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Posts posted by omegaseamaster75

  1. 10 minutes ago, LatterDSaint said:

    she is the first girl I have ever been in a relationship with so it wouldnt be this but I understand your advice here that if I cant trust her, then in no way can I marry her. 

    The first one? How old are you? Play the field a little, there are plenty of fish in the sea.

  2. 1 hour ago, anatess2 said:

    Interesting that you equate illegal immigrant with "speeders" and "litter bugs".

    I can see how you got that, but my intention was to point out that we are not the enforcers of the law, just like how we don't chase down every speeder or hassle every litter bug. 

  3. Since we are on the topic of hiring illegals, what do we do? They perform services at a price which legal residents are not willing to do. If we want to go after someone we need to go after the employers. Mandate that they put these people on payroll, pay a fair wage, pay the taxes associated. (the laws already exist)

    From the employers side I totally get it they are motivated by greed. The workers are grateful for a few american dollars. The consumers like paying $1.00 for a head of lettuce. Everyone is happy.  If the law is enforced than you the consumer will feel the pain.


  4. 5 minutes ago, Carborendum said:

    Like I said,

    I'm basically hoping for thoughts about the topic that I haven't already considered.

    If you wan to go down the path of that question, I wouldn't mind a bit.

    As I replied to Fether, I also believe as you do that the status of being an illegal immigrant, while still illegal, is a very minor crime tantamount to minor traffic violations or (as you say) littering.  So, let's compare:

    • Is it morally correct to hire a courier service to take a package from A to B when you know that the only way they can do it in time is to severely speed? (Smokey and the Bandit).
    • Is it morally correct to hire someone to haul away junk in and around your office if you know the method they use would be to dump everything on some unused lot?

    Sure, when I hire a contractor say to pave my driveway I don't grill him about his hired help. My assumption is that they are legal.

    When I hire a courier I assume that all traffic laws are being obeyed 

    When I hire someone to haul away my junk I don't grill  him and ask where it is going to be dumped I assume a safe and legal space.

    Now if I KNOW prior to my engagement then yes I have a moral quandary, and I will not hire. If I find out subsequently I may not use their services in the future or recommend them.



  5. 17 hours ago, Carborendum said:

    Let's pretend...

    You hire someone to do some work.  You get to meet some of his employees.  They seem like a very nice and hard working bunch.  You then find out that half of them don't speak English.  As you can imagine, through investigation you find that many of them are not here legally.

    Do you report them to immigration?

    If not, would you say something to the employer?  Something along the lines of, "Make sure they don't work on my job again."?

    If, upon that request, the man says that he can't do the project for you at the previously stated price without them.  What do you do?

    What is the overall purpose of your hypothetical? 

    Maybe the question should be: Is it morally correct to hire someone who uses illegal labor? 



  6. 17 hours ago, Carborendum said:

    As you can imagine, through investigation you find that many of them are not here legally.

    Do you report them to immigration?

    No I would not report them. I am not immigration enforcement. You don't follow every speeder you see and report them to the police do you? do you chase after a litter bug and enforce the no littering codes that many cities have? 

    17 hours ago, Carborendum said:

    If not, would you say something to the employer?  Something along the lines of, "Make sure they don't work on my job again."?

    Only if I wanted the contractor to quit. I better have a backup plan.

    17 hours ago, Carborendum said:

    If, upon that request, the man says that he can't do the project for you at the previously stated price without them.  What do you do?

    No kidding? the price is lower because of illegal labor? I'm shocked!!!!!

  7. On 11/3/2018 at 3:44 PM, Lost Boy said:

    To clarify a little more.  The woman had the abortion before she became a member of the church.  If you were a single guy looking to get married, would you date a woman who had an abortion?


    On 11/3/2018 at 3:44 PM, Lost Boy said:

    What if you never asked and you got married and then found out?

    So what? However this should be something that should come up if you are serious about marriage, there should be no secrets regarding medical history.

  8. 14 hours ago, Aspiring Nurse said:

    **Forewarning, this may be long**

    So like every great LDS member, I prayed about marriage to her and I got a solid answer that she was a great choice. 

    So you prayed got your answer. Was God wrong?

    14 hours ago, Aspiring Nurse said:

     I can't help but compare her to my previous partners 

    This does not help things AT ALL knock it off.

    14 hours ago, Aspiring Nurse said:

    I have also struggled with pornography 

    Divorce or not you need to get this straightened out...again knock it off

    14 hours ago, Aspiring Nurse said:

    attraction to other women

    Welcome to the club, we all like to look at a pretty girl. I guess it all depends on how you define attraction. I suspect the way you are viewing it it is inappropriate.

    14 hours ago, Aspiring Nurse said:

    Please some counsel would be nice.

    There are deeper issues at play, deeper than what us inter-web commandos can help you with. You need to see a real counsler and then attend counseling with your wife. If you want to salvage your relationship with your wife and have your child in your life you need to make an investment.  That means breaking open the wallet and getting real help.



  9. 7 hours ago, ctr2961 said:

    I am a single person who has no family support from my birth family.  20 Years ago, my family made me make  a choice between the church and my family, I choose the Church.  Now I am regetting it.

    Member for 20 years

    7 hours ago, ctr2961 said:

    Also we are supposed to "focus on gospel learning in their homes ", but how do I do that when I barely understand the principles of the church and the gospel?  I am banging my head literally try to understand what I am reading.

    Barely understand the principles of the church and the gospel?


    Your two statements are conflicting. Were you inactive for an extended period of time? Did you or do you live in a country where you had no access to scriptures, the internet or other sources of information about the church?

    You claim in another thread that you are involved in scouting at least that's what I got from it so do you currently have a calling?

    This is a serious question, are you currently on any type of medication or on the autism spectrum?


  10. 4 hours ago, JKing said:

    I have been stuck in the middle of my husband and my son for the past 8 years. I know this time if my husband pushes our son to far then our son will move out, when he isn't ready to live on his own.  

    Is your son an adult of not? Sounds like he wants to throw the adult card around and you are enabling him, but only to a point. 

    Once people mention adult activities outside of sex with his girlfriend you stop cold and say he isn't ready.

    So which is it? is he an adult of not? certainly biologically and legally he is. Sounds like mommy does not want him to move out so you will continue to coddle and make excuses for him.

    Let's be honest he is having extra marital sex with a girl who most likely will not be his future wife, you are getting in the middle of your husbands deeply held religious beliefs, or did he just spring those on you and your surprised? Protect your marriage, enforce the household rules on your adult man child and protect your marriage.


  11. On 10/17/2018 at 10:22 AM, Morgaine said:

     Pornography has been an issue with him on and off, even after he went to the bishop about it (I pretty much had to push him to go).

    He should want to take care of this for himself not because you're pushing him.  This is nonsense he is a big boy and knows what he needs to do. 

    On 10/17/2018 at 10:22 AM, Morgaine said:

    all the household chores and duties are on me, paying bills, emotional support, etc.

    Did you marry a man or a little boy who needs his mommy to take care of him.  By doing everything you're enabling him.

    On 10/17/2018 at 10:22 AM, Morgaine said:

    (he's also bipolar, no medication),

    Honestly, what are you still doing there?

    On 10/17/2018 at 10:22 AM, Morgaine said:

    most importantly through the porn addiction 

    See my first reality is he addicted or does he have bad habits?...there is a difference


    On 10/17/2018 at 10:22 AM, Morgaine said:

    Any advice or thoughts are welcome. Thank you.

    Yes, go see a family law attorney, and don't have any kids.

  12. 42 minutes ago, Bini said:

    I have been divorced for a little while and I'm finally at a stage where I'm ready to start meeting new people. I've gone on some dates but haven't been excited about any one person to continue seeing them exclusively. Recently, a few weeks ago, I met a man who I seem to have a lot in common with. We started off with app messages, then text messages, and now we're doing video chats. It didn't come up right away but I have learned that he's an active LDS and wants to remain active. I told him that I am not a member and that I don't plan on converting but he still wants to meet and see where things go. What is the motive here, do you think? We met on a dating app, so I assume he's wanting some sort of relationship that leads to marriage. For whatever it's worth, I have not gotten a creepy vibe from him, and our conversations remain clean and interesting. I'm just baffled a little, I guess. Anyway, from my understanding, it's frowned upon for members to pursue non-members, mainly because core beliefs don't align. And I'd bet that most of you would advise him to run far away from a non-member... So I'm a little confused. Do these sort of relationships ever work out? 

    Aren't you former LDS? 

  13. On 10/21/2018 at 10:21 PM, person0 said:

    While I recognize there are disadvantages as well, now that I have seven children, I keep finding advantages to plural marriage, especially in specific every day situations.  My wife and I discuss them and laugh about it, but jointly acknowledge their merit.

     I stopped reading after this (I actually did read the entire post)  7 KIDS!!!! You have the right to complain about NOTHING. 

    Honestly, I respect the fact that you are providing a loving home and environment to children who would not otherwise have it. It is Christ like and fantastic that anyone would have such an open heart for that I applaud you. You made this bed, now you get to lay in it for 18 years. So no complaining, no whining.


  14. This is a perfect example of a Bishop being out of his depth of expertise.  The bishops role should be to point you in a direction in which you can receive the help you need, and facilitate it if necessary. 

    @Petty3 You need professional help, you have received some good advice so far but I would recommend counseling 3-4x a week, not once every 3-4 weeks. I don't know if you mentioned that you were on any types of medication, but if not this is something you should look into. 

  15. 1 hour ago, Vort said:

    This is approximately correct, but open to misinterpretation.

    To be clear: A Latter-day Saint man may be married (in the mortal, societal sense) to no more than one woman at a time. I am aware of no exceptions to this rule today. He may be sealed to multiple women at the same time, but in general he cannot be sealed to two living women at the same time. The only exception I am aware of occurs when the man is sealed to his wife, who then divorces him without breaking the sealing. The man may then, if he is worthy, marry and be sealed to another woman while his ex-wife is still alive.

    This is correct

    1 hour ago, Vort said:

    I suppose this could potentially go on ad infinitum, meaning a man might potentially be sealed to any finite number of women while they are all still alive. But that's highly unlikely, because getting sealed after a divorce requires First Presidency approval. My guess is that the First Presidency would quickly stop approving sealings for a serial groom whose wives keep on leaving him.

    I'll let you know how it works out for me

    1 hour ago, Vort said:

    A living man may be sealed to any number of deceased spouses. A deceased man may, when appropriate, be sealed to any number of wives. There are rules for determining how we do sealings based on genealogical work and how to decide which men get sealed to which women.

    This I did not know.