How do I ratify Mormonism with 1corinthians 6-9?


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1 Corinthians 6:9-11

...Fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, male prostitutes, sodomites,

10 thieves, the greedy, drunkards, revilers, robbers...


All of these are viewed as sin that need to be repented of in the LDS faith. Your title question implies that there is a conflict with this scripture, when there is not.

The good news is that Jesus is Lord. Be of good cheer. We celebrate with you in our Lord Jesus Christ and it is through him and no other that we can find the way.

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It says any other gospel is cursed. Is The book of Mormon not another gospel?


I'm not sure which specific verses you're referring to, so I'll reply just talking about the gospel in general.


The Gospel I love and devote my life to is the Good News: the news that man can be demeaned from death-- both physical death, and spiritual death, which is separation from our Father in Heaven.  This is possible because the Father sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die on my behalf and save me from my sins (and everyone else's too).  I love the my Lord Jesus Christ, and devote my life to being His disciple and walking in His ways, becoming a Christian.


Byron, I don't know which Christian denomination you hail from, but I as a Mormon-Christian welcome you to this site.  I know much of Mormon-Christianity may seem strange to you (just as Baptist-Christianity or Catholic-Christianity seems strange to me).  I'd encourage you to step forward and ask any questions you do have (and sorry I can't address your OP more specially).  


Again, welcome  :D

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Maybe before you post a transparent troll you should do enough research to not have at least eight errors in 23 words (counting post title and text).  That's more than 1 error per three words.  Most of us here aren't exactly rocket surgeons, and we all make some mistakes, but that's a little extreme.  


  • Error 1,2  "Rattify"? It's spelled ratify (error 1).  Ratify makes no sense. The word you're looking for  would be reconcile (error 2).
  • Error 3  The answer to the question you're asking is easily googled.  It is tired and I'm not going to deal with it here.
  • Errors 4,5,6,7   "1corinthians 6-9" (yes there are four errors with just that reference)  There should be a space between 1 and Corinthians (error 3),  incidentally Corinthians should be capitalized (error 4).  6-9 refers to chapters 6-9, and doesn't reference a verse (error 5).  I'm familiar with the verse you're asking about and it is not in Corinthians (error 6).  I'll let you figure out for yourself where it is. 
  • Error 8 you forgot to capitalize "book" in "The book of Mormon"  


And this is just what I can find with a quick once over of your post. 


Most of us are open to honest query, but it's frankly a bit insulting that you think we're so stupid as to fall for such a low quality and transparent troll. Learn something and come back. 

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Let's play nice, kids, until we have proof. . . at which time the mods will take care of it. 


Byron: a little background for you understanding--


There are people (more than a few of them) whom come onto this site and other Mormon venues, and blindly shout "you're all heretics whom preach a different Gospel!", without ever asking a Mormon person what they actually believe or listening when a Mormon does try to speak.  As a people whom devote their lives to being followers of Christ and studying His word... well, such becomes tiresome.  That's why people are cringing at your question: they are tired of many hard-headed trolls whom "ask" the same thing as a ploy blindly mock another person's dearly held beliefs (nothing personal against you).


I'm choosing to assume that you're here honestly, hence my welcome.  

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  • First of all I would like to apologize to those I have offended with my question. 
  • Second I would like to forgive those who seem to want to condemn me for my question.
  • finally I would like to clarify my question:
  • I was mistaken when I said Corinthians. I meant Galatians 1 6-9, my apologies. 

Galatians 1 6-9 reads:

6 I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel— 7 which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse! 9 As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God’s curse!

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You're referring to Galatians 1: 6-9.  There is no conflict to rectify.


Read further to v 10 and 11.  Other faiths rely on the learning and study of man.  To believe that we can come to a consensus on what God wants of us by majority vote would be like two wolves and a sheep taking a vote on what to have for dinner. The blind leading the blind.


We rely on study combined with Divine revelation.  We rely on a prophet of God as well as our own individual connection to the Holy Ghost to guide us in truth.  The only way to know Divine truth is though Divine revelation.

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Byron, when Paul wrote that letter to the Galatians, there was no "The Holy Bible" compiled yet.  Therefore, it couldn't possibly be that Paul meant for that letter to say, you shouldn't have any other gospel than that written on The Holy Bible because it didn't exist.


So, what did he mean by Gospel?


Well, Gospel is the Good News that Jesus Christ has atoned for our sins that we may be saved.  Any authentic work that proclaims this Good News is not another gospel... it's the same gospel.  Whether it is Paul who is declaring this news or Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Moses, Isaiah, or.... Nephi, Alma, or Mormon.


It will be a different gospel if such work does not affirm this Good News but rather give a different gospel that Anatess is the savior or that there is no need for a Christ as we can save ourselves, etc.


The Book of Mormon is another Testament of the atoning sacrifice of Christ and the covenants between God and Man.

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It says any other gospel is cursed. Is The book of Mormon not another gospel?


The historic Christian church replaced the apostles and prophets with theologians and scholars , so the gospel taught by the prophets was lost and replaced by man made doctrines such as the Nicene Creed.


 The Lord restored that Gospel by calling a prophet in our day and giving us the Book of Mormon as an adjunct to the Bible.  The Lord also restored His church, with all the powers, keys,  and priesthood necessary to administer the ordinances of salvation and exaltation. (see Eph 4:11-14)


The LDS church accepts all of the word of God, including the Bible and modern revelation.

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Lets see with it being about no other Gospel... Lets see what was the gospel they preached...


Lets take Paul...  His conversion is documented.  It is documented that he "preached" about his conversion.  So what does this teach us?  That after Christ came and left, God still felt it necessary call men and give then authority to teach, expound, and correct, and even "gasp" add to scriptures.  This reinforces the pattern found throughout the Bible.  The LDS church is precisely on board with this Gospel Preaching... How many other Christian Churches can say the same?  How many have replaced that simple aspect of the Gospel that was preached with some other way (or as it were, some other gospel)?


You will find that we agree with the statement 100 percent...   But that we disagree with how other faith interpret and try to shoe horn in things that developed later under that umbrella.

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Guest MormonGator

Byron, when Paul wrote that letter to the Galatians, there was no "The Holy Bible" compiled yet.  Therefore, it couldn't possibly be that Paul meant for that letter to say, you shouldn't have any other gospel than that written on The Holy Bible because it didn't exist.



The Book of Mormon is another Testament of the atoning sacrifice of Christ and the covenants between God and Man.

 This. Very, very this. 

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I'm going to offer my standard advice for both LDS and Evangelicals (which I am) on understanding the basics of the differences between our two faiths:  Read the dialogue offered in Blomberg & and Robinsons book, How Wide the Divide: A Mormon and an Evangelical in Conversation.  These two are professors, one from Denver Seminary, the other from BYU.  The are respectful, but they do not wash issues under the rug, and are not attempting any kind of ecumenism.  They discuss salvation by faith, the canon of scripture, etc.  I've handed this book out to fellow Evangelicals looking to learn more about LDS, and I've handed it out to a few LDS missionaries.  It's a great starting point, and can help anyone jump from basic to intermediate on these boards.

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Thanks for the recommend on the book.  I am getting it and reading and studying it, as it is available from the library here.

I went online to order it and my card has expired so apparently I have to go to the library (branch) to renew, which I did but they were closed.  12 to 8 today, so I'll go back, renew, and order it over.

I hope to report later as to how I see the book.


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  • First of all I would like to apologize to those I have offended with my question. 
  • Second I would like to forgive those who seem to want to condemn me for my question.
  • finally I would like to clarify my question:
  • I was mistaken when I said Corinthians. I meant Galatians 1 6-9, my apologies. 

Galatians 1 6-9 reads:

6 I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel— 7 which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse! 9 As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God’s curse!



What gives anyone the authority or right to claim that their gospel is not the "other" one.


The gospel I "accepted" is the lds gospel, which I believe firmly to be the gospel of Christ as preached by Paul. So how do you reconcile Galatians with my view of things? How come your gospel, whatever is is, isn't the "other" one that's under God's curse?


Edit: I'm not just putting this into confrontational terms by way of question. I'm asking you to consider it seriously.

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