Midwest LDS

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Posts posted by Midwest LDS

  1. @JoCa I frequently agree with you in other areas and I can understand some of your confusion as to what Elder Ballard said. My impression from his talk is that we as members of the church need to stop trying to feel superior to others for any reason, and look at everyone as brothers and sisters equal in the eyes of the Lord. Not equal in responsibilities but equal in His love.

  2. On 10/2/2017 at 6:24 PM, JoCa said:

    find it a little disingenuous in Elder Ballard's talk when


    On 10/2/2017 at 6:24 PM, JoCa said:

    Which again goes back to what I've said before . . .the Church is speaking out of both sides of its mouth and leaves things unclear.  One Apostle proclaims The Proclamation is divine another Apostle proclaims sexism is bad . .yet clearly the Church does not have pure equality (the worlds definition) for men and women

    I don't have a problem with legitimate questions about what an apostle means when he says something. Questions are the beginning of wisdom after all, and I didn't have a problem with that statement. My issue has to do with your statements that the church is talking out of both sides its mouth and that Elder Ballard is being disingenuous. Both of those statements imply that you believe the Church and Elder Ballard are lying to us. I reject that idea. Our leaders are imperfect, but God would never allow them to lead the church astray, as you are implying by your previous comments quoted above. If you didn't mean to imply that the church is lying to us or trying to mislead us, than I am sorry for misreading your quote, but that is the impression I got from your statements. 

  3. I think it's a consequence of the continued destruction of the family. As we see more and more people raised in faithless, chaotic households it leads to a sharp increase in anti religious thoughts and behaivor. At this point, I bet a good chunk of people are several generations removed from anyone who had a solid testimony of the Savior, and being raised with either a complete absense of moral teaching or constantly shifting morals leads to this behaivor. I've run into this anti religious vitriol even amongst family and friends who know me very well and should know better. I find it sad as well.

  4. I agree the two aren't equal. But to me, somone identifying as homosexual is the same as someone identifying as a porn addict or an alcoholic (not in severity of sin just in categorizing the sin). Especially in the church if they are struggling to keep morally clean, I look at it more as them telling me their weakness than the pride that comes from non members.

  5. I'm sorry you had such a rough childhood @Woofs. I don't blame you for being nervous to have kids, especially since it sounds like you inherited your mother's depression. Remember what King Benjamin said in Mosiah 4:7 

    "And see that all these things are done in wisdom and order; for it is not requisite that a man should run faster than he has strength."

    You shouldn't ignore your concerns, I think that would cause far more harm than good. Rather, be honest about your feelings with a potential husband, keep working to overcome your depression (which is a very real and powerful disease), and know that if the Lord calls you to have children he will help you overcome your personal struggles. Other than that, I wouldn't stress out too much about it till you get married as there's no sense in borrowing troubles from tomorrow☺.  

  6. I reject the idea that the church has "lost ground" anywhere. As Latter Day Saints don't we believe that we are led by prophets and apostles of God? President Eyring's talk in the Priesthood session was all about having faith that God still leads us through his chosen leaders, even though they are imperfect. 

     “It takes faith to believe that the resurrected Lord is watching over the daily details of His kingdom. It takes faith to believe that He calls imperfect people into positions of trust. It takes faith to believe that He knows the people He calls perfectly, both their capacities and their potential, and so makes no mistakes in His calls.”

    Don't you believe that Christ leads his church? Honestly, it bothers me that you are so fervently criticizing Elder Ballard. I loved his talk and felt inspired by his prophetic counsel to love God by loving our fellow man. It's hard for me to understand how your constant and sustained critcism of our divinly called leaders does anything helpful. I know God is still in charge of His church no matter what we perceive His apostles' weaknesses are. Plus do you really have so little faith in our leaders that you truly believe the First Presdency would allow something to be spoken in General Conference that was not the mind and will of God without stopping or correcting what was said? I think it's innapropriate to nit pick the words spoken by our Savior's servants. After all, don't forget D and C 1:38 

    "What I the Lord have spoken, I have spoken, and I excuse not myself; and though the heavens and the earth pass away, my word shall not pass away, but shall all be fulfilled, whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same."

  7. Honestly brother I don't think there's much I can tell you. You are, of course, welcome to come to church and I'm sure the members of the congregation will welcome you. In fact, I encourage you to come, the Church is a hospital for all of us sinners. But you made it clear in your post that you love your fiance more than God. Homosexuality is a serious sin, and it will keep you out of the Celstial Kingdom, and eternally seperated from your family. I could give you scriptures and quotes to that effect, but I suspect they would fall on deaf ears at the moment. Peace be with you brother.

  8. I'm still mostly concerned about South Korea. I have friends in the military who assure me that our Iron Dome missile defense system would take care of anything Kim shot at us, and I'm inclined to believe them. North Korean missile technology is far behind Russia's or even China's, so I feel less fearful about that then I previously did. But Kim's just crazy enough to target Seoul or the 20,000 plus soldiers we have stationed over there and with nukes, even one getting through would be a disaster. If we take him down we need to take him down. We can't screw around with a guy like this. Lobbing a few bombs and attempting to get it done on the cheap will get us nowhere. We either need to accept that Kim has nukes and we aren't willing to pay the price to get rid of him, and hope he's happy playing God in North Korea and won't do anything horrific like nuking Seoul. Or we have to accept the casualties and go in with everything, and remove the Kim dicatorship, and fix the place like we did with Germany and Japan post WW2. Both are, frankly, terrible options, and I don't know which is the lesser of two evils right now, but we need to pick one of them and run with it and quit pretending that sanctions are going to magically fix the problem.

  9. Thanks for sharing your struggles @CommanderSouth. I'm sorry you are having a difficult time accepting the Book of Mormon right now, but I'm glad you're putting in the effort to strengthen your testimony. I was lucky I suppose. I joined the church when I was 8, and I still remember the Lord telling me through the Holy Spirit that this is his church. I've had my share of struggles throughout this life, but I've always been able to fall back on that experience whenever any doubts have surfaced. It does get better☺. Here are two of the thoughts I had while thinking about your issues.

    1. Don't quit the struggle! Many times answers to deeply held questions take time, effort, and sacrifice. Even though this is something you've struggled with since your baptism, the fact that you've stuck it out so far is pleasing to the Lord. I believe you can and will receive an answer to your concerns about the Book of Mormon, even though I can't tell you how long it will take. But hold on to what our Heavenly Father says in 2 Nephi 31:15 "And I heard a voice from the Father, saying: Yea, the words of my Beloved are true and faithful. He that endureth to the end, the same shall be saved." Salvation is promised to you as long as you don't quit!

    2. I can't erase your doubts or your fears, but know that I know the Book of Mormon is a true record of scripture. It has been revealed to me by the power of the Holy Ghost, and I know the events that are recorded in it and the teachings it gives are true. I've seen the good that comes from living by it's principles, and I know that you will find an answer to your earnest prayers. God be with you in your search for truth brother.

  10. @Critchjc There's nothing to be troubled over. President Nelson isn't saying the Book of Mormon isn't historically acurate. He's saying it's primary purpose isn't to present a blow by blow account of every event that occured in the Ancient Americas. The purpose of The Book of Mormon is to lead people to Christ, not help them understand ancient governing systems, cultural movements, and historical events like a textbook does. Trust me, President Nelson believes The Book of Mormon is literally true☺.

  11. The primary point I want to make though, before I go to bed, is that the principal reason we obey the Word of Wisdom is not for health reasons. It's to demonstrate our obedience to God. I know the Word of Wisdom has health benefits, but the primary reason I don't partake of the forbidden items and try to eat healthily and exercise isn't for those benefits, it's to obey God. I know the Word of Wisdom wasn't always mandatory. It is now. If President Monson stands up on September 30 and tells me to stop using caffeine I will (although I would shed more than a few tears over my chocolate. I have a Coke now and then but I love chocolate☺).

  12. Look I think in some ways we are arguing similiar points although I do disagree with you about marijuana. I've seen what Mary Jane does to people under it's influence, and it absolutely is a hard drug. I'm just trying to say it's not doctrine to avoid caffeine and you seem to agree with that. I think the only point of contention I have with your argument (other than marijuana) was that you appeared to me to say that our apostles and prophets would lead the church astray because of their personal choices. I reject that. 



  13. Look I'm not arguing that caffeine is good for you (as I said in an earlier post I consider it in the same category as junk food and cake) but I do think it's ridiculous to argue that it was doctrine. To me that smacks of Pharisee talk. It's in the same category as the guy who told a friend of mines husband that he doesn't use ice in his drinks because it's against the word of wisdom. That being said I find it folly that you assert that a prophet's personal choices influence doctrine. Our leaders are mortal men, and have flaws that doesn't offend me. But I reject the idea that whatever their personal short comings they would ever allow that to affect doctrine. If the Lord told them to restrict something they were using, I gurantee they would gladly do so. I know them and they would not lead us astray. President Woodruff said "The Lord will never permit me or any other man who stands as President of this Church to lead you astray. It is not in the programme. It is not in the mind of God. If I were to attempt that, the Lord would remove me out of my place, and so He will any other man who attempts to lead the children of men astray from the oracles of God and from their duty". I believe him.

    The idea that caffeine was ever restricted is a myth. I actually remember President Hinkleys interview with Mike Wallace, but that was not an official doctrinal statement. If it was, it would have been announced through official church channels. As I said I'm not saying everyone should crack open a Coke. But we are allowed to decide for ourselves whether or not things like Coke, and Cake, and Ding Dongs can be part of our diets. That is left up too individual revelation.

    And marijuana is forbidden by the Word of Wisdom as are all hard drugs. Are there medical uses fror the plant? Probably, God has a purpose for all his creations. But using drugs with the intent to get high has always been against the Word of Wisdom.

  14. I understand why you feel that way @Fether. That's why I think it's best left to individuals, as we can do what seems good to us on the matter. And @JohnsonJones I'm sorry but I completely reject the idea that caffeine isn't spoken against because some GA's like caffeine. If it was wrong in God's eyes, he would tell them no matter what their weaknesses. And comparing caffeine to marijuana is ridiculous. Saying we are just doing it to maintain appearances is as silly as the Pharisees erecting a hedge about the law. That way you make the law more difficult for no reason. I still trust that God guides the Prophet and 12 Apostles. If he tells them to add caffeine to the list, I will never drink any again. But unless and until he does I will continue to use my own judgement on the matter, and be guided by the Holy Ghost.

  15. I'm not sure how you can truly believe the Book of Mormon if you don't believe it's literally a record of Christ's dealings with the people in the Americas. To me that sounds like Thomas Jefferson cutting out the miracles in the Bible and trying just to live by the moral teachings alone. I feel like you wouldn't get enough out of it, or gain a testimony of modern revelation, if you don't believe its a record of actual events.

  16. @LiterateParakeet You're right it doesn't specifically mention moderation in the Word of Wisdom. I was thinking more of modern interpretation by our GA's such as President Faust in his April 2003 talk to the Young Women. In it he says "Part of the spirit of the Word of Wisdom is moderation in all things, except those things specifically forbidden by the Lord." Since sugar, or caffeine, or barbecued red meat isn't mentioned directly in the Word of Wisdom we should follow a policy of moderation. What that means to me is that we have to take each item not mentioned individually rather than collectively. You mentioned you can't eat sugar or it does bad things to you. Therefore you decided not to use it. You're husband and children don't have the same issues you do and so they have some once in a while. Everyone has to make their own decisions about substances not specifically mentioned by the Lord, in a way that does not lead to addiction or spiritual damage. To me what your family does with sugar is what I meant about caffeine. Some don't have adverse affects drinking it, others do and it's up to us individually to determine what is best in cases like that.