My wife says I have the ability to see the future


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In society its often called ESP, Remote Viewing, clairvoyance. What ever the description I now have my first firm believer that I have the ability to do it. She firmly believes I have it after I told her of a global event that resulted in mass casualties.

Personally it does not happen often. But want to know if there are others out there that have the ability to see future events happen hours or days before thay occure? Perhaps others in this board that have it? My Bishop has really put me down thinking that I would declare my self some kind of profit but in really that is TOTALLY untrue. I just wanted some expert advice on how to deal with it. But obviously I turned to the wrong person.

BTW I do not bring these gifts up in conversation anymore. To many people I talk to are uncomfortable discussing it.

BTW Plan on spending more time on this discussion board about the LDS faith. Great web site! :)

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Well it is very rare. total count perhaps 8 times in the past and who knows how many times I perceived it but did not recognize it. As one clearvoyant who was with police officers in the field investigate a homicide discribes it "It is often associated with flashes in the mind. Thay are quick to display in the mind."

Once heard that I said basically wow, same thing with me. I am often imersed into another time only for a split 2-3 seconds. Some times less time then that. I guess in the past I could have had more of these events but never really recognized them. Once I saw my self though my moms eyes as she fell to the ground. Well me and my wife were 100 feet away and mom and grandparents were totally out of view. We came to the other side of the house and she fell and broke her leg for the first time in her life. That was just 2 hours before I saw her in my mind waiting on the road for us 5 miles before we arrived there to meet them. She has never done that before!

Other things like the car that I saw in my mind stop in front of us in the middle of a uncontrolled 4 way intersection while we were doing 50 mph. There was Possibly no way to see the car approaching the edge of the intersection as it was heavily forested with trees. This intersection was in a rual area not to far from our house. And this only happened once in that intersection in the 10 years we lived there. Glad I watched the intersection like a hawk and shouted to my mom to TURN LEFT as I saw the car just about to enter it. My being there possibly saved her and the other drivers life.

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I have had similar experiences, but I believe they are more personal revelations that anything else. The Spirit will communicate with us to keep us (even loved ones) from harms way, even from the reach of the adversary if we're tuned in. Perhaps for some the revelations are more intense than others.

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I hate it when I am right about pessimistic things like Senator Buttars (of black ugly baby infamy) wanting to run again.

That Buttars guy is really annoying. Unfortunately, I know people who do not think he did anything wrong.

I think the legislature (Utah's) needs to do something to push him out. His brand of bigotry and ignorance smears everyone from Utah.

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well, i would call that either the gift of prophecy or the gift of revelation.

to me they are pretty hand in hand. Yes whatever you do, don't tell others you know about this gift. It will cause LOTS of problems...Someone close to me has a very strong ability to see into peoples hearts... He accidentally let people know about the gift and he has been attacked mercilessly ever since.

Satan does not want us to use our gifts, he does not even want us to have them. He will attack when someone exhibits one, especially publicly. he will use others jealousy, pride/ego to backbite, evil speak, gossip, etc.

I would keep your premonitions private for the most part too. just share them with family members and close friends, and no matter how hard people try, do not let them come to you for answers....revelation from God comes when one is under your stewardship.

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I have had a few such experiences too. Some make sense as to why I should experience them. Others make no sense at all because I don't see why I should need to know that.

For instance one really seemingly silly one many years ago when I was at school (this may have been the very first time I was aware of it) I knew that Ringo Starr of the Beatles would miss the flight when they were off on a tour abroad somewhere. Now why the heck should I know that? I actually saw and heard him saying that he had missed the plane. Later that day he missed the plane. Crazy and pointless that I should know that in advance.

Another time though when I knew in advance who our new Stake President was going to be before it was even officially known that the old one was going to be released I found the purpose of that much later when it was confirmed to me by the Spirit that all this was in the Lord's hands.

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i think you have to be careful with this type of thing. for every gift of the spirit there is a copy from satan. you have to ask yourself where it is comming from, what is the purpose, etc.

when my mom was little, no knowledge of the gospel, she would have similar such experiances. things that didn't really involve her but she knew (she new the boy down the street would drown to the day). she confided in her grandmother who was very very superstitious and grandma freaked out. it scared her so she pushed the "ability" away. she refused to entertain it. it did go away over time. what she recalls most about it is that it scared her, even before she told her grandmother, it didn't feel good. after finding the gospel and learning to listen to the holy spirit she began to have these experiances again. much less frequently and they made more since. they didn't come with the negative feelings and they were always revelent to her mantel of authority so to speak. she never had them for the neighbor but did about her own kids. they served as a protection for us as we were growing up. in hindsite looking at it all she believes that some ppl do have such gifts, if you are sinsitive to the holy spirit with it you will also be sinsitive to satan's copy. she believes that as a child it was satan showing her things, trying to take her down a different road in life. the only problem was instead of embrasing she got scared and pushed him away. had she gone down that road she would have never found the gospel, never known her gift from the spirit in the way that the lord intended. though it was only a handful of times that she had these experiances they were life and death situations that she was able to protect her children.

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Hi BCGuy!

Just out of curiosity, do you know what any of these mean, and are you sure they do not apply to you?

confirmation bias

polarization effect

Tolstoy syndrome

myside bias

experimenter's regress

subjective validation

(I'm always interested in hearing responses from people who believe "rim of the bell curve"-ish things.)


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There are miracles all around us, and i know of people personally who have seen the furture as a revelation from the spirit.

Satan can not know the future, but if you start trusting in yourself and not the lord he has the power to trip you up big time.

always remember that if you are able to see the past or future forwhatever reason, to remember that it was through the Lord. And if you have questions as to wither or not it was just your imaginatetion, we can always pray about things.

these are not things to flaunt to the world or declare yourself a prophesier of things, but take comfort that the Lord has made things known to you for a reason.

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I belive it is a gift but as with any we have to be careful we are staying on the right path. I've known things. I think some of us are more intuitive than others and some can't even deal with the prospect and make humor of it . I once heard in a talk from ??? All good things come from Father in Heaven. I guess we shouldn't always share our gifts with others, sad but true. You are ok in my book and lucky .:)

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I tend to hear the answer to prayer from the mouths of other people. Ex: I had a big question in December. It was bugging me for ever. I asked the L-rd and got the impression to hang-tight and about a week later I was talking to this old guy at work that I've never spoken to and since then have not spoken to who relayed the exact answer I needed. This has happened quite often. My dad has been my oracle most of the time even if does not know I am actually looking for something (I never discuss the topics of my prayers with anyone).

Everyone is different about how they receive inspiration from the L-rd. Some people see dreams and some get impression. I get info from other people, but it has always been correct. KIM, this is different then when I prayed to know the truth of the gospel many years ago, that was quite direct and very obvious.

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How nice to read your post - yes all my life I have had various incidents - I have known when someone was pregnant before they did, feelings someone was going to be unwell orgoing to die, during my teenage years before caller ID I always knew who was on the end of the phone, I picked the winner of Grand National 10 years running (if only I gambled lol) I have known the sex of both my children when pregnant and the moment they were conceived and recently this week I was able to predict our otherwise healthy seeming car being written off, I started at the weekend saying I hate being so reliant on the car maybe we should try being without it and now few days later we are lol I also dreamed about my husband 3 years before I met him., I dreamed about my bestfriend finding a lump before he did. Weirdest one was a British Newsreader called Peter Sissons - for some reason in my head I knew the date he had got married, the subject he had studied at university, the names of his 2 oldest children, his birth date and everything just by watching him once, it was only several years later reading a magazine article I realised I was right and found it interesting I knew everything from before I was born but not the events after (like his daughters name), I just assume I must have had something to do with him whilst I was in the preexistence.

I have always taken it as a spiritual gift and I am very surprised that other LDS don't just assume it comes from God but I guess if you don't experience it everyday it must seem weird. I was lucky my Aunt and Uncle were spiritualists so they didn't ridicule me and assumed it was normal - I didn't know their beliefs until much later they took me to a Presbyterian church. However I did feel weird until the missionaries taught me and in the gospel framework my life make sense. This is why despite my faith struggling right now I know if i walk away its up there with Laman and Lemuel seeing an angel and still not believing


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I believe in the Holy Spirit as a comforter type revelations....I sometimes get mimimal information on things. Yep, pretty mundane stuff. I don't talk about it much: I guess this one's okay to share: At college I had this dream this person travelled to France and bought an item of jewelry (I had it pictured in detail). Yep, WHY?

5 years later I met them again and they had done just that (ummm about 3 years after the dream). We ended up flatmates and that was a pretty trying time of my life and that person had a few trials to go through. I accept it as confirmation type revelation. I'm not sure what goes on there, just hang around and do what I can to help when those sorts of 'coincidences' happen. I did chat with my flatty about her trip overseas and what went on there and out of curiousity about the time frame and stuff, but not why I was asking. I'll leave out the personal details of the situation.

I don't put a lot of personal value on it.... I don't seek it out. I'd rather not have the experience. It's just one of those, here we go again thingies and the blessing isn't for my life in any case, I'm just the third party. I just hope that whatever the Lord wants me to do in those situations that I'm doing it.

Yes I did look up the psychology of all of that and the sorts of stuff your brain can do to you. Sorry, no explanation fits. The closest thing would be believing you knew something happened after it happened or rationalising after the fact. It doesn't work well with five year time frames though. That's a little long for self-delusion.

So yes, I think it's very possible that you can have revelations. Personally I'm not that into them.

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Hi BCGuy!

Just out of curiosity, do you know what any of these mean, and are you sure they do not apply to you?

confirmation bias

polarization effect

Tolstoy syndrome

myside bias

experimenter's regress

subjective validation

(I'm always interested in hearing responses from people who believe "rim of the bell curve"-ish things.)


Just because someone has tried to explain why or what it is I experience everyday does not mean it doesn't happen. I have Fibromyalgia since at least 1983 however the disease was not given a name until 1993 - just because people in the know suddenly decided to give it a name doesn't mean I wasn't already going through it. And no they don't entirely apply to what I go through on a daily basis - nor am I overly bothered about explaining why I experience it, I live with it and it can be useful at times (for example I know when I don't need to answer the phone or when to rush to it lol) when my husband sent me a photo I recognised him and knew he was an important part of my life.


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Just because someone has tried to explain why or what it is I experience everyday does not mean it doesn't happen.

I never said anything to the contrary. As I explained in my post, I'm merely interested to hear how people who believe such extreme or unproven things respond when presented with a list of common mistakes people make when they believe extreme or unproven things.

And, if BCGuy ever follows up on this thread, I'd still be interested.


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I never said anything to the contrary. As I explained in my post, I'm merely interested to hear how people who believe such extreme or unproven things respond when presented with a list of common mistakes people make when they believe extreme or unproven things.

And, if BCGuy ever follows up on this thread, I'd still be interested.


me too lol - thing is I don't believe in these things I know what happens to myself, its not a matter of Faith for myself its a matter of fact.

I would also like to hear more from BCG


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What I want to know is if all these people have ESP or can see the future, why dont they get on the news and warn others? I mean, when the prophets of God are told or have a revelation from Him the first thing they do is warn their bretheren!! So, I guess I dont believe in ESP but I do believe in revelation from God either personal or church wide depending on one's authority to recieve such revelations. There is also a thing called disernment but that has to do more with knowing truth rather than knowing future

I predict that this reply will end in a period. <------- see the period?!? I HAVE ESP!!:D

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