What’s the last movie you watched?


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Captain America: Civil War

I'm cheap so I waited for it to come out on Vidangel, to watch for a dollar. Also, I wasn't keen on watching the Avengers fight each other.

My verdict: I need to watch the Ultron movie and then watch this one again. I was kinda lost. Also, too much tedious fighting - maybe I'm just getting too old for these movies.

Also: Ironic that Iron Man was on the side of the law, and Captain American was the lawless one. Not sure I like this, but it makes sense in the movie.

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I watched 'The Finest Hours' yesterday. I thought it was OK, mostly too dark (visually) for me to get deep into it. I also wasn't thrilled about the fiance's behavior - especially after I read that it wasn't true. Why make a woman look like a jerk when the jerk-like behavior never occurred?

Watching more of Hitler on Netflix - 'Hitler's Olympics' is worth the watch for history buffs, even if you think you know about the 1936 Olympics. 

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Guest MormonGator

Snowden. 3.5 stars. Like all Oliver Stone movies it doesn't ask questions-it just shoves it's beliefs down your throat. Other than that, good movie .

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Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children. 

To be brutally honest, it's not worth the price of a ticket. It doesn't rise much above the conventional for the genre, and the climax of the movie rests in large part on the implausible instead of the impossible. 

If you do wish to see it, rent it instead... assuming, of course, that you've got a baby-sitter lined up, as the film contains a fair amount of violent content, some of it graphic. And before you think about using VidAngel to get rid of it, be advised that some of it is so plot-critical (the Hollows need to eat Peculiars in order to stave off the effects of a botched science experiment) the film wouldn't entirely make sense without it. 

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10 hours ago, Ironhold said:

Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children. 

To be brutally honest, it's not worth the price of a ticket. It doesn't rise much above the conventional for the genre, and the climax of the movie rests in large part on the implausible instead of the impossible. 

If you do wish to see it, rent it instead... assuming, of course, that you've got a baby-sitter lined up, as the film contains a fair amount of violent content, some of it graphic. And before you think about using VidAngel to get rid of it, be advised that some of it is so plot-critical (the Hollows need to eat Peculiars in order to stave off the effects of a botched science experiment) the film wouldn't entirely make sense without it. 

Watched it.  It was AWESOME.  Both my boys wanted to see it again (okay, my boys just love monsters slurping on eyes with a fork... hah hah.. they are the perfect Tim Burton audience).



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Deepwater Horizon.

Awesome movie.  When the movie ended I couldn't believe it was 2 hours already... the movie moved so fast.  It was tough to watch seeing the terror these people went through in real life but it was also like a salve to the soul to see people come together in a crisis and kneel down in prayer.

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On 10/5/2016 at 0:08 AM, Larry Cotrell said:

UHF with "Weird Al" Yankovic

Easily one of the funniest movies I've ever seen.

If you haven't seen it, watch it. If you have, watch it again.

I liked the new series montage best:

Conan the Librarian: Don't you know the Dewey Dec'mal System?!?

"Guns don't kill people.  I do!"

Ghandi II: There is only one law.  HIS LAW!

Yes, one of the funniest ever.  I'd compare it to Strange Brew with Bob and Doug McKenzie.

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1 hour ago, Carborendum said:

I liked the new series montage best:

Conan the Librarian: Don't you know the Dewey Dec'mal System?!?

"Guns don't kill people.  I do!"

Ghandi II: There is only one law.  HIS LAW!

Yes, one of the funniest ever.  I'd compare it to Strange Brew with Bob and Doug McKenzie.

You can't beat Gandhi II.

My other favorite part was when Stanley Spadowski had the kid drink out of the firehouse.

I haven't seen Strange Brew though.

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Middle School: The Worst Years Of My Life


Tried... and failed. 

The film has heart, but it ultimately comes down to an arms race between the male lead and the principal as to who can break the most laws. 

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Dead Poet's Society.

Saw this initially back in the Philippines in the big screen - 1989 maybe?  or maybe 1990?  I know I was still in college then.  I thoroughly loved that movie I even got Ethan Hawke's Teen Beat photo on my wall.

Watched it again with my teen-age boys last night because one of my boys is having trouble with Latin class and my other boy is having trouble with Language Arts.  I remembered this movie touched on both so thought it would get their interests in those classes up.  It has a PG rating... so boy was I shocked that there's a scene where one guy was reading off a porn magazine with the nude photo facing the audience... that was not in the Philippine showing!  My boys were like... MOOOOM!

Anyway, they enjoyed the movie and got out of it what I was hoping they'd get out of it.  But, you can't unsee a nude photo.  Sigh.

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