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Posts posted by omegaseamaster75

  1. On 8/6/2018 at 12:34 PM, anatess2 said:

    Hello Jake.  Welcome.

    There's only one way you can know if she's trying to avoid you.  Go up to her and ask her, "Are you trying to avoid me?".  Then see what she says.

    None of us here can really answer your question.  We're just as clueless as you.  But we can be really good at guessing or trying to pretend we know what she's thinking... ;)


    This is not good advice.

    However, next time you see her you should approach her and say hello, it will then be very clear if she is avoiding you or not. Keep in mind that the times you have seen her she has been with her boyfriend so yeah she probably is avoiding you.

    On 8/6/2018 at 2:27 PM, anatess2 said:

    Meh, as a woman, it's not an attractive trait to be the guy who goes and asks people, "is she trying to avoid me?".  The more attractive trait is that guy who goes up to the girl and asks, "Are you trying to avoid me?".  And the even more attractive trait is that guy who goes to the boyfriend and says, "you better treat her right or she'll stop trying to avoid me".

    Self-confidence.  You need to develop it before you go finding a woman who is interested.


    Don't do this, it's a good way to get punched in the nose. Again bad advice.

  2. On 7/29/2018 at 1:46 PM, Rhonda66 said:

    I was injured in a accident involving a mack truck four years ago. I finally settled my case after 4 surgeries, short selling my home and the loss of my job. I currently receive social security disability. My case finally settled and now I will receive some money. To let everyone know, I have been inactive in church for years but do strongly believe in the church. My question is : Do I pay tithing on my personal injury settlement ?


  3. 11 minutes ago, Scott said:


    Supposedly it is organized ourselves or at least by businesses.   How else do you organize it? 

    As for me, I think insurance and healthcare should be affordable.  If I pay for insurance, I want to be assured that it can be used when the time comes.

    I will share my own experience.   

    I make a good wage and have worked all my life.  I left home at age 16, joined the military on my 17th birthday and then came came home briefly before getting married just after my 19th birthday.  I have never been on public assistance, nor have I ever been unemployed.   I have been paying my insurance premiums for decades without using much of it.   We have been very charitable towards others, even to the point of sharing our own house and vehicles free of charge to those who need them.  We have done a lot of Church work and over the years have contributed six figures to tithing.

    Now that my 16 year old son is having health problems, he is in a treatment center.   We have the choice of letting him die or losing everything (except his life).   We're probably going to lose our house, all of our retirement, all of our savings, etc.  

    How is it agency having to choose between your son's life or everything that you own?   Under our supposed free-market, the insurance companies have complete control over what they  pay for and how much and they don't care how long you have been paying your premiums.   How is this agency? 

    My son went to the treatment center in April.   Here are our out of pocket expenses since April:


    We are only 1/3 of the way through his treatment and have 8 more months to go.   We have been fighting the insurance company the entire time. 

    How is this agency?   Our only choices are to lose everything or to lose our son.   Is that really agency?

    Healthcare works in other countries  for a much lower cost and for better care.  Why couldn't it work here?   There has to be a way, though I don't have a solution.

    Obviously having the for profit insurance companies run everything isn't working that well either.

    What is your solution?   I admit that I don't know of a good one, but our healthcare system now is broken.

    Yes.   Have you ever tried to come up with more than half a million dollars in one year in order to save a family member?

    People who think healthcare should be affordable are ridiculed as wanting handouts or said to be lazy.   The truth is that a lot of them are hard working good people who think that don't want something for free, but after paying premiums do want healthcare to be affordable enough that you don't have to choose between saving a family members life or losing everything.  

    I don't know what insurance plan you have and I am sorry that you are struggling with this it is terrible. 

    I do know this, pre Obama care I had affordable insurance with low deductibles and high levels of coverage. I don't want to make this a political discussion however post Obama care my insurance is slightly better that catastrophic insurance, high deductibles brutally high, low coverage % by the insurer and I have the pleasure of paying more for it.  I feel your pain. 

  4. 13 hours ago, NeedleinA said:


    Does breastfeeding your baby with an exposed breast in sacrament meeting constitute some kind of special occasion where our council regarding modesty is placed on pause or temporarily suspended?

    Depending on the situation yes. 

    You quoted Dallin H Oaks 

    13 hours ago, NeedleinA said:

    And young women, please understand that if you dress immodestly, you are magnifying this problem by becoming pornography to some of the men who see you.

    I have big problems with his statement, but I don't view it as relevant to this discussion.  I will say this, Breastfeeding is not sexual. I read your little diatribe about how it is in the world of porn etc. etc. If our youth, husbands, and other men are having sexual thoughts when they see a woman breast feeding they should have a discussion with their bishop, at a minimum take a hard look in the mirror and get a grip on reality.  

  5. 16 hours ago, Vort said:

    What is wrong with being "puritanical"?

    Nothing is wrong with it, until it clouds our judgement.  Breastfeeding is a great example. I agree with our leaders that there needs to be a level of modesty surrounding what we do and how we behave and dress.  I also think that there are some situations where the rules surrounding modesty need to be adjusted Breastfeeding is one of them.



  6. 2 hours ago, NeedleinA said:

    This may be the hold up. Who provides the definition of "good at it".
    Which one of the women is "good at it" at church?


    I'm not sure anyone has an issue with "breastfeeding". For me it is about how it is done.
    My wife breastfed at church as well.

    No one should have an issue with either one of these examples.  We need to not look at everything though our puritanical glasses.

    An exposed breast in not the end of the world and breast feeding is not sexual. I somehow managed to serve a mission in another country where women frequently exposed themselves to breastfeed and I managed to make it through unscathed.


  7. 1 hour ago, LePeel said:

    Profanity and vulgarity are against our Covenants and there's no room for argument about that. If I have a hang-up with sexual deviancy, that does not mean I have a hang-up with sex, because they are not the same thing.



    When you say profanity I am assuming you mean swearing, which covenant am I breaking if I drop an F- bomb now and then? Please be very specific? 

    How exactly do you define vulgarity? like potty talk etc? again please be very specific which covenant covers this.

    Don't go quoting a bunch of old conference talks about how we shouldn't swear, use profanity or be vulgar. I can in general agree that we should not do these things. I want to know which covenant is being broken when I stub my toe and say the S word. 

  8. 17 minutes ago, LePeel said:

    How so?

    Well this

    On 7/22/2018 at 12:10 PM, LePeel said:

    nother area of conflict in this relationship was that she liked and wanted to continue watching movies which I deemed vulgar and wouldn't tolerate in our house in a hypothetical marriage (the movie in question was Red with Bruce Willis.) I thought they were contrary to our covenants and she didn't agree.

    While I disagree with you about a rated R movie being contrary to your covenants, if you expressed that opinion to her it may/would cause a negative reaction.  Lets not even talk about your hangups with sex in general which can be noted in another thread.

  9. On 7/22/2018 at 12:10 PM, LePeel said:

    Let me introduce myself, I am Confused.  Why am I confused? What makes two people compatible is not yet known to me. Let me tell you something, I had a girl tell me we wouldn't work after two months of exclusivity, I agreed, but one of her reasons was, lets say, strange. Her problem was that I liked Beethoven and therefore didn't know the words to any of her favorite songs and therefore wasn't likely to satisfy a fantasy (what I call fantasy, or her idealized relationship) of her husband coming home from work while she's singing in the kitchen doing dishes and being able to join in with her. In short, we didn't like the same music, our differences in musical taste was an incompatibility.

    Another area of conflict in this relationship was that she liked and wanted to continue watching movies which I deemed vulgar and wouldn't tolerate in our house in a hypothetical marriage (the movie in question was Red with Bruce Willis.) I thought they were contrary to our covenants and she didn't agree.

    So what's the impression I got from this? I have to marry someone who likes Beethoven and hates swearing or else the marriage will crash and burn like the Tower of Babel due to "incompatibility." 

    I've gone a few dates since then. After one particular first date, we both determined we wouldn't be compatible, but for different reasons. My reason was she didn't seem to have a problem with swearing because she listened to Rap and watched movies with profanity. But her reasons for our incompatibility was that we didn't have much in common. Problem is she didn't ask me much about what I liked to do. So how is she supposed to know that? Our biggest difference (based on our limited conversation) was that I like Classical and she likes Rap. We also talked about evolution and we don't agree on that. But that shouldn't matter to a grown adult and give her the benefit of the doubt that that wasn't a problem.

    So, this is my question. What similarities do there need to be between people? I've tried Googling this but only get secular and non-Mormon sources, I don't care about those. The LDS sources which do talk about this I already understand, but they don't answer my questions about the minutiae of compatibility. What do you think?


    Signed, Confused.


    Honestly, you seem to be wound up pretty tight. Try relaxing a little.

  10. 17 hours ago, Fire_Guy said:

    An update since the last post I made.  The sister in law was hurt on the job and ended up losing her employment.  She now has a part time job and has not been making payments.  My wife and her Mom have been making the payments for her and she presently owes us over $10,000.  I wonder if it will ever be paid back?  .

    It was a gift wrap your head around that idea, you are never getting it back and I would stop asking for it back if you haven't already.


  11. The First Presidency has answered this question in this way: “The simplest statement we know of is the statement of the Lord himself, namely, that the members of the Church should pay ‘one-tenth of all their interest annually,’ which is understood to mean income. No one is justified in making any other statement than this” (First Presidency letter, Mar. 19, 1970).

    We do not tithe our assets. If you want to tithe the gain on the sale of your personal residence that is between you and God. The question is will you tithe on the gross gain or less exclusions?

  12. 22 minutes ago, pwrfrk said:


    The LDS were to "legalize" homosexuality and make it permissible for homosexuals to get temple recommends and hold positions in branch/ward-stake-area leadership....

    Would that make the church more of a True Church, or less of one?  And why?

    How would it affect you and the roles you currently have in church?

    I ask this because now homosexuality is a big mess, nationally.  And back in the 70's race was a big mess as well, and the Church opened its doors to non-whites.  What keeps that from happening now?  And if it did, what would you do?

    It's apples and oranges, you can't compare blacks and the priesthood to the LGBTQ community. 

    For fun IF the "Church" decided to allow all rights privileges etc to practicing homosexuals I would either become Jewish or Catholic. 

  13. On 6/26/2018 at 6:30 AM, Vort said:

    Yes, I agree with it. If we know of evils done by certain leaders, then we have seen their human weaknesses. If those evils are germane to their leadership position, then our obligation is to let their presiding authorities know; for example, if the evils we know of are evidence of rank hypocrisy. Similarly, if those evils are illegal in nature, it is perhaps our duty to report that to law enforcement.

    But if they swore at us once, or we witnessed them kick their dog, or they treated our children unkindly six years ago, then perhaps it's our duty to forgive them and sustain them in this new chapter of their lives, assuming they are trying to put all those petty evils behind them in accepting new responsibilities.

    Here is the blunt truth: If only the perfect hold leadership positions, then the Church will go leaderless.

    I agree, unless you personally know of immoral or illegal behavior you should sustain them.  If you just don't like them on a personal level or have had bad business dealings with them that does not justify a non sustaining vote.

  14. 3 minutes ago, Jane_Doe said:

    It's damaging for teaching Christ's Truths to our children.  There's also a lot of it that can be pretty easily improved even before the new program comes out. 

    Eh, they (boys) need a more structured and reward based program, otherwise they would just play basketball every week.  Girls/women being the superior sex are able to progress without the structure that is needed for young men. 

  15. 20 hours ago, Fether said:

    I feel like this is more destructive. You are preventing your self from growth. You can’t be walking around always telling yourself “I am not right for this job”. If you do then you will always be right.

    Did you net read the part where she said this:

    On 7/14/2018 at 11:04 AM, carlimac said:

    .At this time in my life with the anxiety disorder and big gaps in my testimony, plus my inability to teach youth ( I've had to do this in Young Women's and it has been disastrous every time) I know this isn't something I could do well. It would be unfair to those teenagers when they are sacrificing sleep to come and be fed spiritually in the mornings. I'm just not in the right place to take on that responsibility right now


    19 hours ago, Fether said:

    @carlimac, there are 3 options here.

    1) Deny the calling and any potential growth that comes with it

    2) Acceptnthe calling out of spite and wake up every morning at 4:30 telling yourself “this sucks, I never should have done this”, teach half hearted lessons and leave the children destitute and starving for the gospel.

    3) say “I can do this”, wake up every morning saying “UGGHH it’s so early” and go to class fully prepared because of preparation the night before (even though you had hardly in time for it because of all the work you have to do elsewhere). Probably have some lessons you think were terrible because of how hard everything is, probably cry a lot-a-bit. Fast forward 4 years and have students you taught come back to you and say “Remember that lesson (the one you thought was absolutely awful)? Ya, that changed my life and now I am going to serve a mission”.

    Sounds like option 1 until the OP is in a better place spiritually and mentally

    No one should be browbeaten into accepting a calling.  Individual consideration and compassion need to come into play. Shaming them by saying that they are giving up blessing does not help either you don't know that they are giving up blessings how could you know?

  16. On 7/14/2018 at 11:04 AM, carlimac said:

    Well, no apparently doesn't mean no to the stake president. I heard via my husband that the stake president had told the bishop to still try to convince me.   So I sent another email to the bishop today  and re emphasized my answer . This stake president should know by now about where I'm at because I spelled it all out in my message to the bishop. But he (the stake president) is a bit of a controlling individual. He has intimidated individuals and micromanaged some things in our ward. I'm frankly scared of him.  I am the YW leader over his daughter. I'm dreading any repercussions about this. 

    You shouldn't be afraid of your leaders, your husband needs to get involved. I haven't read every response but if no one has mentioned it you need to tell him to make this go away for you.  Your husband in no uncertain terms needs to tell the Stake president that the answer is no and to find another candidate. 

  17. On 7/11/2018 at 2:48 PM, Returninghome said:

     My question is what should I expect? 

    You will be welcomed back and probably given a calling.

    On 7/11/2018 at 2:48 PM, Returninghome said:

    If I follow the Lords prompting and then get excommunicated I will be devastated. What do you think will most likely happen? 

    Based on what you have told us you did not have sex/oral sex did I read that right? So we are talking about an emotional affair, maybe some kissing and stuff?

    Yeah, your not going to get excommunicated or disfellowshipped. Your remorseful right? You have mended fences with your spouse right? I am sure you have prayed and asked for forgiveness right? and have committed to never do it again?

    Why would you disclose this past transgression to your bishop? What would the benefit of it be?