I confess


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Since you said, 


Eowyn, on 09 Jan 2015 - 1:33 PM, said:snapback.png

I am really pretty.


I'd guess you are either conceited or just not very modest.  ;)





It was a difficult confession, but it needed to be said.

Edited by Eowyn
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  • To minimize the appearance of fine lines around my eyes, I sandpaper them away.  A moderately fine grit (#100-#180) works best.  Works like a charm.


  • Now and then I will wash and dry a big load of towels, and then bring the hot towels up and dump them on my bed so my cat can crawl inside and take a nap.  I don't wash them again before I use them.


  • Once or twice a year I will buy a National Enquirer and a box of animal crackers and enjoy them both late at night. 
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  • To minimize the appearance of fine lines around my eyes, I sandpaper them away.  A moderately fine grit (#100-#180) works best.  Works like a charm.


When I was assistant to a dermatologist (who was, granted, old and did things his own way), in some of the "fancier" skin treatments we used:


Mesh from the hardware store


Dry ice


The first two, of course, were put through a pressurized sterilizer first. 

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I don't like my 9-5 job.


I would take a Nursery calling for life.


I love that Eowyn starts these threads.


I wish Eowyn didn't use that image for her icon, as I love the character Eowyn and have a hard time not transferring that to Eowyn.

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  • To minimize the appearance of fine lines around my eyes, I sandpaper them away.  A moderately fine grit (#100-#180) works best.  Works like a charm.


Can you explain what you mean? I have no clue what would be meant by "sandpapering" skin.

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Any noun can be verbed, but sometimes it's imprecise, sorry.


I meant use sandpaper in the usual way to rub my skin lightly.  Not with an electric sander, of course, and certainly not vigorously like you do when sanding off old paint.  


I spend a fair amount of time in hot sunny places like Nevada and Hawaii, and after a few days of squinting in the heat and having my skin dried out and tanned (or burned) by the sun, I see creases appear around my eyes.  The usual crow's feet, nothing especially strange.


Lightly sanding my skin is sort of like using an exfoliant.  I don't do it often, and I'm very gentle.  It's like a deep cleaner.  Eowyn's comment makes me think that I must have heard about this from a dermatologist, maybe online.  I doubt whether I'm clever enough to have come up with this idea by myself.

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I missed the whole sandpaper comment. Yes, apparently, it is a well known and used technique to reduce wrinkles around eyes and mouth. I wouldn't have thought to go this route but it makes sense as I scan through several articles and blogs on it.

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Now I'm worried that I'm being vain about my appearance.  But really, the sandpaper and the nose job are all I have done to improve my looks, and the nose job was to fix a broken nose.  


Do I get bonus points for going to a bad hairstylist?  The place I go to has one hairstylist that nobody likes, but I feel sorry for her and ask for her by name so she doesn't feel so rejected.  I don't think she could do a worse job if she cut my hair with a dull tomahawk, but I don't care how my hair looks.  Does that make up for my skin vanity?

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Now I'm worried that I'm being vain about my appearance.  But really, the sandpaper and the nose job are all I have done to improve my looks, and the nose job was to fix a broken nose.  


Do I get bonus points for going to a bad hairstylist?  The place I go to has one hairstylist that nobody likes, but I feel sorry for her and ask for her by name so she doesn't feel so rejected.  I don't think she could do a worse job if she cut my hair with a dull tomahawk, but I don't care how my hair looks.  Does that make up for my skin vanity?


LOL. I wish we still had a laugh button. PV, you can sandpaper your teeth for all I care. (That might actually be pretty cool...) I doubt anyone is making adverse jugdments about your vanity based on skin sandpapering. Sanity, maybe.

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