Is your child really brain damaged?


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May I vent here? I feel I'm giving too much to another group.

This is pro vaccine. Sorry and stuff.

Why are parents claiming their children are brain damaged without giving actual proof? I see this claim time and time again. Vaccines gave my kid brain damage.

Ok, I believe in vaccines but I also believe injuries happen. Tell me more.

They have nothing more to tell. No diagnosis, no medical documentation of any kind, not even specific behaviors of their child.

Is the new cute joke trend? Raise your kid to think he's brain damaged?

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A fair vent. 

A lot of the time what people do is not really evidence (let alone scientifically) derived, but instead more emotional driven.  So no, they don't have scientific proof of anything (there's no solid scientific studies on this).  However, that fear that there *might* be a correlation really scares people.  So they don't vaccinate their kids-- because they fear the possibly of brain damage (and they have seen kids with real disabilities) more than the fear the disease the vaccine is meant to prevent (a disease which is extremely scary, but they don't fear it because they've never seen it).  And then you had the human nature I-need-to-justify-and-defend-my-choices trait.... it just becomes a huge mess.

I could also go of on my soap box about how being different does NOT mean damaged or lesser.  We know so little about how our human brains and spirits work.  And that kid who does get a very visible injury that gives him a 'disability' is in NO way worthless than a 'healthy' kid.  

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I’m gonna take this opportunity to vent too.

So this 16-yr-old thinks he is a one-legged person.  He lived one full year with his right leg wrapped and goes around in a wheelchair.  He goes to the doctor and tells him - take out my right leg.  The doctor sends him to the psych ward and notifies hus parents.

Another 16-yr-old thinks he’s a girl.  He lived one full year as a girl complete with hormone blockers.  He goes to the doctor and tells him - take out my genitals.  The doctor sets him up for trans surgery without notifying the parents.

That is America today.

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My child wasn't brain damaged.  She was hurt by the vaccines. The vaccination site went bright red and was the size of a my fist. She spiked a very high fever and was struggling to breath. She was rushed to the children's hospital er. She cannot be vaccinated again. We don't know which one did it and we can't risk it happening again. 

My younger children are vaccinated completely different than most. This is on doctor's recommendations. 

 I know several other parents that have a child like mine.  She is healthy than the others. She gets sick less. The boys got whopping cough and she didn't.   Don't judge all parents who don't vaccinate without all the facts.

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Guest LiterateParakeet
17 minutes ago, LadyGunnar said:

My child wasn't brain damaged.  She was hurt by the vaccines. The vaccination site went bright red and was the size of a my fist. She spiked a very high fever and was struggling to breath. She was rushed to the children's hospital er. She cannot be vaccinated again. We don't know which one did it and we can't risk it happening again. 

That sounds terrifying. Sorry your family went through that.

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13 hours ago, Backroads said:

May I vent here? I feel I'm giving too much to another group.

This is pro vaccine. Sorry and stuff.

Why are parents claiming their children are brain damaged without giving actual proof? I see this claim time and time again. Vaccines gave my kid brain damage.

Ok, I believe in vaccines but I also believe injuries happen. Tell me more.

They have nothing more to tell. No diagnosis, no medical documentation of any kind, not even specific behaviors of their child.

Is the new cute joke trend? Raise your kid to think he's brain damaged?

Sometimes people are quick to believe the non-mainstream medical professionals because of some story they once heard.  I knew a woman that refused to get vaccinations for herself because she heard from (where ever) that it was some kind of ploy by the UN to infect people with somekind of a biological timebomb that would shut down their immune system.  Or something like that.  You see, that is one case, and the reasons are many.  Yes in some instance toxins are used.  Like mercury.  Well, I can't explain what is used where, but there is no conspiracy by the medical community (as alleged) to make everyone sick and dependent on drugs.  Much easier to use narcotics and feed into the drug culture.

When people read stuff, and out of their ignorance they "feel" it's true, they do stupid things.  They follow the wrong people.  At the same time, doing just that has saved my life.  I listened to Dr. Joseph Mercola about his rant regarding certain medications.  Except...I researched everything he said.  I even made it a point to talk to him.  We talked, back in 2001, and based on me actually researching what he said, I got off of medication doctors said I needed.  They had diagnosed me with an illness I never had.  Turned out the doctors were wrong.  And I have that documented.  You see, not all conspiracies are true, but not all doctors are honest, either.  Like in my case.  I did what a lot of parents don't do- research.  Few people do that.  They find it easier to listen to what everyone else is saying, generally following the premise of "well, everyone else is listening to 'Dr. X', so why shouldn't I?  If there was anything wrong, someone would say so!", not understanding that everyone else IS following 'Dr. X' (as example only), and they are responding in that manner to those that have researched and found 'Dr. X' to be in error. 

Yes, mercury is used in a lot of vaccinations.  I do not know which ones nor do I know why.  Yes, I also know that mercury is very toxic, under certain circumstances.  One gram of methylmercury at 80% concentration can go right through a nitrile glove and kill you.  THAT is documented.  Yet I can also dip my hand into a 1 gallon jug of pure mercury, and survive for decades.  Uh, in fact I have done just that and I am still alive.  I used to work with pure mercury in a laboratory.  Because people are so scared of mercury's toxicity is why a lot of mercury compounds are no longer used, not because of any proven toxicity.

There are instances where people have a valid concern for vaccinations.  Are they toxic?  Will they do more harm than good?  Truly, stuff everyone should ask.  But then...research it.  Which people don't do.  At least not very often.  In cases like LadyGunnar's you bet she has every right to be concerned.  This is something that can cost her kids their lives!  But that doesn't cover everybody.  Like with the flu vaccination, you have to talk with your doctor and find out if affects you if you have an allergy to either eggs or any of the ingredients to the vaccine or if you've had Guillain-Barre syndrome.  Sometimes people don't do that. 

LadyGunnar, I'm not belittling your case at all so please don't think that.  I just hope that people don't end up in that spot.  Which you and I have no control over, but hopefully someone somewhere out there starts doing research on their health concerns instead of spreading gossip and rumors without foundation.

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11 hours ago, LadyGunnar said:

My child wasn't brain damaged.  She was hurt by the vaccines. The vaccination site went bright red and was the size of a my fist. She spiked a very high fever and was struggling to breath. She was rushed to the children's hospital er. She cannot be vaccinated again. We don't know which one did it and we can't risk it happening again. 

My younger children are vaccinated completely different than most. This is on doctor's recommendations. 

 I know several other parents that have a child like mine.  She is healthy than the others. She gets sick less. The boys got whopping cough and she didn't.   Don't judge all parents who don't vaccinate without all the facts.

This is about judging parents who claim things without proof. There is a difference between what your family want through and a family teaching their child they are brain damaged without proof or even evidence 

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42 minutes ago, Backroads said:

I don't think mercury qualifies as a toxin. Don't they have to be biological?

By strictest definition this is correct, the toxins added to specific vaccines would be more accurately referring to components such as pertussis toxin which the whooping cough vaccine introduces so that the individual receiving it can deal with the toxins produced by the pertussis bacteria as one example. Elemental poisons such as certain metals would more accurately be referred to as toxicants, but in common language they are often simply called toxins by many, although not technically the most accurate term. Kind of like poison and venom often being used interchangeably although not technically accurate either.

As an interesting aside, one of the main differences distinguishing venom from poison is the route of administration. When a toxin is ingested it would be considered poison, although poison can also encompass non-biological elements as well. When a toxin is injected by biting, it is venomous. Perhaps it would be accurate to refer to bacterial toxins injected via vaccines as venomous :) but the metals would still just be injected poisons because venom also refers to biological origin as well, but poison is more encompassing.

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20 hours ago, Jane_Doe said:

A fair vent. 

A lot of the time what people do is not really evidence (let alone scientifically) derived, but instead more emotional driven.  So no, they don't have scientific proof of anything (there's no solid scientific studies on this).  However, that fear that there *might* be a correlation really scares people.  So they don't vaccinate their kids-- because they fear the possibly of brain damage (and they have seen kids with real disabilities) more than the fear the disease the vaccine is meant to prevent (a disease which is extremely scary, but they don't fear it because they've never seen it).  And then you had the human nature I-need-to-justify-and-defend-my-choices trait.... it just becomes a huge mess.

I could also go of on my soap box about how being different does NOT mean damaged or lesser.  We know so little about how our human brains and spirits work.  And that kid who does get a very visible injury that gives him a 'disability' is in NO way worthless than a 'healthy' kid.  

This is a two-fold problem in the vaccine debate. The first part is that there is incontrovertible evidence that aluminum (in the forms found in vaccines) is toxic to humans and plays a causative role in neurodegenerative issues (I.e. brain damage). Mercury is also problematic although less ubiquitous in vaccines these days.

Here is one of many studies out there for anyone who cares to look:

The other side of this problem is the turning a blind eye to this toxicity when it comes to vaccines. It's inexplicable that a substance such as aluminum hydroxide can be well established as a neurotoxin, and yet also be used as a placebo (or another vaccine containing it) in vaccine trials to then say that vaccines are not causing more damage than placebo ergo vaccines are safe. This is not a placebo. This also leads to the very real problem that true placebo controlled studies into vaccine safety are indeed lacking, which does make the statement partially true that there isn't solid scientific data on this because the necessary studies have not and are not being done. It appears more than ever that the emperor is being exposed to have no clothes and instead of using the science that is claimed to be on side of vaccination safety, the debate is being censored to silence those who have legitimate questions and concerns over what the evidence does have to say.



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On 3/30/2019 at 3:23 PM, Backroads said:

May I vent here? I feel I'm giving too much to another group.

This is pro vaccine. Sorry and stuff.

Why are parents claiming their children are brain damaged without giving actual proof? I see this claim time and time again. Vaccines gave my kid brain damage.

Ok, I believe in vaccines but I also believe injuries happen. Tell me more.

They have nothing more to tell. No diagnosis, no medical documentation of any kind, not even specific behaviors of their child.

Is the new cute joke trend? Raise your kid to think he's brain damaged?

Speaking specifically to the issue of children being told their issues are from some "condition" outside of their control and not simply because they aren't paying attention/behaving/ have poor role models and faulty parenting is a pet peeve of mine. Whether it's because kids are being "diagnosed" as ADD/ADHD or on the spectrum so that they can get funding to help them with behavioural and learning issues and so on - I always wonder how this helps the kids to be constantly told they're defective and that is why they have these issues instead of being encouraged to work harder to find coping mechanisms. It's kind of like a certain political group that likes to call everyone else racist, but then go around promoting the idea that non-white kids need laws in place for them to have an equal opportunity because they certainly aren't capable of achieving success based on meritocracy - what a terrible message.

I want to say that this is not meant to offend anyone that does have a child who truly has learning difficulties and/or behavioural problems that are due to some underlying condition. My point is I'm not convinced it helps kids to be told that they are defective (although using different terminology) over and over again throughout their lives.

I would put forth that instead of classifying kids as some diagnosis (real or perceived) that it would be better to suggest that... my kid doesn't learn/behave the same as many others seem to, but is a very capable student when given the tools needed. I realize this isn't as simple a sound bite as saying my kid has ADD/brain damage/OCD/ hip diagnosis/pseudo diagnosis du jour. It sure does give the teacher more useful information though, and it doesn't tell the child he/she is defective, just unique. Then parent, teacher and child can work together on observing and learning what helps and what doesn't.

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In large, no.  Mercury is not toxic.  A dish with one pound of mercury in it is not toxic.  However, did you know that mercury, being the element it is, it already molten, sorta.  Well, it's liquid.  The melting point has been reached, thus you also get...mercuric fumes, which are toxic.  The same one pound of mercury, in an anaerobic environment with decomposing vegitation, can create methylmercury, which is extremely toxic.


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Guest Mores
On 4/3/2019 at 3:55 AM, pwrfrk said:

Mercury is not toxic.  A dish with one pound of mercury in it is not toxic.

Incorrect and dangerous claim.

Elemental Mercury is a toxin.  We breathe it from some industrial plants.  And it does have health effects.

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Guest Mores
12 hours ago, pwrfrk said:

The element itself is not, however the by products are.  There are some elements that are toxic, such as molybdenum, vanadium, & beryllium. 

Then you wouldn't shy away from drinking a couple cups and tell us how you feel.

You won't be able to.  You'll either be very sick or dead.

Don't do it.

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Are we talking about elemental mercury, inorganic salts of mercury, or are we talking about the organic compounds of mercury?

Dimethylmercury has an LD50 of 50 micrograms per kg.  I am uncertain what elemental mercury's LD50 rating is.

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Guest Godless
On 3/31/2019 at 2:17 PM, SpiritDragon said:

Speaking specifically to the issue of children being told their issues are from some "condition" outside of their control and not simply because they aren't paying attention/behaving/ have poor role models and faulty parenting is a pet peeve of mine. Whether it's because kids are being "diagnosed" as ADD/ADHD or on the spectrum so that they can get funding to help them with behavioural and learning issues and so on - I always wonder how this helps the kids to be constantly told they're defective and that is why they have these issues instead of being encouraged to work harder to find coping mechanisms.

This is what I find so infuriating about the whole thing. Not just the bogus claim that vaccines cause autism (they don't), but the implied idea that autism is some kind of terrible affliction, the perceived prevention of which justifies exposing children to infection from preventable diseases.

On 3/31/2019 at 2:17 PM, SpiritDragon said:

It's kind of like a certain political group that likes to call everyone else racist, but then go around promoting the idea that non-white kids need laws in place for them to have an equal opportunity because they certainly aren't capable of achieving success based on meritocracy - what a terrible message.

Off topic, but this ignores the underlying concern that true meritocracy doesn't universally exist in our society.

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Guest Mores
1 hour ago, pwrfrk said:

Are we talking about elemental mercury, inorganic salts of mercury, or are we talking about the organic compounds of mercury?

Dimethylmercury has an LD50 of 50 micrograms per kg.  I am uncertain what elemental mercury's LD50 rating is.

This is kind of the point I was making.  I'm glad you picked up on it.  While (CH3)2Hg is much more deadly than elemental mercury, that doesn't mean elemental mercury is completely non-toxic.  While there is no established LD50 level I'm aware of, anecdotal evidence says that it has the following effects. (e.g. some idiot decided to drink a full cup of it just to prove that there was nothing wrong with ingesting mercury).

1) Taking a teaspoon has laxative effects and may cause digestive problems (upset stomach).  But there are further effects (see below).
2) Mercury in the bloodstream (needles, lungs, wounds -- both internal or external) tends to have a HIGHLY toxic effect.
3) Drinking one full cup of Mercury has had SEVERE health effects on some individuals which made them violently ill for several days, with effects lingering for many months.
4) Mercury will evaporate at room temperature just as water does (though not as quickly) even though both liquids have a much higher boiling point.  So, leaving it out around your desk all the time, can give you some health problems (breathing introduces it in the blood stream).
5) Mercury will react with the HCl in your digestive tract to create more health problems from the generated HgCl.  The percentage reaction in the stomach is on the lower side.  But it is still very unhealthy.  There is also a level of evaporation that can be burped out and inhaled, introducing it to the bloodstream.

Don't go around telling people to drink mercury, ok?

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1 hour ago, Godless said:

Off topic, but this ignores the underlying concern that true meritocracy doesn't universally exist in our society.

Pardon the threadjack but this is interesting.

So, are you saying we can't all be Einsteins because some are autistic?  Or are you saying we can't all be Einsteins because some people aren't taught they can be Einsteins?

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Guest Godless
42 minutes ago, anatess2 said:

Pardon the threadjack but this is interesting.

So, are you saying we can't all be Einsteins because some are autistic?  Or are you saying we can't all be Einsteins because some people aren't taught they can be Einsteins?

I'm saying that some Einsteins are systematically overlooked and ignored because of their skin color and/or gender. Or on the spectrum, for that matter. I recently learned that there's been some blowback against Autism Speaks because of (among other things) a lack of autistic people within their organization. 

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Guest Godless
30 minutes ago, anatess2 said:

You're talking about the USA?  Or worldwide?

I'm specifically talking about the US, but I imagine my statement is probably true to some extent in other countries as well. 

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