Why Do You Watch?


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I was watching an episode of The Flash the other day where they said a hilarious line


H: Time to go to the mattresses.

S: You have The Godfather on your Earth?

H: Every Earth has The Godfather.  It's a Universal Constant.

<Nod of approval from the villain who happens to be listening.  Shrug of agreement from everyone.>

It got me to thinking that one of the reasons I watch movies or TV is for the character interplay.  The humor, sarcasm, romance, poignancy, everything.  The plot is really secondary.  The USA network has as a slogan "characters welcome".  Psych was another show that we watch wholly for the characters not really for the plot.

I was reminded of a talk in Sacrament where they talked about being careful of what shows you watch.  When you watch a show it's like inviting people into your home for the evening.  If you saw these characters on the screen as real people, would you actually want to invite them into your home?

I'd be ok with the Flash or Psych cast.  I can say that the cast of Seinfeld, as funny as it was, were not the kind of people I'd like to invite into my home.  I certainly would not invite people from a horror film into my home.

As I expanded the list I began realizing there are some shows and films that I REALLY like to watch that I really wouldn't want to invite them into my home.

But there are some shows that I don't watch for the characters.  I watch for the action or the intrigue or the historical background, etc.  I think I judge those on a different level.

What do you think?  Why do YOU watch?

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I don't. I seriously almost never watch television -- a sentence that, while growing up and in my younger adult years, I never believed I would truthfully write.

I have recently watched the first four or five episodes of a show called Dark Matter. It's ostensibly science fiction. I have just about reached the limit of my patience with it. I will give it maybe another episode, and possibly two, but I've about had it. Hackneyed, predictable writing. I'm watching the show and I'm thinking, "This is boilerplate! I could write a better show than this! Much better!" And with just a little practice at screenplay writing, I bet I honestly could write a much better show. It's tired, predictable, by-the-numbers TV scifi, practically an homage to Star Trek 1967. My oldest son called it "the New Firefly"; I couldn't tell if he was calling it what he read or heard somewhere else or if he was just demonstrating the deadpan irony he's so good at. With shows like that, why would you ever waste your time watching TV?

A few months or a year or so ago, I started watching something called Once Upon a Time (I think). The promising premise was that a small town in rural, I don't know, maybe Ohio or New York or somewhere was actually the "landing spot" for honest-to-goodness fairy tale characters who didn't know they were fairy tale characters. Issues of language and moral viewpoint aside, the first few episodes were engaging. I enjoyed getting to know the Wicked Witch and Snow White and whoever else was there in their 21st-century American forms. But after maybe six episodes, I was so frustrated that I quit watching it. It's a SOAP OPERA! Nothing important ever gets resolved! Characters seem not to progress, and are mostly reactive (which, I admit, is pretty true-to-life). After the first half-dozen episodes, it seemed like TV purely for TV's sake. I gave up on it. Can't say I've missed it.

I have taken to watching some YouTube people. I'm a big fan of Grant Thompson ("King of Random"), despite -- or maybe because of -- his hokie "experiments" and casual disregard for any but the most obvious elements of safety. Seriously, he's going to blow his hand off one day. But he's like a 12-year-old boy all grown up and with the willingness and wherewithal to do many of the crazy and often stupid things a 12-year-old boy would like to do. I also watch a couple of homesteading types -- Wranglerstar might be my favorite -- and a couple of woodworking guys, among whom Matthias Wandel is without doubt a supergenius. It might still be a waste of time, but I don't feel nearly as bad about spending time on such videos, and at least I learn new stuff.

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The three TV shows I watch are Star Trek (the original), Star Trek the Next Generation, and Fringe.

These three may as well be 80 hour movies or whatever.  They are that high quality.  (Also they all involve Leonard Nimoy, even if TNG has a very distant link to Nimoy).

Everything else is a waste of time.  I still get sucked into watching some stuff because my wife likes to snuggle and watch TV, but I usually wind up reading a book or putting on headphones and listening to music when she does this.  

(I do like watching old black and white TV shows from the 1950s-60s from time to time - Andy Griffith, the Twilight Zone, Bewitched - all of these shows have artistic and historical value).


Edited by DoctorLemon
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Heh - these are not the answers I'd give for my first four decades on this earth, but these days, I'm a sucker for:

* Characters that grow depth as the series progresses.  (To Vort's point, Soap Operas that just keep switching the goodness/badness of the various characters does nothing for me.  Unless it's the new Battlestar Galactica, then the special effects will at least hold my attention.)
* A unique plot or a fresh spin on an old classic
* Feels (no really - unless I'm having some sort of emotional reaction to what I'm watching, I lose interest.  Extra points if I laugh so hard I start choking, or burst into tears.)

Edited by NeuroTypical
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25 minutes ago, Vort said:

I don't. I seriously almost never watch television -- a sentence that, while growing up and in my younger adult years, I never believed I would truthfully write.

I have recently watched the first four or five episodes of a show called Dark Matter. It's ostensibly science fiction. I have just about reached the limit of my patience with it. I will give it maybe another episode, and possibly two, but I've about had it. Hackneyed, predictable writing. I'm watching the show and I'm thinking, "This is boilerplate! I could write a better show than this! Much better!" And with just a little practice at screenplay writing, I bet I honestly could write a much better show. It's tired, predictable, by-the-numbers TV scifi, practically an homage to Star Trek 1967. My oldest son called it "the New Firefly"; I couldn't tell if he was calling it what he read or heard somewhere else or if he was just demonstrating the deadpan irony he's so good at. With shows like that, why would you ever waste your time watching TV?

A few months or a year or so ago, I started watching something called Once Upon a Time (I think). The promising premise was that a small town in rural, I don't know, maybe Ohio or New York or somewhere was actually the "landing spot" for honest-to-goodness fairy tale characters who didn't know they were fairy tale characters. Issues of language and moral viewpoint aside, the first few episodes were engaging. I enjoyed getting to know the Wicked Witch and Snow White and whoever else was there in their 21st-century American forms. But after maybe six episodes, I was so frustrated that I quit watching it. It's a SOAP OPERA! Nothing important ever gets resolved! Characters seem not to progress, and are mostly reactive (which, I admit, is pretty true-to-life). After the first half-dozen episodes, it seemed like TV purely for TV's sake. I gave up on it. Can't say I've missed it.

I have taken to watching some YouTube people. I'm a big fan of Grant Thompson ("King of Random"), despite -- or maybe because of -- his hokie "experiments" and casual disregard for any but the most obvious elements of safety. Seriously, he's going to blow his hand off one day. But he's like a 12-year-old boy all grown up and with the willingness and wherewithal to do many of the crazy and often stupid things a 12-year-old boy would like to do. I also watch a couple of homesteading types -- Wranglerstar might be my favorite -- and a couple of woodworking guys, among whom Matthias Wandel is without doubt a supergenius. It might still be a waste of time, but I don't feel nearly as bad about spending time on such videos, and at least I learn new stuff.

I don't watch TV anymore either.  I used to watch CNN and Fox News - just have it playing in the background while I work.  I quit doing that this year.  Now, I just go to Youtube for news and go dig out some internet stuff about it.

Have you seen V-Sauce or Nerdist?  My kids like these "sciency" youtube channels.  Just thought I'd ask you what you think of them.  They also watch Scott Manley on youtube who is a gamer for Eve Online who films himself playing Eve while explaining spacey type things.  Interestingly, my kids don't watch TV anymore either.  They used to watch River Monsters when they were little but they even stopped doing that years ago.


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Guest Godless
25 minutes ago, Vort said:

A few months or a year or so ago, I started watching something called Once Upon a Time (I think). The promising premise was that a small town in rural, I don't know, maybe Ohio or New York or somewhere was actually the "landing spot" for honest-to-goodness fairy tale characters who didn't know they were fairy tale characters. Issues of language and moral viewpoint aside, the first few episodes were engaging. I enjoyed getting to know the Wicked Witch and Snow White and whoever else was there in their 21st-century American forms. But after maybe six episodes, I was so frustrated that I quit watching it. It's a SOAP OPERA! Nothing important ever gets resolved! Characters seem not to progress, and are mostly reactive (which, I admit, is pretty true-to-life). After the first half-dozen episodes, it seemed like TV purely for TV's sake. I gave up on it. Can't say I've missed it.

My wife and I really enjoy that show, though I agree that it took longer than it should have to reach a satisfying conclusion. I'm not sure if they plan to continue without Jennifer Morrison, but I don't think we're going to keep watching.

We just like to be entertained more than anything. It sounds trite, but it seems that a lot of dramas these days are trying to build a 5+ season epic on a premise that burns out after season 1 (see Revenge, Lie to Me, and Sleepy Hollow). Our favorite shows are Game of Thrones, Modern Family, and Brooklyn Nine Nine. GoT is just phenomenal (and no, none of those characters would ever we welcome in my home) and the latter two are just very enjoyable comedies with a refreshing dose of wit and originality. I also recently started binge-watching Parks & Rec and am really enjoying it so far. 

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48 minutes ago, Vort said:

A few months or a year or so ago, I started watching something called Once Upon a Time (I think).

You didn't miss much by quitting, Vort.  That was a family staple for like five years.  My older daughter dressed up as Little Red Riding Hood - the Meghan Ory OUAT Red version.  I lost interest but kept watching as it was a family thing.  Season 5 brought a brief uncomfortable silence into our house when Red and Dorothy shared true love's kiss.  We stopped watching shortly after.  

I hear we weren't the only ones.  As one reviewer put it, "The homophobes hated it because it was a same sex kiss, the neutrals hated it because it offered nothing to the general plot, and the LGBT viewers hated it because it took five years to add gay characters."  

Permit me the world's smallest violin.

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38 minutes ago, anatess2 said:

Have you seen V-Sauce or Nerdist?  My kids like these "sciency" youtube channels.  Just thought I'd ask you what you think of them.  They also watch Scott Manley on youtube who is a gamer for Eve Online who films himself playing Eve while explaining spacey type things.

Sorry. None of the above.

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I think we're quickly getting to, if we haven't already long since arrived at, the point where we need to boycott all television for the sake(s) of our families and morality in general. Is there anything lovely or of good report there left?

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55 minutes ago, The Folk Prophet said:

One word. Gratuitous nudity.

Wait...that's two words.





..........what was the question?

In the Elders' Quorum in my last ward, Game of Thrones was apparently all the rage.

I have never seen Game of Thrones personally, but should I be suggesting that these bretheren talk to the bishop?

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9 minutes ago, NeuroTypical said:

Season 5 brought a brief uncomfortable silence into our house when Red and Dorothy shared true love's kiss.  We stopped watching shortly after.

Wow. Yeah, sounds like the right call.

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Just now, DoctorLemon said:

In the Elders' Quorum in my last ward, Game of Thrones was apparently all the rage.

I have never seen Game of Thrones personally, but should I be suggesting that these bretheren talk to the bishop?

I don't know the answer to the question as it relates to stewardship, etc.

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12 minutes ago, NeuroTypical said:

Season 5 brought a brief uncomfortable silence into our house when Red and Dorothy shared true love's kiss.  We stopped watching shortly after.  

We stopped watching long before. Didn't you see the writing on the wall?


Edit...oh...and apparently it's bigots like us who drive people away from the church. I found that out with the Beauty and the Beast so-called "gay moment" so I thought I'd share the wisdom.

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Guest Godless
18 minutes ago, NeuroTypical said:

I hear we weren't the only ones.  As one reviewer put it, "The homophobes hated it because it was a same sex kiss, the neutrals hated it because it offered nothing to the general plot, and the LGBT viewers hated it because it took five years to add gay characters."  

But isn't that sometimes the case with hetero kisses too? It seems odd to get riled up over something like that if you're truly neutral on the same-sex issue. :huh:

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I've enjoyed movie far more than TV. I absolutely LOVE Marvel, LOTR, and Starwars. Movies like these show pretty well done character interplay and character/plot development. I also have watched a lot of TV but shallow plot lines always drive me away. I watched about 5 episodes of "once upon a time", and after realizing the plot of the story would essentially be done after one simple problem was fixed, I quit because I could see season after season of the same problem being brought up over and over.

I just finished 'Green Arrow' which I love, disputed the 3 recurring themes which plague the series. 1. Lying to his friends, friends find out, social drama, forgiveness, wash and repeat. 2. Kills a lot of bad guys, friends tell him to calm down, social drama, repentance and forgiveness, shows mercy and problems happen, kills lots of bad guys, etc. 3. Characters dying... but not really dying.

I probably just like super heros too much ;)

Honestly, the series I have loved the most have been DR WHO, Starwars CloneWars (Netflix a series), Phineas and Ferb, Psych, Last Man Standing, Flash, and Green Arrow.

Why do I watch?? Super heroes, childhood sci-fi and fantasy loves remerging (Or maybe I'm just still a child x) ), and witty and funny character interplay. If it does not have one of those, I do not get engrossed.

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I am with Carb. Character interplay. I do this with books as well.  Qualification for favorite movies. I barely follow Sherlock plots, for example, I just like how everyone chats.

Regarding Once, I changed my avatar over there on the left recently because I lost interest like over a year ago and felt weird having a character up when I had no idea what was going on.Well, the first few seasons were fun.

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Guest LiterateParakeet

I love Speechless. Hillarious, and yes mostly for the characters.  Not only would I invite them into our home, sometimes I think I am them. LOL. Hubby and at watch it together and I swear we are laughing at ourselves as much as the characters. 

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3 hours ago, Backroads said:

Regarding Once, I changed my avatar over there on the left recently because I lost interest like over a year ago and felt weird having a character up when I had no idea what was going on.Well, the first few seasons were fun.

I remember asking you about your old avatar some years back, and you explained it to me. I'm sure you told me it was from Once Upon a Time, but since I had no reference for remembering that tidbit, I forgot all about it. Was that one of the characters?

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