Intimate Photos with spouse

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Guest MormonGator
5 minutes ago, unixknight said:

Let's be fair.  The first few responses didn't answer his question.  Just reasons not to which didn't address the question of morality, which was the point of the OP.

I agree. I could have been much more fair. My apologies 

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I DO very much understand the very downside or the worse case scenario that could happen, and do appreciate the responses that addressed the original question.  I do wish things are different but I accept them and ask The Lord to help us with the hard times that will come.  Both of us have Temple Recommends and so it isn't something "bad" we did to put ourselves in this situation we knew already going into this that it would be the case and prayed and received and answer that it was right.  And so while we wait for us to be reunited one day, the idea and thought was there.  We have discussed it for sometime, and just wanted to see what the general feel of it was, and I apologize if I seemed rude at any moment,

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A) I do not know why this would be more awkward to ask a bishop than to ask us, I really don't.  Develop a relationship with your ward rather than hiding in the back - they need you* and you need them.

*Not "someone", not "another male", not "another warm body", not "another priesthood holder" - YOU.  Whoever you are with all your strengths and weaknesses, they need you.  And you need them.

B) IMO, rather than figuring out whether it's OK to send such pictures, spend that energy figuring out how to live in the same geographical location as your wife, even if that requires a huge risk and leap of faith.

C) I think we can clear up the bad feelings fairly easily.  As has already been admitted, your original question wasn't the one answered.  You have clarified exactly what you are asking, that one's good.  As to the "dumb" and sarcasm...  You said:

44 minutes ago, dz2003 said:

...those other reason may fall under dumb reasons not to do so, ...

This is calling the reasons dumb (presumably, the reasons offered by the previous responders).  I think what you meant to say was "those other reasons may fall under the reasons it's dumb to [send pictures of each other via the internet / cell network]".  Eowyn though you were calling her and her replies "dumb" and therefore responded to what appeared to be an insult from you.  You then responded to her reaction, and here we are.  Let us agree that your wording was not entirely clear the first time, that this is what you intended to say, thus no insult was intended, and let it go.

Summary: Moral - depends on what you do in response to these images.  Wise - probably not unless you're some kind of computer security guru with a mechanism impervious to human error.

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Guest MormonGator
5 minutes ago, zil said:

A) I do not know why this would be more awkward to ask a bishop than to ask us, I really don't.  Develop a relationship with your ward rather than hiding in the back - they need you* and you need them.

He's right about that part Zil. Several of us hide in the back and hope to be left alone. In particular if the ward is unfriendly. 

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I think I would need to ask Hillary how to avoid things being seen :)  As far as being able live in the same area, this is the answer we have received and it is not now but one day or rather soon, I guess in the realm of eternity 6 years is not bad.  We have looked into different avenues and spoken with Bishop and Attorneys and for right now, we need to stay put for a while. go to Church attend the Temple and it will work out

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6 minutes ago, MormonGator said:

He's right about that part Zil. Several of us hide in the back and hope to be left alone. In particular if the ward is unfriendly. 

I know.  That doesn't invalidate my statement - your ward needs you.


The same God that placed that star in a precise orbit millennia before it appeared over Bethlehem in celebration of the birth of the Babe has given at least equal attention to placement of each of us in precise human orbits so that we may, if we will, illuminate the landscape of our individual lives, so that our light may not only lead others but warm them as well.

— Neal A. Maxwell, That My Family Should Partake, Pg.86

I believe that with every fiber of my being.  God directs us to where we are needed and where those we need can reach out to us.  Yes, sometimes it's utterly contrary to our natures to do more than hide in the back*, but if God went to all that effort to put us there, we ought to try hard.

*I rarely leave my own head, regardless of where my body happens to be, but I know this is true, and know that it is possible to overcome our nature and bless the lives of others in so doing.

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Guest MormonGator
3 minutes ago, zil said:

I know.  That doesn't invalidate my statement - your ward needs you.


I know exactly what you mean and I don't disagree with you. I just wish the ward knew what they needed. The OP and many of us often times have gifts that are overlooked. 

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Guest MormonGator
3 minutes ago, zil said:

I know.  That doesn't invalidate my statement - your ward needs you.


I know exactly what you mean and I don't disagree with you. I just wish the ward knew what they needed. The OP and many of us often times have gifts that are overlooked. 

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4 minutes ago, MormonGator said:

I know exactly what you mean and I don't disagree with you. I just wish the ward knew what they needed. The OP and many of us often times have gifts that are overlooked. 

Amen, brother!  This is part of what motivates me to say this.  Stereotypical Mormons sometimes need a kick in the pants to recognize that there's good to be found outside the stereotype.

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Guest MormonGator
4 minutes ago, zil said:

Amen, brother!  This is part of what motivates me to say this.  Stereotypical Mormons sometimes need a kick in the pants to recognize that there's good to be found outside the stereotype.


And that's why I made you wife number 3! 

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Guest MormonGator
4 minutes ago, zil said:

Amen, brother!  This is part of what motivates me to say this.  Stereotypical Mormons sometimes need a kick in the pants to recognize that there's good to be found outside the stereotype.


And that's why I made you wife number 3! 

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15 minutes ago, MormonGator said:

He's right about that part Zil. Several of us hide in the back and hope to be left alone. In particular if the ward is unfriendly. 

PS: Would it help to know that I have reserved seats?  The last soft seat (right by the door) on the Sacrament table side; and the last row, first seat by the door for Sunday School and Relief Society (since I now have to sit up front, a sister is keeping it warm for me until I'm released, at which time everyone knows I'm going right back to it). :)

I grew up in the back row at school (seated alphabetically).  It makes me very uncomfortable to have people or lots of open space behind me.  Back row is good.  Non-participation is denying blessings (to you and those who ought to receive and welcome you). :)  Sorry, don't mean to carry on, I just think we ought to act a little more like the brothers and sisters we are...

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3 hours ago, dz2003 said:

Maybe I was not afforded the ability to share what I am thinking correctly,  So there are 2 topics:

1.  How private/bad idea/can people see them/etc.

2.  Is it morally bad to do so?

I am looking at number 2 for right now

You asked for thoughts, so here are mine.

  1. I think it's an exceedingly poor idea, both because it invites an invasion of marital intimacy and because, even if kept strictly private, it is not likely to lead to a good end.
  2. Off the top of my head, I can't think of why having a photograph of my wife when she's naked would be immoral -- as long as I kept it to myself. Same with her having a photograph of naked me. But a nude pic strikes me as a form of objectification. I know who she is by her face. Do I really need a photograph of her nice bits to remind me what they look like? "Oh, yeah, THAT'S right. I forgot." Hmmm. Not likely. In that sense, the morality begins to seem a bit questionable, and the photograph of my beloved wife begins to take on some of the characteristics of a porno shoot, which is frankly just about the last thing I want to associate with my beloved.
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I can't see any reason why it would be immoral to see a photo or video of something you are allowed to see in person, but the risk of exposure is something you have to take into account.   I've taken some very sexy pictures of my wife but I've never sent them electronically, not by phone, email or anything.  Once you send something a copy of it is kept on various servers out there and who knows what can happen.  I keep the R and X rated pictures encrypted and stored safe from all eyes but mine.  On my phone I have some very nice pictures of my wife for me to look at when we`re apart and I`m missing her, but none of them show more skin than what you would see of her at the beach.  Perhaps you could consider keeping the images being sent limited PG-13 pictures.  You could get some professional glamor shots of her with hair and makeup done, alluring without getting too racy.

There are phone apps specially made to allow couples to send private, encrypted messages, pictures and videos that are supposed to protect privacy.  I can't say if they are any good though. 

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I see nothing morally wrong with having sexy photos of your spouse. I agree with what others have stated about being careful how those photos are shared between the two of you.

I do have a concern because of a personal experience.  My husband and his ex-wife had taken a few nude photos of each other. They divorced.  My husband had all their photos after the divorce and he had forgotten about the few nude ones.  He had me help him go through all their pictures to help decide which ones he wanted to keep, and of course those particular photos were in the big box of pictures.  I don't think his ex would be too happy knowing I saw those photos of her.  So, what you think is private now, could one day be seen by others. 

What happens to the privacy of those photos, emails, texts, etc. when you die?  I can just imagine my children going through my computer and phone when I'm gone. They know my passwords.  I want them to have access to all the photos of the family and all the family history I've scanned.  Hopefully, there is nothing there that is too embarrassing.


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26 minutes ago, unixknight said:

Am I the only one who thinks the timing of this question is hilarious given the latest goings on in the news with Anthony Wiener?


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@dz2003, on the morality issue:

Taking a nude photo is not immoral in and of itself.  What may be immoral is the WHY the picture was taken and the HOW the picture is used.

Under the marriage covenant, sex is set apart as the ultimate expression of love for one's spouse.  Being apart from each other for 6 years means this form of expression of love is not possible.  Taking naked pictures of your spouse so you can use it to self-love is not a moral expression of your love for your spouse.  It cheapens your spouse into an object for your self aggrandizement and sex becomes a selfish act and not an expression of love.

Now, how can you express your love for your spouse from miles away?  There are many ways... send her her favorite chocolates, write her a poem, call her on the phone and provide a listening ear while she whines about her bad day... etc. etc. etc.

So, you might ask, "you really expect me to be celibate for 6 years????".  Yes.  Think of it this way - you only get to do it for 6 years.  Gay people may have to do it for their entire lifetimes.  You are one lucky dude.


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