Best Christmas Gift You Got This Year


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This was definately the year of the BEST. However it wasnt in the receiving but in the giving.


My wife saw a gift idea on pinterest and told me she wanted the same thing for her.

The husband put 12 envelopes in a box and wrapped it. In each envelope was a date night activity for each month.


When my wife opened her gift and saw the 12 envelopes she cried. It was emotional for me too thinking that I have been so busy last year with work that we barely even got any date nights done. Sad to think I had to gift wrap my time for her, but glad that its set in stone and planned out for 2016.

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Guest MormonGator

I got to spend Christmas with my 89 year old grandmother, an aunt I'm super close too and and another aunt that I sadly, don't get a chance to see much. Best. Christmas. Ever. 

(Seriously, did you ever get a chance to see your 89 year old Memere flirt with a waiter? Priceless) 

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Mine wasn't a gift though in some ways it was.  Since we celebrated Christmas Eve this year I had all of Christmas day to do nothing but watch movies and craft.  It was the most heavenly of days.  Working 2 jobs I rarely have the time to just do something for me that I enjoy for hours on end.  It seriously was THE most relaxing day I've had in years.

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Just_A_Girl is pretty good at drawing, and this year she did a color pencil portrait of all five of our kids which is now hanging on my office wall. 


I saw that picture and it is absolutely fantastic!!

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I got a DoohicKey - literally. :D (Some friends from work saw it in the store and got it for me.)




Backstory: When we add test data to the software we're developing, we all have our styles - one friend uses the names of various candies, I use words like doohickey, thingamabob, whatchamacallit, doohickeymabob, etc. - so it was a a great joke.  Now I just need a bottle of Henry Weinhard's to test it on...



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Christmas Eve, my husband and I both woke up sick over a need we needed to meet that day with no means to meet it. An hour after I woke up, my sister, acting on a prompting, brought over exactly what we needed. It was a miracle we're all thankful for.

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After the family did a thorough study of Festivus, the 11 yr old and I decided to begin a splinter-holiday roughly based on it.  We call it "Chimsus" (which is what she used to call Christmas when she was 3 and learning to talk).  


The tenets of Chimsus are:

- The passionate screams (usually of terror).

- The physical altercation, usually large green exercise-ball based.  

- The Chimsus Miracle - an act of chucking the ball that should have resulted in damage to something in the house, yet somehow didn't.  (I mean really - when we bounced that thing off the computer monitor, it didn't even tip over or break.  It's a Chimsus miracle!)

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