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Posts posted by omegaseamaster75

  1. 3 hours ago, Overwatch said:

    Your sarcasm is unnecessary and insinuating that her making any choice other than forgiving and staying with her disrespectful husband is "blowing up her marriage" is  nauseating. 

    She was faithful and true. She gets to decide what she wants with this situation. Either path she takes is a righteous choice. 

    I never said she had to stay with him point out where I said that. Don't put words in my mouth.  We know half of what has gone on in their relationship her half. So yeah I'm not so quick to "blow up" the marriage. 

    The only nauseating thing is your lack of a sense of humor and singular focus on the sins of the husband..

    She gets to decide. There are options it's up to the OP

  2. 2 hours ago, Chilean said:

    I know, we don't know when He's coming (He doesn't even know). But I just want to know your thoughts on this topic, just for the fun of it, as probably everything we say here about will be speculation.  

    What are your thoughts? Do you think he's coming within the next 100 years? I personally think He is coming soon, maybe even within the next 30 to 40 years.


    We will all be long dead before he comes. I see no indications that a second coming is eminent. 

  3. 13 hours ago, Overwatch said:

    I understand your view on the actual topic but I have also seen people divorce and actually ended with someone who loved them MORE. Who are now more happy then they ever were before.

    My uncle was cheated on after having many children. He was willing to forgive but his wife wanted to stay with her affair partner. He went into a deep depression and I saw him suffer. Despite his sadness he never stopped working and kept up paying two houses. He was eventually introduced to a medical doctor and today he is very happy, she loves him sooo much. They are happily married, it is good to see him smile again. 

    While I don't discount the power of reconciliation I have also seen the power of entirely new blessings. 

    Well your anecdotal evidence has convinced me. I'm totally on board and the OP should blow up her marriage.

  4. 15 hours ago, jewels8 said:

    This man is putting her though unspeakable pain, without any thoght for himself.  He married her for a very low reason.  There is no excuse,  She deservws better, I think.  Give him a chance to grow up without tearing her down any more,  I don't believe she is lying.  He was deceitful 

    I will grant that the OP does not paint a pretty picture of her spouse.  Again we are only hearing one side of the story. the Husband is a monster and the OP is the poor victim? 

    It takes 2 to tango.

    How long did the OP date this guy before marriage? if you date long enough you get to know who a person is. We are talking about adults here right? No one forced her to marry this guy. So one can assume that due diligence was taken on her part to make sure that this was someone she wanted to spend eternity with.  For example, came from a good family, was educated, had a good job with which to support his family, was religious not just a go to sacrament and then hang out in the halls mormon. etc. etc.

    how much effort is the OP putting into the relationship? We only hear about the terrible stuff her husband is doing.



  5. 20 hours ago, jewels8 said:

    I wouldn't suggest saving this marriage.  Though, the intentions are good, not every marriage should be saved.  Just look at what she wrote.  Bless her heart!  Better to get out before kids come along, and you regain your self esteem and find a real man who will cherish you Whether the marriage can be annulled at this point or not, I say pray about it, tell your bishop, and remember, he can't decide for you.  Bishops are counseled to   But this lady needs to be free,  This boy won't change for her anytime soon


    Wow pretty insightful based on one post from a forum member who will probably never come back to the forum. 

    OP for what it's worth there are 2 sides to every story. I wonder what your husbands side of the story is?

  6. 1 hour ago, NicoleGallagher said:

    Hey everybody,

    im a convert to the church, I joined about nine months ago. From the time I joined the church there was a girl in young women's with me who I idolised because she had also joined the church as a teenager, but then found out she was breaking the word of wisdom often. This I found out from a mutual friend who told me, not knowing that I didn't know. I was quite shocked when I was told, but it made a lot of sense. A few months earlier I was told by Elders I know in our ward that there were photos of her on the internet drinking. I don't know who showed them but someone did. I spent a lot of time defending her to these Elders and the following missionaries as well, as I didn't know. 

    The thing is, this girl is planning on getting endowed next month as she is prepairing to go on her mission! I know this is an awful idea. She hasn't repented for breaking the WoW as she doesn't think it's that bad, and the only parts of it she didn't break were the tea and coffee. I don't know what I'm suppose to do now. I don't want to seem judgemental when I ask her, but I don't know where the line is between judging and being concerned. My other friend who is a convert has talked to her about it and what she usually says is "I have been in the church longer than you so I know more about this" and then exits the conversation. 

    I'm not a snitch or anything so I really am torn here. I have no idea what to do. I don't even have a idea on what to do. So if anyone has any options on what to do that would be well appreciated.

    thanks a million

    It's none of your business,  you don't know that she hasn't repented. How could you know? it's between her and her bishop and the Lord.

  7. 1 hour ago, RT2280CO said:

    Nope, I’d didn’t punch him... I think both he and my wife thought I might. But I did yell. It was hard to calm down again. I guess I’m too much of a softy. But my logical brain helped me understand that would do no good. 

    You need to call the stake president today. I'm giving everything said a 50% discount but even at that your bishop has crossed a line. The second you said something to him he should have rearranged his interactions with your wife. 

  8. 1 hour ago, RT2280CO said:

    He instead said we should talk about the inderlying issue of how I make my wife feel and how she’d feel if I made her stop talking to him. And that the “three of us” should get to decide what happens next. 

    And then you punched him in the nose, and threw him out of your home??

  9. 18 hours ago, LePeel said:

    My best friend calls me an extremist because I won't watch movies or shows with profanity, blasphemy, or anything depicting or referencing sex. This just seems to me to be the correct direction.

    Now here's the thing. If I follow this direction and reasoning, I shouldn't tolerate profanity in any degree. Therefore, I shouldn't watch something like Star Wars: A New Hope, which has one D word and one H word. It seems somewhat true to me that drawing lines between "okay" profanity and "not okay" profanity is intellectual pride and therefore the line should be drawn at all profanity and vulgar language. Although this seems right in principle, it doesn't seem right in practice, like turning it off because it said the D word. 

    What do you think?

    You need to worry about your own spiritual journey and not be concerned with what others think.

    What's the "D" word? What's the "H" word? I'm going to assume damn and hell? Both words are are found in the scriptures.

    How could you know how many were in each movie respectively? Does someone count them?

  10. 1 hour ago, katiebigs said:

    1. Is he going to be ex-communicated? This wasn't a pre-meditated thing and he was drunk. He is really scared, but wants to go through the repentance process. Is he going to have to leave the church? If he is ex-communicated, what is that like? What happens? How soon can he come back to church?

    It depends, he needs to start by having a conversation with the Bishop. As an endowed member things will not be so easy for him since he knows better.  This isn't to say he will be excommunicated a lot of things go into that decision.  If he is it's not the end of the world.

    1 hour ago, katiebigs said:

    2. Who do I talk to for support? I don't want any of our family or friends to know because I'm so ashamed and I don't want any more hearts to break. But I feel so alone and I need help too. Do I talk to the bishop too? Who can I trust to talk about this?

    Call your Bishop, he can also recommend LDS family services, while you claim that you can't pay for counseling I think that if you prioritize correctly you will find that you can afford it. If you really can't afford it the Bishop will supplement through fast offerings. Why would you bring your family into this? Your husband is your family don't compound the injury by bring in other people into it that don't need to know.

    1 hour ago, katiebigs said:

    3. What happens now? I feel so lost and in a fog. I don't see the light at the end of the tunnel. How do we make it through this?

    See your Bishop, See a MFT. It will take time and effort to come through this.

  11. 12 hours ago, Overwatch said:

    Yes and No. We are able to retain talents learned in pre-mortal life. Some even qualify as Gods even before being born into mortality such as Jesus and the Holy Ghost. There are spiritual power houses in disabled and handicapped bodies. Some cultures emphasize education while others don't. There are geniuses in ALL races. 

    This is pure speculation, aside from Jesus we don't really know how our interactions in the premortal life effects who or what we are in this life. (exception we didn't side with Satan)

  12. 19 hours ago, Carborendum said:

    I wouldn't discount that either.  But what are the statistics?  I have never seen them.  Take this case in Europe for instance.

    You have an influx of refugees from foreign countries.  No doubt (???) they were the ones who brought measles with them.  But no one knows who patient zero was.  I'd also bet that the "majority of those who were ill were unvaccinated" meant that the majority were from foreign countries.  What about the native Europeans (from the first world countries)?  How many of those who natives were vaccinated?  About 90%?  How many native Europeans in general get vaccinations?  90%?  Oh.  Did the vaccines do any good then?

    That is just as easily a correct statistic.  But we'll never know because we simply don't have that data.  Why don't we have that data?  Because no one asks the question.

    Did you know that the main reason why doctors say that smoking causes heart conditions is because it was found that (at some point in history) 40% of those who had heart conditions were smokers.  Well, how many Americans in general were smokers?  40%.  Oh.  So, is smoking really a factor in heart disease?

    It's really easy to pin it on smoking because everyone knows nicotine is a stimulant and stimulants cause heart disease... blah blah.  And smoking is known to be unhealthy for a slew of other reasons.  But look at those numbers.  It would seem like there isn't a relationship.

    Same with vaccines.  We see conditions where reason would tell us that vaccines are helping and non-vaccinated are hurting.  But look at the numbers.  Oh, wait, there aren't any.

    Take your head out of the sand

  13. 6 hours ago, Lost Boy said:

    Now for a harder question.  Have you ever been asked to go on a business trip with a coworker of the opposite sex, especially a good looking one and you only had one car to share so eating out with this coworker would be a given. 

    Would you voluntarily tell your spouse without you having to ask? Would you go? What if it was for a week or more? What if the person was a bit flirty with you? 

    Yes I would tell my wife who was going on the trip. Yes I would go on the trip (if I don't go I get fired right?). Who cares how long it's for.  Start talking about your wife and kids, the flirty stuff should stop. 

  14. 17 hours ago, anatess2 said:

    In an interview whose objective is to "try this Korean delicacy" and a promotion for a movie, the guest is not expected to pretend to like something to be polite.  He's expected to try the food and tell the truth of whether he likes it or not.  The COOL part is that he TRIED the food.  He's not expected to swallow it if it tastes bad.

    We are not discussing an interview we are discussing missionaries being served someone food in their home.

    17 hours ago, anatess2 said:

    As far as missionaries coming to my house and eating my food, he's not expected to force himself to eat something he can't stomach.  We're cultured enough to understand it's not normal to find balut where these missionaries are from.  Just like you shouldn't expect a Filipino to swallow rare beef if he can't stomach it.  In the Philippines, eating rare beef could kill you.

    Except we are not in the philippines and rare beef in America won't kill you.

    I went by this rule of thumb on my mission. If it is good enough for the native population and doesn't kill them I can and will eat it if they serve it to me.

  15. 1 hour ago, anatess2 said:

    Who says this article is a joke?  It's an article about different cultures.

    This is the same as that interview with that Spiderman actor guy eating "weird Korean food" in South Korea.  He tried everything, enjoyed some, spit out some.  Nothing offensive about that.

    Spitting out food that someone paid for and worked for is offensive, you don't have to have seconds but you should be polite.

  16. 1 hour ago, anatess2 said:

    So you're saying... Tommy Robinson needs to obey the law - that has a completely different flavor as an American sentiment when the Law is under the umbrella of the limitations of the US Constitution.  So, this Tommy Robinson case is actually more similar to telling George Washington to obey the law.

    In any case, Tommy was jailed in 2017 for breaking the law.  In this recent case, he wasn't breaking the law.  Or at least, the government did not bother to prove he broke the law as Tommy did his Live Stream within the limits of the gag order as he, and those siding with him, understood it.

    Also, whether Tommy broke the law or not, the government DID NOT FOLLOW LAW in their violation of Tommy's rights in his trial and incarceration.

    They obviously don't abide by those articles you quoted that the EU has established, and Tommy was in England. Unless your an expert in English law I am inclined to believe the Tommy violated his gag order and as such should reap his rewards.  He knew the risk so why cry about it now that he has to pay the price.