What’s the last movie you watched?


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Shaolin - Jackie Chan.


I love this movie.  It's about a mean General who chased a dying guy who sought refuge in the Shaolin Temple.  The Shaolin Master asked him for mercy since the man is dying anyway.  The General shot the guy dead in the Master's arms anyway.  Well, as it turns out, the General ended up getting betrayed by his right-hand-man and he ended up seeking refuge at the Shaolin Temple after a tragic event ripped his family apart.  The Shaolin Master took him in because he feels that the General is at that tragic place where he can be brought to enlightenment.  He ended up finding peace in the temple and was able to turn his life around.  His right-hand-man eventually got to him at the Temple and they fought.  The General got the upper-hand and could have killed him but the General wanted him to live and repent of his ways instead.  Of course, the right-hand-man ended up trying to kill him again and almost succeeded but a beam was about to fall on the right-hand-man so the General sacrificed himself to push the right-hand-man away causing him to be the one to die under the beam.  The right-hand-man couldn't understand why he did that and so the movie ended with him being in that same tragic place where he can be ready for enlightenment...


Very interesting movie with most of the martial arts done by other people and not Jackie Chan.  Jackie Chan was not even a trained martial artist in this movie - he was the cook!  He did get his chance to fight but he fought with his wok and ladle.  LOL.

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The other night I watched 'The Iceman,' which is about Mob hit man Richard Kuklinski. I've seen interviews with Kuklinski and am a fan of Michael Shannon, who stars in it, so I thought it was worth a look. If you can separate what he does for a living from the person that he is, it is an interesting story about the long term effects of child abuse and how people are able to compartmentalize their lives. Not just him hiding what he did from his children, but I'm sure his wife had some idea that he wasn't working a regular job, but she took the abuse and she took the money anyway.


I'd say the movie runs pretty true to the info he shared in the interviews. I do think it hides the domestic abuse, though there are a few scenes where you get the idea that something else may be going on. 


Other than this, I seem to be watching a lot of Hitler/WWII documentaries. Maybe something's wrong with me...

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Guest LiterateParakeet

Mocking Jay Part II - Loved it.  I can't believe how naive I was when I read the book.  Even though I read the book long enough ago that I didn't remember how everything would turn out...there were many things that were obvious to me in the movie that I missed the first time when I read it.  

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Went on a TV binge the past few days.


Shallow Hal - there's a scene where the girl takes off her bra and you see her entire backside.  Grrr.  Irritates me when they put this stuff on a PG-13.

Rocky I and II - saw this at the theater when I was a kid.  I hung a poster of Stallone and Cooney (real boxer) side by side on my bedroom wall.  Watching it again made me realize how idiotic this movie is.  Rocky getting pommeled left and right and not once did he put up his dukes to cover his face!

Hundred-Foot journey - a favorite.  I can watch this thing over and over and over forever.

Grandmaster Ipman - another favorite.  Rated-R - Chinese Martial Arts.

Chef - good movie if it were not for all the F-words they put just to make it Rated R.

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