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Posts posted by omegaseamaster75

  1. 4 hours ago, Grunt said:

    If you're at the stage where you are meeting escorts then you'll be out of this sooner or later.  You'll either be robbed, dead, or on television.  You absolutely can get out.  Are you getting help?  Have you spoken to your Bishop?  It sounds like you're at the point that any normal advice I could give you won't be enough.  You need counseling.


    See a professional, your bishop can help you wade through the process of repentance but your root problem needs to be addressed. You are engaging in dangerous and potentially life threatening behaviors.

  2. 1 minute ago, JayKi said:

    I think it is okay we only go for lunch together or to the cinema, sometimes shopping. We don't hang out in private places most of the time. Her husband should get over it, she can be friends with who she choose, he can't control her life. 

    Baring the exceptions @MormonGator I would have a problem with my wife going to lunch or the movies with her single friend.  There are thing that are and are not appropriate. 

  3. Just now, JayKi said:

    I can be friends with married women! We get on well and I care about her I shouldn't stop just because she is married. If her husband is insecure about her speaking to male friends then that is his problem for him to work through. Also, I am not single I have a girlfriend and I am getting married soon. 

    You can be friend with married women sure, as long as it's a hi how are up you? or getting invited over for dinner with your girlfriend.  

    Men and women cannot be friends in the traditional sense of friendship. (there are exceptions) but it requires more maturity and understanding than most people are capable of. If her husband is uncomfortable with the friendship you need to knock it off.  Unless you value your friendship with her more than the sanctity of her marriage.

  4. 22 hours ago, hadl said:

    I am interested in how some of y'all use technology in your callings. I was in the previous EQ Presidency and was called again to serve in the "new" EQ Presidency, and we relied heavily on Google products to keep, share, and track information. In the current transition, the ease of use of these products is making it almost seamless due to majority of our information already being saved and shared to two of the three in the new Presidency.


    Do you have a similar story, use anything different, have an idea you would like to try? 

    I can discuss my 2 previous callings, both I treated the same way. 

    I created a dedicated email associated with that calling only. I use gmail. This allowed me to setup Google docs for all of the items we wanted to discuss. I created folders for Agendas, Activities, home teaching, Callings, etc, etc.

    I shared these with the other members in the leadership role with me.

    We always had an agenda which was updated and added to as we went through it weekly. All had access so if they had an idea they could add it to the agenda. there was no shuffling through papers to find out information as I had links in the agenda that would take them to the folders that had this information.

    We used the email address I set up to communicate this solves 2 problems. 1. As a dedicated email everyone does not need my personal email address I can keep it private. 2. when they get an email they know that it is church related and are more likely to respond and communicate through it. 

    When I get released the new person coming in gets a email address, and has access to all of the underlying information and work that we have done during our tenure.  They don't have to reinvent the wheel they get to pick right up and there is no down time for new leadership to adjust. 

  5. 21 hours ago, JayKi said:

    Also, a woman at church who is married was texting me because we are friends and I was only texting her back to be nice but apparently I sent her flirtatious messages (I didn't think they were at the time but I sort of see why they may be interpreted that way now). 

    I'll jump in, it's this. You need to grow up a little bit and not text married women. 

    Single men can't be friends with married women. You can't text them or go out to lunch or hang at the beach, when you do no matter how innocent it may be this crap happens.  People get the wrong idea, a statement or look or gesture gets misinterpreted and you get your temple recommend taken away.

  6. On 4/20/2018 at 10:48 PM, wenglund said:

    I must have a carbon deficiency since I like my steaks well done--i.e. just this side of jerky.

    Either that, or I am risk averse to things like worms and bacteria and other micro organism lurking in bloody, relatively uncooked meat.

    Thanks, -Wade Englund-

    In America we have safe meat processing (in general) E-coli lives in the intestinal tract of animals, not the flesh  since we are discussing beef this would be the primary concern.  There is some danger that during butchering contents of the intestinal tract may come in contact with or be exposed to the flesh and contaminate the meat.  In the US and other 1st world countries this is very rare, for this reason it is safe-ish to eat it rare or medium rare 125 to 135 F. 

    Burn it if you want but when your excess intake of heterocyclic amines causes you to have colon cancer don't come crying to me.

  7. 9 hours ago, Persona said:

    So the past two years I’ve broken the law of Chastity with 4 different guys... im really ashamed to say that but I need help. I went to my bishop about a year ago and repented for everything and I finished the repentance process. It was by far the hardest thing I’ve been through and it hurt so bad, I know my actions come with consequences, but because of that situation I’ve changed for the better and I’ve truly became converted to the Lord, and realized how important this commandment is. I’ve been wanting to serve a mission every since the age changed for woman. I still have about 2 years until I’m old enough to serve. My bishop said I most likely won’t be able to go and he didn’t give me much detail. It’s been killing me because I want to serve so bad. I made a very huge mistake and I’m scared it will ruin my chance to go on a mission. Please help and I’d appreciate no judgment because this is still very sensitive for me to talk about, thank you. 

    The short answer is it depends, stay on the straight and narrow....