a Sunday teacher of the 15-16 year olds and I went ice-blocking with the young men in my class.  When we arrived a group of high schoolers came by and asked what high school I went to and how old I was.  :P

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Annie (the new rendition)


Surprisingly entertaining, despite not being a fan of Cameron Diaz, nor really following many movies of Jamie Foxx. I thought the cast, overall, dead a great job. The leading little lady is a vibrant young actress, refreshing, and fit the part perfectly. The musical numbers had new spins and while not as memorable as the originals, were catchy and fun. Jamie Foxx is a very talented man! The acting/chemistry between Annie and Mr. Stacks was fluid and believable, though it didn't bring me to tears, there were definitely parts that were moving. Pretty good family movie, with a couple adult innuendos and rude humour, but nothing above a PG13 in my opinion. My daughter, who is 3, was perhaps a bit too young to appreciate the story but she loved seeing the 'foster' girls singing and dancing. We rented it on Redbox and wasn't disappointed.

When we saw this one, the kids were like... they feel oppressed because they have to clean their rooms? They were like - they have each a lamp on their beds to read under and Christmas lights and cool clothes... yeah. All movie long they were just pointing and picking on the "oppressed orphans". So, I guess they didn't like the movie (I didn't like Cameron Diaz in this one but I like musicals so this one was ok for me) but they loved the 80's version especially Punjab.

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When we saw this one, the kids were like... they feel oppressed because they have to clean their rooms? They were like - they have each a lamp on their beds to read under and Christmas lights and cool clothes... yeah. All movie long they were just pointing and picking on the "oppressed orphans". So, I guess they didn't like the movie (I didn't like Cameron Diaz in this one but I like musicals so this one was ok for me) but they loved the 80's version especially Punjab.

Gotta consider that the original Annie and new Annie are told in totally different eras. So, the newest installment (with modern amenities etc.) doesn't seem nearly as a "hard knock life" like the old version. But both versions portrayed how discarded children struggle with their identities and the drunk and nasty Ms. Hannigan that did nothing but verbally and emotionally abuse the girls she cared for. I quite liked it. I won't be surprised if this leading little lady (Annie) starts popping up in more films. She was great. And, Jamie, always knew he was talented but just never followed his work much.

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Finally got to see this and my opinion of it is a bit jumbled. Before I get to all that, though, the cast did a phenomenal job. Quite a few A-list actors took the screen but I felt the supporting actors equally pulled their weight. The CGI sequences were all done well, everything in this regard was believable, no short cuts taken here. The overall plot, on the other hand, was a hit and miss for me.


I don't know enough about space to comment on the validity of the film's concept but how the story was told I've got a few thoughts. For me, the start to middle was intriguing, and really pulled me in. The idea of sending people off to find new habitable planets seemed viable, maybe not in present day, but not too far off either. This sort of creeped me out because of that reality being a possibility. But towards the end, the film took a strange turn and suddenly felt very science-fiction (though arguably the whole movie is just that) and not relateable at all. Still, things somewhat came together in the end, and was satisfying enough. 

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Insurgent.  I liked this second in the series more than the first.  Tris seemed more natural in this one, and the story moved along at a nice clip.  Also, for some reason, I felt that both Tris and Four were a little too impressed with themselves in the first movie, but were much more engaged in their roles and the plot with this one.  Editing for the plot (what was left out etc.) was logical, and well done.  I liked it.  4/5.

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Insurgent.  I liked this second in the series more than the first.  Tris seemed more natural in this one, and the story moved along at a nice clip.  Also, for some reason, I felt that both Tris and Four were a little too impressed with themselves in the first movie, but were much more engaged in their roles and the plot with this one.  Editing for the plot (what was left out etc.) was logical, and well done.  I liked it.  4/5.

Waaaa! I didn't like it. I loved the first one. The first one changed the book so it makes sense. The 2nd one followed the book... and I hate the book. Hah.

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Air Force One.


I believe I first saw this in year 3, which is the equivalent to grade 3, back in the Philippines. Watched it again the other night and it was pretty dang good. I was surprised that I had recalled so much of it after all these years. Not the best movie ever made but it was good. 

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Clear and Present Danger

Bini, we must be on a Harrison Ford marathon channel or something...

Loved this movie. I love Jack Ryan's character here. The new-fangled Jack Ryan is full of flashy things but he's a bit removed from the old Jack Ryan...

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