Confirmed: Biden is a Pedophile who Molested his own Daughter

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Did Ashley Biden Call Childhood Showers with Her Father 'Probably Inappropriate' in Leaked Diary? |

Until recently, this was "unconfirmed."  But Ashley Biden confirmed its authenticity in court.

But, hey, that doesn't matter.  Biden is still better than Trump. Uh-huh...

I'm just waiting for how they're going to spin this so it's simply "a mischaracterization."  When Dems want to allow biological males to shower with females, and allow them into dressing rooms with underage girls, we're just all a bunch of transphobes.

What will we be now?  Pedo-phobes?

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Oof.  Just looked up Ashley Biden.  I'm sad to hear about her trials and struggles.  I'm sad to hear that her diary was stolen and sold and you can read parts online.  I'm close to several people who have experienced sexual abuse as children.  I've watched them bear lifelong scars, go through PTSD journeys.  I've watched them get unrighteously judged by ignorant folks and people pushing agendas.  They've had guilt and shame, both appropriate and inappropriate, and no shortage of struggles with mental health.  You haven't seen tragic, until you've witnessed a traumatized girl going through additional trauma of trying to remember and talk about what happened to her.  After reading the "relevant pages" of Ashley's diary, I recognize them.  They are familiar.  They are a coping mechanism, an attempt to move through trauma, an attempt to make sense of insane things.

Anyway, since her diaries are gonna be pushed as hard as possible by people who want Biden to lose, might as well understand what's actually in them.  If you're gonna push a narrative, or defend against one, you best have your facts straight.



She also mentions overhearing her parents having sex.  


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22 minutes ago, NeuroTypical said:

She also mentions overhearing her parents having sex


@NeuroTypical, what’s going on here? Do conservatives suddenly agree with Snopes now, or is this just “the enemy of my enemy is a friend” thing? 

I love Snopes I trust them, even when they debunk things I agreed with. I’m a little lost right now though. 

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Posted (edited)
29 minutes ago, NeuroTypical said:

you best have your facts straight.

I was quite impressed that the people at Project Veritas (clearly a conservative organization) refused to release the diary specifically because they did not want to re-traumatize Ashley -- despite the political gain there would be in discrediting her father.  Unfortunately, not all the employees there agreed with management.  One of them leaked it to the press.

The damning line is the statement about showering with her father when she was young and sexualized.  By whom?

As far as stealing the diary... I don't know what the law has to say about that.  She left it in a home that she sold.  This could be considered abandonment of property.  Therefore, no theft.  It rightfully belonged to the new homeowners.

While still not something which a really conscientious person would do, I don't believe there is a state in the country that considers that theft.

Yes, I feel for her.  But I wonder which is worse?  The fact that this was leaked to the public?  Or the denial of any of this being true.  No doubt, they'll force her into recanting or publicly stating that she "doesn't really remember."

It's a sad state of affairs for the country.  But it is the saddest for Ashley.

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43 minutes ago, LDSGator said:

@NeuroTypical, what’s going on here? Do conservatives suddenly agree with Snopes now, or is this just “the enemy of my enemy is a friend” thing? 

I love Snopes I trust them, even when they debunk things I agreed with. I’m a little lost right now though. 

Ashley's diary pages hit the news right before the last election, and was immediately crushed as right wing lies and fake news.  The last decade saw us grappling with the increase of lies and fabrications taking root in our consciousness and media stories.  CNN and other network sources were coming to be seen as full of clickbait and outrage pr0n.   Half of us were trying to figure out where to go to find true things, the other half of us was turning such things into clubs to be wielded against the other side.  Snopes seems to have always tried hard to present the truth and be trustworthy, although there were always specific articles that enraged one group or another.   I haven't followed this particular story, but it looks like Snopes jumped on the "this is fake" bandwagon (or maybe just listed it as "unverified"), but recently has come to accept that it's a real thing.  

I always find it a useful exercise to discover bias.  I haven't looked at Snopes, but it's a worthwhile endeavor to see how they treated [Steele Dossier/Hunter's Laptop/Trump's Election Fraud Claims/COVID stories pushing alternate theories/J6 stories/dirt on Black Lives Matter leaders or movement/Protest or Riot coverage/News of consequences of Defunding Cops], and seeing if there's a detectable bias.   

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34 minutes ago, Carborendum said:

The damning line is the statement about showering with her father when she was young and sexualized.  By whom?

I don't understand your "and sexualized" part, or your question.   What, exactly do you find damning besides the statement about showering?  And who, exactly does it damn?

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3 minutes ago, NeuroTypical said:

I haven't looked at Snopes

Snopes has been fairly reliable for the 20+ years I've been going to them for verification.  Conservatives who didn't even know much about Snopes decided that they must be a Left Wing site because they actually said something favorable about a Democrat and said something bad about a Republican.  But when I read the articles they were referring to, I realized Snopes was right.  Did I like the fact that the Democrat was not at fault?  Meh...  Did I dislike the fact that the Republican did something wrong? Yes.

But the facts were clear.  And I've been rolling my eyes for the past 15 years at so many conservatives claiming that Snopes was a Left Wing rag.

Things became hazy when I saw several articles which showed Snopes was being biased in favor of the left.  But after a few months, they looked into to the online furor and found more sources.  They discovered that they were wrong and corrected their articles.

I have not found them to be biased at all.  But that doesn't mean that they will have 100% accuracy.  Once in a while they'll get things wrong.  They're human.  That doesn't mean they are biased.

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Posted (edited)
3 minutes ago, NeuroTypical said:

I don't understand your "and sexualized" part, or your question.   What, exactly do you find damning besides the statement about showering?  And who, exactly does it damn?

I happen to know some people who recall "showering with dad" as kids.  And they were also "sexualized as children."  They blocked out what "showering" entailed until they started having flashbacks.  And the father admitted it.

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13 minutes ago, NeuroTypical said:

Ashley's diary pages hit the news right before the last election, and was immediately crushed as right wing lies and fake news.  The last decade saw us grappling with the increase of lies and fabrications taking root in our consciousness and media stories.  CNN and other network sources were coming to be seen as full of clickbait and outrage pr0n.   Half of us were trying to figure out where to go to find true things, the other half of us was turning such things into clubs to be wielded against the other side.  Snopes seems to have always tried hard to present the truth and be trustworthy, although there were always specific articles that enraged one group or another.   I haven't followed this particular story, but it looks like Snopes jumped on the "this is fake" bandwagon (or maybe just listed it as "unverified"), but recently has come to accept that it's a real thing.  

I always find it a useful exercise to discover bias.  I haven't looked at Snopes, but it's a worthwhile endeavor to see how they treated [Steele Dossier/Hunter's Laptop/Trump's Election Fraud Claims/COVID stories pushing alternate theories/J6 stories/dirt on Black Lives Matter leaders or movement/Protest or Riot coverage/News of consequences of Defunding Cops], and seeing if there's a detectable bias.   

I remember old school Snopes that would debunk urban legends.  

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4 minutes ago, Carborendum said:

Let's just say that I happen to know some people who recall "showering with dad" as kids.  And they were also "sexualized as children."  They blocked out what "showering" entailed until they started having flashbacks.  And the father admitted it.

Ok, that's fine, but her diary entry doesn't say her father sexualized her - that's a leap you're making, not the diary.  It might well be true, or even likely, but I wouldn't call it damning.  

I'm probably just parsing words here.  It's a minor point in the overall news - Biden's daughter said dad showered with her.  The number of people who say otherwise, are watching their evidence crumble away.

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3 minutes ago, NeuroTypical said:

Ok, that's fine, but her diary entry doesn't say her father sexualized her - that's a leap you're making, not the diary.

I admit that it's a leap. But it isn't a big leap. 

This is not just about Biden.  There are patterns of behavior from children who get involved in sexual activity from a very young age.  And I'm seeing the patterns in every sentence from that excerpt that you posted.

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33 minutes ago, NeuroTypical said:

always find it a useful exercise to discover bias.  I haven't looked at Snopes, but it's a worthwhile endeavor to see how they treated [Steele Dossier/Hunter's Laptop/Trump's Election Fraud Claims/COVID stories pushing alternate theories/J6 stories/dirt on Black Lives Matter leaders or movement/Protest or Riot coverage/News of consequences of Defunding Cops], and seeing if there's a detectable bias.   

I think we’re the ones who are biased. Snopes is fairly objective.  

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11 minutes ago, Carborendum said:

There are patterns of behavior from children who get involved in sexual activity from a very young age.  And I'm seeing the patterns in every sentence from that excerpt that you posted.

Agreed, and very much agreed.   I don't think there's any doubt she was a child victim of some kind.  But a lot of people victimize children, not just dads.  There's also relatives and neighbors and priests and teachers.  Jump to dad all you want, but keep in mind it's a jump, and not everyone is going to make that jump.

In the diary pages, she's specifically trying to figure out what happened to her, and writing down what occurs to her.  "was I molested.  I think so - I can't remember specifics but I do remember trauma"  Man.  If I had a nickel for every personal story I've heard that involves that as part of the journey.  Trauma does things to brains and memories.  Some victims need to come to grips with never being able to trust the validity or truth of certain memories.  One thing that startled me when I learned it: You don't get over or heal from PTSD.  It doesn't end.  Where alcoholics have their "Been sober X years" chips, PTSD has a checklist entitled "the successful resolution of trauma".  You'll always carry the trauma, it'll always be written into you as a part of you.  But if you get the trauma resolved, then you can do things like have friends and keep jobs and get married and have a good life.  

BTW, if anyone thinks life is too nice, the sky too sunny, and you want to know more about abuse survivors, I can recommend this book: Miss America by Day: Lessons Learned from Ultimate Betrayals and Unconditional Love.  You can get stronger and wiser by bearing the truths found in this book, but make no mistake, it won't be an easy journey to that strength and wisdom. 


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12 minutes ago, LDSGator said:

I think we’re the ones who are biased. Snopes is fairly objective.  

Oh, everyone has a bias, even the Snopes people.  But the best sources say "here's what I think, and here's why I think it".  Snopes does that.  It says "true" or "false", and then lists it's sources.   It's why I said we'd have to look at Snopes' track record on how it treats stories from the left and the right, to see if one gets better treatment than the other, or one side's sources are more believed than the other.  

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1 minute ago, NeuroTypical said:

Oh, everyone has a bias, even the Snopes people.  But the best sources say "here's what I think, and here's why I think it".  Snopes does that.  It says "true" or "false", and then lists it's sources.   It's why I said we'd have to look at Snopes' track record on how it treats stories from the left and the right, to see if one gets better treatment than the other, or one side's sources are more believed than the other.  

Agree. It’s those who don’t admit it that scare me a little 

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36 minutes ago, Carborendum said:

Snopes has been fairly reliable for the 20+ years I've been going to them for verification.  Conservatives who didn't even know much about Snopes decided that they must be a Left Wing site because they actually said something favorable about a Democrat and said something bad about a Republican.  But when I read the articles they were referring to, I realized Snopes was right.  Did I like the fact that the Democrat was not at fault?  Meh...  Did I dislike the fact that the Republican did something wrong? Yes.

But the facts were clear.  And I've been rolling my eyes for the past 15 years at so many conservatives claiming that Snopes was a Left Wing rag.

Things became hazy when I saw several articles which showed Snopes was being biased in favor of the left.  But after a few months, they looked into to the online furor and found more sources.  They discovered that they were wrong and corrected their articles.

I have not found them to be biased at all.  But that doesn't mean that they will have 100% accuracy.  Once in a while they'll get things wrong.  They're human.  That doesn't mean they are biased.

The issue with Snopes is that after co-founders David and Barbara Mikkleson divorced, David got the company and immediately got a lot less transparent about how the company was doing its research and fact-checking. This newfound lack of transparency, combined with several fact-checks that critics felt were taking liberties with various definitions, led to questions as to the site's continued accuracy.

Matters came to a head when an investigation revealed that David Mikkleson had been plagiarizing and writing articles for the site under a presumed name. 60 total articles had to be retracted due to this, with Mikkleson ultimately having to step down from his ownership position. 

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2 minutes ago, NeuroTypical said:

Oh, everyone has a bias, even the Snopes people.  But the best sources say "here's what I think, and here's why I think it".  Snopes does that.  It says "true" or "false", and then lists it's sources.   It's why I said we'd have to look at Snopes' track record on how it treats stories from the left and the right, to see if one gets better treatment than the other, or one side's sources are more believed than the other.  

As I've mentioned above, co-founder David Mikkleson drove their reputation into the ground through his actions. They're basically having to rebuild. 

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Posted (edited)
14 minutes ago, NeuroTypical said:

Agreed, and very much agreed.   I don't think there's any doubt she was a child victim of some kind.  But a lot of people victimize children, not just dads. 


I found it interesting that she mentions another family name.  From context it sounded like a friend of the family, a neighbor, perhaps.  And it will be obvious that the culprit was from that household.  And that may be true.

But I can't help but recognize how many times I've come across statistic that perpetrators tend find victims of two types:

  • The children are often neglected - where the father is not involved.
  • The children are already abused by family.

Put that with the image that Mikbone provided, which does it seem is most likely?

I know statistics are not 100%.  But deductions are supported by probabilities.

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2 hours ago, mikbone said:

I have noticed that Trump has stopped using the nickname Creepy Joe (likely due to Trump’s scandals and creepy activities).

As a campaign tactic, I think it is brilliant. 

As a human being, I think it is callous and shows disregard for the seriousness of the issues regarding sexualization of children.  It shows just how shallow Trump really is.

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On 5/16/2024 at 5:26 PM, Carborendum said:

As a campaign tactic, I think it is brilliant. 

As a human being, I think it is callous and shows disregard for the seriousness of the issues regarding sexualization of children.  It shows just how shallow Trump really is.

How exactly does that show disregard for the seriousness of the issues regarding sexualization of children?  He’s calling it as it is, as he should.  I would think anyone who has been a victim of people like Biden would agree that he’s creepy, and wouldn’t want him to be their president, and would be glad that someone is calling him out on it rather than sliding it under the rug.  If Trump has that to use against him, by all means, he should use it.

Too many people want a leader to fight a good fight, but, at the same time, not do anything that might offend someone, or sound mean.  I’m sorry, but I would much rather have someone sound insensitive and blunt, but truthful, than someone who just spouts comforting niceties to be nice.


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10 hours ago, Jedi_Nephite said:

How exactly does that show disregard for the seriousness of the issues regarding sexualization of children?  He’s calling it as it is, as he should.

Not the way Trump is doing it.  He's only using it as a punchline.

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I don't know what to think on it.

I know half the people on this thread throwing accusations of child abuse because of this probably bathed their children when their children were babies and maybe even older such as toddlers. 

Does that mean they were abusing their children (bathing involves a LOT MORE than simply just showering with the kid from what I've seen.  Luckily, my wife did almost all of the childcare such as diaper changes and bathing the kids, so I may have been a bad dad at that for not doing that, but I have an idea of how it is done).

IF bathing you child means you are abuser, there are some in this very thread that may be guilty of the same thing as they are accusing Biden based upon that same evidence?

On the otherhand, it could be a very serious thing.  I would imagine that if it turns out more serious, his daughter probably will say something.  She probably has had time to thus far, maybe she will in the future?

I expect those using this for political gain or to try to score political points are more concerned about taking Biden down than for his daughter's welfare though.

I'm finding confusing contradicting facts on this online.  In one it says that after Aimee had taken the diary that she wrote and added some items to it that Ashely Biden said she did NOT write, but that the diary itself was hers.  I don't know which parts Aimee added to it.

I did find a paper from Dallas which went into a little more detail...

Ashley biden diary laid are true despite media denials


“Ashley suggested in her diary that she was m0lest*d and took inappropriate showers with her dad. Joe Biden is a p*d0phiIe,” Libs of TikTok wrote.

Despite the salaciousness of the excerpt, Ashley Biden has vociferously denied how certain media outlets and individuals were framing the published contents of the diary, claiming that her “innermost thoughts” were being “constantly distorted and manipulated” in an effort to “peddle grotesque lies by distorting [her] stream-of-consciousness thoughts,” according to Newsweek.

Still, the acknowledgment of the stolen diary’s authenticity prompted further accusations of political bias and derision against the mainstream media for not reporting on the matter now.


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