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Without looking, I don\\\\\'t remember if this is the post the Pam said to keep our comments coming... so, I am adding this comment here.

The little black up arrow to go back to top is not working.

In notifications, the box to the right where it should probably say Delete or something...that box is blank although it works to delete when you click it.

I agree with all the stark white on the pages...hard on these old eyes.

Not being able to just click on either View New Post or View Active Topics etc is really not a good thing. It\\\\\'s almost a waste of a lot of time trying to scroll through the index page looking for what\\\\\'s new, then clicking it to find the last post you read.

I think once things settle down, then the owners will be able to add those nice special mods to the forum again...like the emots, fonts, etc. It all takes a lot of work and believe me, when I have modified my own forum to get the special little things it\\\\\'s like a nightmare looking at all the code to change.

Hopefully, things will move along and we will have the things that were really good on the old forum. It all takes time.

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Sign of my age, I have had 0 issues learning the new site lol


Does that mean you\'re 9, 19 or 90? If what you\'re implying is what I think, well, that\'s quite the inappropriate comment. When I took programming classes, they drilled in us to think of the user, not the programmer when designing the interface. The interface of this new forum needs work and besides, there are bugs that go beyond issues with learning how to use the new site.

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I agree with all the stark white on the pages...hard on these old eyes.

I seem to remember a few years ago when the old forum was updated, mostly in appearance (and with the addition of the \"laugh\" button), it was switched to a white background. Feedback was much the same, that it was really stark. So it was switched to a softer grayish blue, which is what we had from then until last week. It was a quick change, and it made a huge difference. But I was just thinking that this conversation felt familiar.

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Yup...easy color code fix.

Yeah! I just received my first email notification for the new forum.

EDIT: I notice that even though I had this post on two lines (now three lines) it puts it all together one one line. Don\\\'t remember if that happened before or if it\\\'s a new issue.

EDIT Again: Okay...that\'s weird. Now it went to different lines. Boo... LOL

Edited by AngelMarvel
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Keep in mind...No one can see warning points except the actual person. So if you all want to advertise that you have warning points..go right ahead. No one would even know if it you didn\'t say anything.


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whats the stars under the admin names mean? No ones answering our questions!!! And I dont understand why u have those arseno videos, saw the first one then the 2nd one did not think it was proper for a lds site and stop watching them. I know this is new Im hoping it gets better. Hoping the forums go back to the way it was, or maybe its a sign not to spend so much time in here. I dont know why we had to change, yes change is not easy, but this is a forum how do u get to your profile? I put my name in it should just get me there,it doesnt. Tried with the letter but that will take you yrs to get there lol. Ok i\\'m complaning. I miss my icon, most of you its an easy fix. Well not for me. I\\'m not smart but you probably know that already!!!..It\\'s frustrating and who needs more frustrating things in their life. Ok I got it off my chest, but I know it doesn\\'t mean anything. What r the warning points for? Do u get emailed to let you know?? JUst curious I dont have any. haha.

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Patience is the key for such a radical change. I predict (based on prior experience) that it\'ll take about a week to work out all the \'bugs\' and get the forum running as simply as it was before.

One reason for the change was to simplify the administration of the forum. It was a mess with the two different software systems and trying to ensure their ongoing compatibility.

No idea what the stars mean. I don\'t have one... except the one I put in my avatar.

The warning points is the infraction system we have in place for moderating forum members. Those that happen to have these points, were infracted at one time or another. We don\'t count the ones over a year when making moderating decisions... but the software is showing ALL of them ever given.

Just keep reporting the bugs and annoyances in the threads that are talking about them. Even if you don\'t get a specific reply, these are things that are (probably) being added to a very long \"to-do\" list for Pam to work through.

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ok skippy. another flaw is you should be able to log out from what ever page your on instead of having to keep clicking on the error to get you to the first page. and another thing is you cant go back and put something in example I just wrote ok skippy and went on so I tried to go back and add something and couldnt. I know you can change it if u hit more options, but I think you should be able to change it right here. Poor Pammmy. I do like the ask gramps site. Iv\'e been on it a few times a friend told me about it. Thank you for answering my question.

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Keep in mind...No one can see warning points except the actual person. So if you all want to advertise that you have warning points..go right ahead. No one would even know if it you didn\\\'t say anything.:)


Oh, BLEH! Like it\'s so surprising that I\'ve been banned before.

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Rose, if you look at the top of your screen on the right, it should say your name. If not, you\'re probably not logged in. But if you hover your cursor over your name, a drop-down menu will appear, with options to go to \"my settings\" (where you can view your profile and change your avatar), and \"log out\" as well.

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Pam, it looks like PMs didn\'t port over. When I go to \"personal messenger,\" the only things that show up are my previous infractions, but none of my private correspondence with other site members.


That's one of the issues I have brought up.  The default was set to a max of 50 saved messages so it brought over the oldest 50 messages.  Mine were from 2008.  

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whats the stars under the admin names mean? No ones answering our questions!!! And I dont understand why u have those arseno videos, saw the first one then the 2nd one did not think it was proper for a lds site and stop watching them. I know this is new Im hoping it gets better. Hoping the forums go back to the way it was, or maybe its a sign not to spend so much time in here. I dont know why we had to change, yes change is not easy, but this is a forum how do u get to your profile? I put my name in it should just get me there,it doesnt. Tried with the letter but that will take you yrs to get there lol. Ok i\\'m complaning. I miss my icon, most of you its an easy fix. Well not for me. I\\'m not smart but you probably know that already!!!..It\\'s frustrating and who needs more frustrating things in their life. Ok I got it off my chest, but I know it doesn\\'t mean anything. What r the warning points for? Do u get emailed to let you know?? JUst curious I dont have any. haha.


The stars under admin names mean nothing.  It's just a symbol on the site designing that person is an administrator.


The forums won't be going back to the way they were.  It was necessary for us to use a new software to integrate with the rest of the site that is new.   


Warning points are when you are issued an infraction for a site rule violation.  


I don't like change as much as anyone else...but it was absolutely necessary in this case.


Many of the things that people have found wrong with the site (bugs) were corrected yesterday.  We're still working on others.


Thanks to those who have been patient with us.  We appreciate it.

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K how quotes are presented needs to be visually improved, either a noticeable box or darker bar or something (need to see where they start and end easier). Also the "FORUMS, MEMBERS, and CALENDAR" buttons should be moved to a second horizontal bar underneath the lds.net bar at the top (they are causing a huge waste of space), and then have the threads recentered to the middle of the page.

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K how quotes are presented needs to be visually improved, either a noticeable box or darker bar or something (need to see where they start and end easier). Also the "FORUMS, MEMBERS, and CALENDAR" buttons should be moved to a second horizontal bar underneath the lds.net bar at the top (they are causing a huge waste of space), and then have the threads recentered to the middle of the page.


Doing a test using this comment.

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