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  1. Like
    mordorbund got a reaction from Traveler in A Risen Army   
    Yes He did. And the entire process is described as you read on (with sinew attaching to the dry bones and skin on top of that). The whole thing serves as an allegory for dead Israel to receive life again, while testifying of a literal resurrection. As you read on, you find another allegory coupled with a literal prophecy. The gathering of Israel will principly be the joining of Judah with Ephraim (or Joseph) who have long since been estranged. This is alluded to by joining two "sticks" (which could also be translated "books"). The literal fulfillment of two books joining together can be found when both the Bible (a book written and preserved predominantly by Judah) is joined with the Book of Mormon (a book written and preserved predominantly by Joseph). Both testify of the future gathering of Israel, while the Book of Mormon openly states its purpose is to renew Jehovah's covenant with lost Israel.
  2. Like
    mordorbund got a reaction from pam in A Risen Army   
    Yes He did. And the entire process is described as you read on (with sinew attaching to the dry bones and skin on top of that). The whole thing serves as an allegory for dead Israel to receive life again, while testifying of a literal resurrection. As you read on, you find another allegory coupled with a literal prophecy. The gathering of Israel will principly be the joining of Judah with Ephraim (or Joseph) who have long since been estranged. This is alluded to by joining two "sticks" (which could also be translated "books"). The literal fulfillment of two books joining together can be found when both the Bible (a book written and preserved predominantly by Judah) is joined with the Book of Mormon (a book written and preserved predominantly by Joseph). Both testify of the future gathering of Israel, while the Book of Mormon openly states its purpose is to renew Jehovah's covenant with lost Israel.
  3. Like
    mordorbund reacted to Lakumi in Modest is NOT hottest   
    you can't beat a slogan, no matter how hard you try!
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    mordorbund got a reaction from The Folk Prophet in Modest is NOT hottest   
    They might be. If only there was some way to instill a culture that valued other aspects of attractiveness than what's shown by Madison Ave. Something like "It's more attractive (maybe even most attractive) to carry the quiet confidence that is borne by knowing you are a child of God with a divine nature - to wear your self-respect like it was the latest fashion (for ultimately, it is the finale of fashion)." Yeah, that's good. Now how can I make it catchier?.... Maybe something like "mode-" aw crap!!
  5. Like
    mordorbund reacted to prisonchaplain in Non-LDS view of God   
    I like this post, because it is authentic.  You ask questions, yet state the flaw you see in our thinking.  Thank you.  The answer I can give you is that the imagio dei--the image of God in us, is what makes us special.  Besides, I suspect that even in LDS theology, that after exaltation, the very fact that God has been God much longer than the exalted one has been exalted, suggests that there will always me a measure of difference.  Many here have told me that they will always worship God, even while they speculate on what the glory of their exaltation will be.
    It is enough for us traditionalists that we will be with God forever, that will will experience unfathomable intimacy with him, and that we will be glorified by him.  How that all ends up looking is a matter we trust him with.  Still, please know, that I understand the appeal of the LDS teaching on this. 
  6. Like
    mordorbund got a reaction from pam in Childhood things now extinct!   
    Grandma's typewriter inspired two of my older brothers to play a game called "typewriter" with me. One would dictate a letter while the other would sit on me and simulate the head (his fist) imprinting on the paper (me). I seem to remember typos were corrected with two or three taps to cover the mistake.
  7. Like
    mordorbund reacted to prisonchaplain in Childhood things now extinct!   
    I was gifted an '06 Kia Spectre.  The vehicle is stripped--power nothing!  So, we're out on a family ride in the new car, and my oldest says, "Dad, could you unlock the window so I can roll it down?"  I tell her it's not locked, and she insists it is--that it won't open.  I tell her to turn the crank, and to put a little energy into it.  She starts turning it, and exclaims, "WOW!  This is so cool!"
  8. Like
    mordorbund got a reaction from Wingnut in Coke and its usage   
    You can eat it because all the caffeine cooks out of it.
  9. Like
    mordorbund got a reaction from Just_A_Guy in Man attempts to rob McDonald's armed with scissors   
    [eyeroll] JAG, no one is proposing an outright ban on scissors. All we're saying is that the (still extremely sharp) blades be limited to three inches.
  10. Like
    mordorbund got a reaction from Backroads in Heavenly Mother   
    The Father begat the Son. The Father is not the Son. The Father did not beget the Father, nor the Son beget the Son. Nor did Father, Son, and Spirit beget the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
    I can think of only two ways your statement could be accurate:
    1. Modalism, which is largely viewed by Christian theologians as misguided in its most innocent form or heresy in its worst.
    2. Your statement is using "God" as an overloaded operator and would be better read "God (the Father) somehow begat [God (the Son)]".
    The second is nonsense because it condemns Mormons for the same kind of thinking (which can't be the case in the Brigham Young context). The first isn't viable because that's not what the majority of Trinitarians believe. It can come back into play if it can be shown that while the majority don't believe it today, it was in fact, what Trinitarian Americans believed in the mid- to late 19th century. Which brings us back to Maureen's call for citations.
  11. Like
    mordorbund reacted to pam in What is "given"?   
    Much has been given during this last dispensation and since the restoration of the church.
    We've been given the opportunity for eternal marriage.  We've been given the spirit of Elijah and the opportunity to do work for our ancestors that didn't have the opportunities before us. We've been given the opportunities to have ordinances done by those that hold the keys of the Priesthood that weren't available prior to the restoration of the church.
    I really thihk this verse is talking about so many of the things that are now available to us through the restoration of the gospel.
  12. Like
    mordorbund got a reaction from MrShorty in Word of Wisdom and marijuana. Very serious.   
    ... so you think it should be used prudently then?
    Or, if you prefer, (Church Handbook of Instruction 2:21.3.11)
  13. Like
    mordorbund got a reaction from applepansy in Word of Wisdom and marijuana. Very serious.   
    D&C 89:11 ...all these to be used with prudence and thanksgiving
  14. Like
    mordorbund reacted to MarginOfError in Did women ever hold the Priesthood?   
    I'm not sure why the current form of the initiatory couldn't be performed across genders.  It it no more invasive than any other priesthood blessing.
  15. Like
    mordorbund got a reaction from jerome1232 in Location of "View New Content"   
    I love the attention to detail (notMordorbund indeed).

    Thanks folks for tuning in. This has been a public service announcement on the dangers of identity theft. It is not a single-victim crime. It affects entire communities and breaks down the trust necessary for a society to run. Do not tolerate it. Do not chuckle at the "mischief" teenage "hackers" get into. The consequences are serious, even if our teaching approach has been jovial. So now you know, and...

  16. Like
    mordorbund got a reaction from Backroads in Accredited Christian law school grads barred from practice   
    And THAT is the demon spawn of the unholy union between a banana and a strawberry.
  17. Like
    mordorbund got a reaction from pam in Location of "View New Content"   
    I love the attention to detail (notMordorbund indeed).

    Thanks folks for tuning in. This has been a public service announcement on the dangers of identity theft. It is not a single-victim crime. It affects entire communities and breaks down the trust necessary for a society to run. Do not tolerate it. Do not chuckle at the "mischief" teenage "hackers" get into. The consequences are serious, even if our teaching approach has been jovial. So now you know, and...

  18. Like
    mordorbund got a reaction from Heather in Location of "View New Content"   
    I love the attention to detail (notMordorbund indeed).

    Thanks folks for tuning in. This has been a public service announcement on the dangers of identity theft. It is not a single-victim crime. It affects entire communities and breaks down the trust necessary for a society to run. Do not tolerate it. Do not chuckle at the "mischief" teenage "hackers" get into. The consequences are serious, even if our teaching approach has been jovial. So now you know, and...

  19. Like
    mordorbund reacted to Heather in Location of "View New Content"   
    I'm glad you have this all under control. I'm going to take a nap.
  20. Like
    mordorbund got a reaction from pam in Location of "View New Content"   
    It's all good. I'll take it from here.
    All good in the hood?
  21. Like
    mordorbund got a reaction from Palerider in Severe weather   
    If I saw some hail like a ping pong ball.... I'd sure-ly gloat!
    like a ping, like a ping, like a ping pong, ping pong, ping pong ball;
    like a ping, like a ping, like a ping, like a ping pong, ping pong, ping pong ball;
  22. Like
    mordorbund reacted to andypg in Truth? Is Scripture - Scripture   
    A year ago I took a course on the Gospel and letters of John. It was one of the best classes I've taken in college in it we learned that the Gospel of John went through 3 different editions each with their own characteristics (so I can listen to an excerpt and can most of the time tell which edition that passage was written in). The letters of John were written between the edotions (1 John written between 1E and 2E while 2 John written between 2E and 3E).
    Anyways, the class made us confront the fact that the Gospel was written over a long period of time, went through 3 editions where things were added to make up wlthe text we have today, and yet, despite this history, it is still scripture and still inspired by God.
  23. Like
    mordorbund got a reaction from Sunday21 in People going inactive   
    Sounds like gossip to me. 
    I sure feel bad that we've lost so many good saints. I guess I better do my home teaching this weekend. Maybe I'll even invite my inactive neighbors for a barbecue on Monday, just so they know I still care.
  24. Like
    mordorbund reacted to Just_A_Guy in Did women ever hold the Priesthood?   
    Since 2006-ish?
  25. Like
    mordorbund got a reaction from jerome1232 in Accredited Christian law school grads barred from practice   
    And THAT is the demon spawn of the unholy union between a banana and a strawberry.