Muslim convert to Mormonism


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Hey guys,

I am a 20 year old guy from Pakistan but living in the UK (for my higher studies). I was born to an extremely fundamentalist Muslim family and was raised as a Muslim but I never liked my religion.

It is a REALLY long story about my conversion from Islam to Mormonism but I just feel that Mormonism is the right beleif for me. In the past few days, I have done a ton of research on Mormonism and I feel it is the right religion for me. But I always fear for my life because apostosy is a major sin in Islam is punished my death.

I even cannot reveal about my conversion to even my parents as they will disown me.

My UK student visa expires in August and my I'll have to return to either the UAE or Pakistan, both of which are fundamentalist Muslim countries.

Is there any hope for me? :(

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Hey guys,

I am a 20 year old guy from Pakistan but living in the UK (for my higher studies). I was born to an extremely fundamentalist Muslim family and was raised as a Muslim but I never liked my religion.

It is a REALLY long story about my conversion from Islam to Mormonism but I just feel that Mormonism is the right beleif for me. In the past few days, I have done a ton of research on Mormonism and I feel it is the right religion for me. But I always fear for my life because apostosy is a major sin in Islam is punished my death.

I even cannot reveal about my conversion to even my parents as they will disown me.

My UK student visa expires in August and my I'll have to return to either the UAE or Pakistan, both of which are fundamentalist Muslim countries.

Is there any hope for me? :(

There always is, altho many times the way will appear dark and hopeless. Be true to yourself, be true to God. many of the patriarchs from scripture such as Abraham many times had to deal with the potential of being put to death for what they believed in, yet because they were humble and faithful to Him he preserved them.

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Hey guys,

I am a 20 year old guy from Pakistan but living in the UK (for my higher studies). I was born to an extremely fundamentalist Muslim family and was raised as a Muslim but I never liked my religion.

It is a REALLY long story about my conversion from Islam to Mormonism but I just feel that Mormonism is the right beleif for me. In the past few days, I have done a ton of research on Mormonism and I feel it is the right religion for me. But I always fear for my life because apostosy is a major sin in Islam is punished my death.

I even cannot reveal about my conversion to even my parents as they will disown me.

My UK student visa expires in August and my I'll have to return to either the UAE or Pakistan, both of which are fundamentalist Muslim countries.

Is there any hope for me? :(

There is a great deal of hope for you. Congratulations on your conversion, and I commend you for your integrity.

I urge you to talk with your bishop about what's going on. I know that in some areas, conversion away from Islam is a capital offense (meaning you can be executed for it). I don't know if that's the case in Pakistan or not; I was under the impression that such was true for the UAE. I expect you would know that better than I do. In any case, counsel with your bishop. Best of luck, and God bless you.

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One of my friend married a girl who had converted from Islam it was hard for her and yes her famiky did disown her, but the church helped and supported her.

I would suggest fasting and prayer and also getting both your name and your families names on the prayer roll. Also speK to your university international student support/student union.

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Can you get asylum in the UK for religious reasons and threat of death if you return home?

Hi Thrushcross

Pam's idea is a very good one

you can find some information at the UK Border Agency Website where you can ring them, explain your situation and make an appointment to apply

It does use scary language such as "you may be detained" however do not be perturbed as you are legally studying in the UK it would not be an issue, as it would only be in cases where people have committed crimes and/or illegally entered the country.

I would also seek counsel from your bishop regarding this as he knows you better and will be very important in supporting your asylum application. Furthermore he may even go with you to place your application.

I admire your decision and whatever you choose to do I wish you the best of luck.

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Hey guys, thanks so much for the replies. You cannot imagine how much I appreciate the kind words.

The past few days have been extremely bad for me as I spoke about my conversion to my father and he said that if I do get officially baptised he will disown me and never see my face for the rest of his life. He have a whole talk about how he had raised me, given me a good education and supported me and now, I am paying back him by leaving Islam. My Dad is extremely fundamentalist and beleives that apostates should be killed. He said that he has paid over £10,000 for me to get a good education in the UK and used all of his life's savings for this (the living costs and rent in the UK is really expensive) in just one year of my studies. And now, I just feel so guilty for betraying him and I can't beleive that he is disowning me for just leaving Islam.

My Mum, thank God, was a lot more helpful. She said that she will love me no matter what but is extremely hurt by the fact that I have left my religion. She also said that she is compelled to disown me too but her love for me won't let her do it so she just doesn not know what to do. But, I can feel that she does not love me anymore and is extrmely hurt.

i have been really depressed in the past few days and I've got my exams in just two weeks. I cannot study or revise and I haven't eaten properly in weeks. Even my flatmates have noticed this.

Please do pray for me, guys.

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There is a great deal of hope for you. Congratulations on your conversion, and I commend you for your integrity.

I urge you to talk with your bishop about what's going on. I know that in some areas, conversion away from Islam is a capital offense (meaning you can be executed for it). I don't know if that's the case in Pakistan or not; I was under the impression that such was true for the UAE. I expect you would know that better than I do. In any case, counsel with your bishop. Best of luck, and God bless you.

Apostasy is a major sin in Islam and both Pakistan and UAE follow the shariah (Islamic) law which means that anyone who leaves Islam should be put to death. Pakistan is worse in this case than the UAE, as Pakistan first tortures people, puts them in prison and then gives them the death penalty.

I have actually thought about applying for asylum in the UK and I am researching about it now and see if I can be a 'refugee' in the UK.

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Hey guys!

I recently contacted the London England Temple and the lady I spoke to was VERY sweet and understanding. She said that she will arrange a day for my baptism and will also tell missionairies to contact me. I spoke to her for quite a few minutes about my convesion and she was very appreciative and I am now feeling a lot better :)

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3 Nephi 12:44 But behold I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them who despitefully use you and persecute you;

Let us here observe, that a religion that does not require the sacrifice of all things never has power sufficient to produce the faith necessary unto life and salvation; for, from the first existence of man, the faith necessary unto the enjoyment of life and salvation never could be obtained without the sacrifice of all earthly things. It was through this sacrifice, and this only, that God has ordained that men should enjoy eternal life; and it is through the medium of the sacrifice of all earthly things that men do actually know that they are doing the things that are well pleasing in the sight of God. When a man has offered in sacrifice all that he has for the truth's sake, not even withholding his life, and believing before God that he has been called to make this sacrifice because he seeks to do his will, he does know, most assuredly, that God does and will accept his sacrifice and offering, and that he has not, nor will not seek his face in vain. Under these circumstances, then, he can obtain the faith necessary for him to lay hold on eternal life. (Joseph Smith, Lectures on Faith 6:7)

The sacrifice you are making is not unnoticed. God sees it and will pour out the blessings of heaven in response to your faith and your willing heart. God loves you, may he always uphold you and God bless you.

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I'm sorry Thrushcross for what you are going through. There is a family in our ward that is originally from Turkey and they were Muslim prior to their conversion. Their story is fascinating but I've also heard it was very difficult regarding their family, having family members disown them etc. I feel for you and are so sorry you are having to deal with this. If you want me to try to put you in touch with them I probably could... I know you aren't the first to have to go through this. I'll pray for you also.

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  • 1 month later...

My Pakistani friend,

The Lord chose you to begin the salvation of your entire family, past and present, future.

Your earthly parents will love you, but are forced politically to disapprove of your decision. You have just begun a spiritual evolution for yourself. You will also have the opportunity to be baptized for your ancestors. By your actions today future generations ofyour bloodline will also be able to enjoy the blessings of the eternal family.

As far as granting asylum you can do that through the British Embassy or better yet through the American Embassy in London. For asylum under threat of religious persecution is the route to go. You were born with free agency. You have made the right decision and even though your father is a fundamentalist Islamist in reality he has no right to stop you from your spiritual evolution. The testimony of Joseph Smith is true.

Get your asylum filing completed as soon as possible. Come to America.

Your Mormon brother,


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  • 2 weeks later...


I know the situation with your family seems hopeless. Don't worry. Trust in the Lord. He will show you the way. Know that you are not alone. Many of your brothers and sisters in the gospel will assist you.

Many of us have not known personally the persecution and difficulties that you are going through, but there are also many that do. There are countless stories of individuals such as yourself who were the pioneer in their family, and were cast off for their choice. Often the familial bond and the softening of hearts through the Spirit help overcome these challenges.

My advice is to do what is necessary to stay safe, as the Lord will direct you. Stay true to the faith - it will guide you and be a comfort for you through your whole life.

I know it's true. I've felt it. The Lord loves you.

Steven Tomer

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys, I'm really sorry for not keeping you all updated. I am really glad that I have found such an amazing community of fellow Latter-Day Saints on the internet and I am really grateful for all your words of comfort and advise.

The missionaries who are teaching me and I have decided the best way for me to come to Christ and live my life as a Christian would be for me to transfer to BYU, Idaho and hopefully settle in the USA. My parents of course object me going to the USA and they will absolutely not finance or sponsor me if I go to an LDS college, so unfortunately I cannot tell my parents that I am going to BYU, Idaho.

It would be a dream come true for me to go to BYU, Provo but unfortunately I think it is way to risky. My Dad is somehow bound to find out halfway across the year that I am attending a Mormon school and he might just refuse to pay my tuition. BYU, Idaho is a lot cheaper and if a worse case scenario happens, at least I will be able to pay for my tuition through my own savings. I have worked really, really hard in the past few weeks for my summer job in order to save up funds for BYU.

I am right now in the UK and will be going back to my parents in August and hopefully to BYU-I in January 2014.

God bless.

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After the Dubai Stake was organized (May I think) a 70 came and spoke about missionary work in Muslim countries and with citizens of those countries. As I understand what was said; the church will not knowingly baptize any person who is Muslim. At least right now, and likely not without the First Presidency knowing.

While I share in the joy of anyone who 'comes unto Christ', I would suggest ensuring the mission president of the missionaries teaching you is aware of your current standing in the Muslim religion.

It is difficult for members of the church to embrace a "non-proselyting" directive, but considering that whole families have been killed (not just LDS related baptisms) it would seem prudent to be informed of current church policy in this matter.

Regardless, I would hope for the blessings of the gospel for you.

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  • 4 months later...

Hiii well I have been reading your comments and it really amaze me to tell you the truth and i am very happy for your decisions as long as they make you happy… well i am a mormon but my boyfriend is muslim at this time he is learning about the church but he is just too confuse i wish if i could reach by other means and maybe support him or give him some help he is struggling the same way you are

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  • 2 weeks later...

In Arabic 'Sharia' simply translates to "The Way".

A lot of Arabic words we have set to certain meanings (like Taliban... Which translates to "The Students", as it was originally a student organization) , are actually common / everyday usage words. Our kids are all taliban in k-12.

Similarly, Arabic is a root word language. "Minor" variations create entirely different meanings. Kitab = book, kitabi=written. In English we tend to "brand" names wight words that aren't in common usage... So they're instantly recognizable/ set apart from any everyday usage... Or use a tongue in cheek version (The Weathermen come to mind).

So we hear "sharia" and think "sharia law"...

But if we heard "the way" it wouldn't make the same connection.

Nor if we heard : Capillary or Lattice... Which are all small modifications of Sharia (the way that blood flows, the path that vining plants twine upon in order to direct their growth).


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