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Posts posted by omegaseamaster75

  1. On 10/13/2018 at 12:42 PM, HereAmISendMe said:

    Fair enough.  I see that now.  The question is: will getting sealed to my fiancee tear me apart from my first wife?  She made me promise to move on after she passed, but we never discussed the whole two wives thing, i.e. how she'd feel about it?

    Are you a recent convert?

    I will assume yes given the question asked. You can be sealed to as many women as will marry you in life provided that you are worthy to do so.  None of your wives' will be "left out inthe cold". All will receive the promises and blessings associated with a temple marriage.


  2. 19 hours ago, Fether said:

    How do you testify of things that the person in front of you may not be living? Particularly when it is somewhat controversial.

    Today both my wife and I found ourselves bearing testimony on a gospel topic that I know most of the people in earshot were not doing or following, many of which are good friends of ours. My wife was very nervous about the whole thing and didn’t want people to feel like we were judging them, but also didn’t want to remain silent on the topic. For me, my mindset was “I’m only backing what prophets have said and am going to let people think what they may”.

    We both bore testimony, and it was only met with a man who was also aware of those in the room that are not living the principle “we can’t judge others on their decisions”

    Ive always been if the philosophy of “if they are offended and don’t want to be friends with me cause I sustain the prophets, that is on them. I’m still ganna be inviting them over for games and dinner though cause they are awesome people.”

    What do you do in these situations? When you have friends in the room that you don’t want to offend but know something needs to be said and a certain topic that they aren’t living? 

    Why do you care about what others are not doing? is it affecting you in some negative way?  

    You bore testimony on a mystery topic of which you are certain that many are not doing or following (i'm not sure how you could know that) and you come here for what? an atta boy? Way to show em? An affirmation that it's ok to offend a room full of people because your right? 

    I guess I don't get it.

  3. 34 minutes ago, AkaPatience said:

    Like I mentioned,  I'm new here, so I may not be doing this, not responding to each comment individually...

    My Stake Pres. definitely knows what page my H is on...he told me himself, " you realize he has one foot out the door..." our ward had a few changes back to back, (new Bishopric/new boundaries/another new Bishopric) around the time I had been in contact with my Bishop/Stake Pres regarding other issues and my H. So idk if his situation got passed on to the new Bishop or not, it seems not but honestly,  idk how it works exactly.  I have been a party to Ward Council meetings in the past and it seems as though this would have been made mention to the new Bishop. I would feel like I was at least "telling" on my H if I went to the Bishop, that's why I'm posing it here. Also, helping my H... this is going to sound harsh but that isn't my concern. I'm concerned about the ordinances. You can't help a narcissist. 

    It sounds to me like you  need to remind your stake president, and have him the SP talk to your bishop. 

  4. Just now, Vort said:

    "Rat out"? What are we, the Mafia? If organized crime terminology is being used to discourage an action, that suggests that maybe the action is good. I don't know if telling the bishop is the right thing to do, but calling it "ratting out" does not help clarify anything.

    My overriding point is that if the OP thinks she is helping her husband by having conversations behind his back she is not. This is between him the Lord and his representatives here on earth. 

    Now if the goal is to nag him and foster resentment then by all means.....

  5. 2 hours ago, zil said:

    Welcome, @AkaPatience!  The Sacrament is administered under the bishop's keys.  It's hard to believe the bishop doesn't know the things you wrote above, but if not, or you're just concerned, I recommend you counsel with the bishop - preferably with your husband.

    As for blessing the sick, it seems like his worthiness to draw upon priesthood power, and his believe (or lack of belief) in its authority would seriously limit the effectiveness of the blessing he's giving.  Again, this seems like a good topic to discuss with your bishop, or perhaps Elder's Quorum President or Stake President.

    So the OP should rat her husband out to the bishop? 

  6. 17 minutes ago, Searching said:


    You do not believe couples are "equally yoked", do not believe they are "of one flesh and one heart"??  you think a church calling should come between a husband a wife, that wives and husbands should have "secrets" from one another, should not share everything with one another?   does not sound like a very healthy definition of marriage to me...  I would not trust a leader who is in such a marriage.  

    Sounds like you don't trust your Bishop or stake president. They keep secrets from their wives.

  7. On 9/27/2018 at 10:16 AM, Opal said:

    I’m not endowed but when I am endowed I plan to take off my garments while I exercise out of respect for the garment.

    What I’m wondering is this: Is it appropriate to wear short shorts and a tank top while exercising?

    I live in Arizona and getting my heart rate up makes me feel too hot to bear.

    Typical workout clothing is not breathable enough fabric to me.

     I know this is a bit of a personal decision but I need some advice and doctrine about this topic.

    When we swim we wear swimsuits that show off a lot of skin but that’s appropriate?

    Is wearing short shorts and a tank top while exercising still inappropriate?

    Should I err on the side of caution?

    Let me know your thoughts.

    I live by the three S' with regards to garment wearing, I wear at all times with these exceptions:




    Does exercise fall under the sports category? it does for me but your mileage may vary.

  8. On 9/28/2018 at 5:52 PM, jewels8 said:

    We know that Jesus was and is without sin.  But why then, would he use the priesthood to turn water into an alcoholic beverage?  Or was the wine just grape juice?  I would definitely feel it would be sinful today if someone turned water into wine.  Has anyone else ever been bothered by this or puzzled by it as a child growing up or as an adult?  I would not feel right drinking wine, having it around, or if I were a goddess I would not feel comfortable performing a miracle like that


    I only read the first post and no responses, but this is a joke right?  Are you serious about this @jewels8?

  9. 7 minutes ago, LatterDSaint said:

    Hi Mod. I will push back on this here. Sometimes the statute of limitations prevents someone from even going to trial for an alleged crime. That would occur here. Presumed innocence in the court of law is one thing. Public perception of an alleged criminal is another. And as of right now, my presumption of Kavanugh's innocence gets less and less with the way Senator Chuck Grassley released signatures of 65 woman who were supposedly Kavanaugh's classmates (even though he went to an all boys school) within 24 hours of the allegation coming to light. That screams that the GOP knew that such an allegation might come to light and prepared this defense in case it did. Those actions give me much more reason to believe Kanaugh did attempt to rape someone while he was in highschool. Now can we all be forgiven? Of course, but I don't know kavanaugh well enough to extend my sympathies for him and not see this allegation worthy of some credibility....

    You realize that we are discussing an alleged crime that happened 37 years ago......In the last 37 years they have come up with nothing!!!!! So we have to go back to highschool? 

  10. 1 minute ago, LatterDSaint said:

    The truth isnt disrespectful and you are kinda saying the same thing twice...

    I'm not saying the same thing twice you can express disent without being disrespectful

    2 minutes ago, LatterDSaint said:

    Is it a problem for you if I do care about things like that (as a legal citizen)?

    You can care all you want about it. It's a free country.

  11. 2 minutes ago, LatterDSaint said:

    You may not like what I have to say (that is your right) but I didnt realize that I didn't have the right to speak out against the government even as a legal resident...

    There is speaking out against the government which I am totally fine with, and there is being disrespectful to our lawfully elected officials.

    3 minutes ago, LatterDSaint said:

    And I get that you support Trump. Is that just because of your 401K looking good or is it because he sleeps with adult ****stars?

    That's a pretty big assumption, point of fact is I did not vote for Trump. Yes my 401k is killing it, and I could care less if he slept with a porn star 12 years ago.



  12. 4 minutes ago, LatterDSaint said:

    Sorry man, didnt mean to hurt your feelings but I am going to tell it like it is rather than remain politically correct. 

    If I said 1/4 of the stuff Trump has said WHILE he has been president alone, I would not be studying at BYU and I would definitely not be able to keep an office Job. He acts like a petulant child on Twitter mostly so if you havent seen his tweets, perhaps this is why you believe what I said is "disrespectful" rather than the truth...

    Which country did you say you were from? Since you want to be disrespectful to our sitting president I think it would be fair to know the political climate of your native land.

  13. 20 minutes ago, LatterDSaint said:

    I also want to discuss the supreme court nominee Brett Kavanugh. Recently, a woman has alleged that he and one of his buddies attempted to gang rape her when they were drunk at a party back in high school, and that they turned the music up to quell her protests. Does anyone believe this allegation may have some plausibility or is it a smear job by the democrats to make Republicans look like rape apologists? I am still awaiting details on this case, but as far as I am aware, Donald Trump is not an honest man, and the people around him are evidently not honest people either with all the guilty pleas in recent months. Then there was the endorsement of Roy Moore. I still can't quite purge that from my mind, the way republicans desperately defended Roy even though any sensible and honest human being knew he was a pedophile... I hope that if these allegations against Kavanaugh are true, republicans will not make the same mistake that they did with Roy Moore otherwise they will get slaughtered in the midterms. We need to be able to trust these people who are occupying these Government positions....

    Kavanaugh is a Boy scout and these are smears by the left to try to influence the nominee. It frankly is disgusting. 

    22 minutes ago, LatterDSaint said:

    We need to be able to trust these people who are occupying these Government positions....

    When you say "we" are you  including yourself? What country are you from?

  14. 1 hour ago, LatterDSaint said:

    I'll begin- I have no desire to see any republicans in the senate after November. President Trump making America Great is not my idea of "great" and whilst the only perfect "president" would be Jesus Christ, I believe America can certainly do better than a child like Donald Trump and his "republican" nominees....

    I find it disrespectful to call our President a child. 

    You specifically said you were not a US citizen in another thread.  Do you want to be an American citizen?  If the the answer is yes you should respect the office of the President.  If not mind your own business.

  15. On 9/12/2018 at 5:13 PM, Carborendum said:

    1) Large gatherings simply assume more people will want to drink them, so they buy them for the parties.

    It's not an assumption they are more popular, they sell more. Which in turn means more people drink them.

    17 hours ago, mrmarklin said:

    2) People want to drink them at work to stay awake.  And it provides variety over the already ubiquitous coffee

    I doubt it the caffeine is not equivalent. You would have to drink much more soda. 

  16. On 9/12/2018 at 5:13 PM, Carborendum said:

    That's quite an assumption.

    My postulate was that colas tend to outsell primarily for two reasons: 

    1) Large gatherings simply assume more people will want to drink them, so they buy them for the parties.
    2) People want to drink them at work to stay awake.  And it provides variety over the already ubiquitous coffee.

    My OP was about people simply wanting to drink them out of sheer enjoyment.  They like the flavor better.  They are more refreshed.  etc. Based on my growing sample size, it is becoming more apparent that in recreational situations, colas are not the preferred soft drink.

    You countered with: dining out (a recreational situation) people buy more colas than any other.  So, if that were so, I'd like to see the statistic.  And if true, I'd say "Hmmm.  I guess I was wrong."  But instead, you gave the statistic for "all cola sales" not "dining out" or "recreational situations" which I clearly described (even if I did not explicitly state).

    Honestly the article specifically says total sales, this would include dining out. It is certainly more conclusive that your uber scientific backyard gatherings and causal observation of the beverage counter.

  17. 4 hours ago, LatterDSaint said:

    She is clearly looking for any reason she can to instigate something. If you have been completely faithful in your marriage then I suggest you ask her "Do you have something to tell me". If you have not been completely faithful in your marriage then you understand why this is happening

    nonsense, completely faithful in what way? No one mentioned adultery