What your avatar says about yourself


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I don't usually give my full name online but...(will make the exception).

*clearing throat*

1. I'm Princess Diana of Themyscira. :)

2. I have a lasso of truth (and I have used it quite often here on this forum so watch out :mellow:hmmmm), a gorgeous tiara and a pair of indestructible bracelets to protect myself.

3. Of course, since I am also a celebrity...I must have my own jet, right? But let me assure you, all those wanna be celebrities cannot match MY invisible one ;).

4. Pfff...I'm GORGEOUS.

What about you?

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My avatar says basically the same thing about me, as Suzie's says about hers, except for the princess part. If that's too many words for ya, just try to remember "virile volcano of manly intellectual prowess".

Is that a vegan sandwich you are having? :mellow:

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I have a cool, hard exterior but inside I'm full of peace and light.

(I guess this would be a lot funnier to those who knew me in person. Cool exterior and calm on the inside doesn't exactly fit me. ;) )

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How I picked my nick I tried my initials then my dogs, tried and tried and tried they were all taken it was frustrating then I tried rose it was available but I wanted to add something to it. Though of the cinderella story with Richard Chamberlain that's how i got roseslipper my avator I looked and looked til I found something pretty. It's now but a fantasy of girlhood dreams to find her prince (her special someone) He hasn't come. So I shall wait til the millennium or just be an angel. :(

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Sorry Pam, any chance that the glitch can be fixed?

Not until we get the new software installed within the next couple of months. We are currently in the process of purchasing it as well as any add ons we need. Right now we use vbulletin for the forums. We will no longer be using this software.

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