What was the last live production you saw?


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Oh, actually I went to our high school's production of Grease last year to support a kid I've known since he was 5. I hate that show so I probably don't have any fair critique, except it was weird to see my "little" friend shaking his hips in leather pants and stage-making-out.

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I guess a College Football game doesn't count ? Lol!!!

Start a thread about the "last sporting event" people attended... :D

Oklahoma! two months ago

So jealous! By the time I was three years old, I could go word for word on the classic movie, and still can. Unfortunately, that also means that no stage production will ever live up to expectation for me, but it's still my all-time favorite.

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I had the idea to start this thread because I went to see Chicago last Thursday evening. While the show certainly isn't for everyone, I thoroughly enjoyed it, and would definitely see it again.

Perhaps the best part about it was seeing a show that is set in the 20's, has strong elements of vaudeville and burlesque, and to see it in a theatre that first opened in 1922 and at one time played host to two-a-day vaudeville shows. The theatre still has a classic 20's feel and look to it -- very dated opulence, and it fit well with what we were watching. (If you're curious, do a Google image service for Cleveland Palace Theatre.)

Oh, and John O'Hurley was cast as Billy Flynn, and was completely brilliant.

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Start a thread about the "last sporting event" people attended... :D

So jealous! By the time I was three years old, I could go word for word on the classic movie, and still can. Unfortunately, that also means that no stage production will ever live up to expectation for me, but it's still my all-time favorite.

Wow.....it's rough in here. Lol

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