Midwest LDS

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Posts posted by Midwest LDS

  1. I think I agree to an extent with @DoctorLemon. I would never want to marry more than one wife in this life, although I've never had a problem with the church's previous practice of it as it was commanded of God. I'm just glad I don't have to live it now☺. It sounds like it would be incredibly difficult to share the emotional intimacy I have with my wife with other women. However, I don't know how I would react if I lost her. My mom was miserable when she lost my stepdad, and she was never really herself again until she remarried. I also know that if I were to develop feelings of that strength for another woman after I lost my wife, I wouldn't want anything other than an eternal marriage. I'm just going to hope and pray it's never an issue, the thought of losing my wife makes me too sad, and deal with it if it happens to me. 

  2. If North Korea only had conventonal weapons I agree they wouldn't be much of a threat. But even one or two nukes getting through is too devastating to contemplate. We could destroy them, but would that be equal to losing Seoul, Honolulu, Los Angeles, or Seattle? I don't think Kim Jong Un really wants to do that, I think he enjoys being a god in his country too much too really risk anything, but we are going on 3 generations of insane cult of personality rule so who knows what he is truly capable of? Not to mention the intense suffering of his people, who have been locked in this dystopian hell hole for generations. But what can Trump do? We really only have two options. Continue to impose sanctions and fines in an attempt to get North Korea to disarm it's nukes and keep trying too get China to do something about them (seems like the best idea on paper, but it hasn't worked yet) and hope he doesn't start a war or risk a premptive strike that could easily drag China into it or cause an insane man to launch the nukes he has. The death and destruction could get horrific either way and it all depends on that egomaniacal buffoon Kim Jong Un. I honestly don't know what the best solution is.

  3. You know I've been too many temples in my short time on this Earth, and I can honestly say I've never been offended in one. They are so peaceful, and full of the Holy Ghost I honestly did not think it was possible to be upset there. This is such a minor issue, I don't understand how you go from being offended by a sacred picture to calling the Bretheren to repentance. Don't try to steady the Ark @jewels8 it will only lead to unhappiness.

  4. I'm not sure exactly what point you are trying too make @chasingthewind so forgive me if I'm wrong but it seems like you are equating sexual desire with sin. I believe that is false and I will use scriptues both ancient and modern to show why I belive it is false

    First, Proverbs 5:18-19

    18 Let thy fountain be blessed: and rejoice with the wife of thy youth.

      19 Let her be as the loving hind and pleasant roe; let her breasts satisfy thee at all times; and be thou ravished always with her love

    Also D and C 42:22

    22 Thou shalt love thy wife with all thy heart, and shalt cleave unto her and none else”

    Sounds pretty clear that sexual desire for one's wife is an important part of a lasting marriage but let's see what our prophets and apostles have said about the matter

    President John Taylor

    “We have a great many principles innate in our natures that are correct, but they want sanctifying. God said to man, ‘Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.’ (Genesis 1:28.) Well, he has planted, in accordance with this, a natural desire in woman towards man, and in man towards woman and a feeling of affection, regard, and sympathy exists between the sexes. We bring it into the world with us, but that, like everything else, has to be sanctified. An unlawful gratification of these feelings and sympathies is wrong in the sight of God, and leads down to death, while a proper exercise of our functions leads to life, happiness, and exaltation in this world and the world to come. And so it is in regard to a thousand other things” 

    Also President Joseph F. Smith

    “The lawful association of the sexes is ordained of God, not only as the sole means of race perpetuation, but for the development of the higher faculties and nobler traits of human nature, which the love-inspired companionship of man and woman alone can insure” 

    Finally, President (then Elder) Russel M. Nelson April 2006 Conference

    "Marriage is both a commandment and an exalting principle of the gospel. Because it is ordained of God, the intimate physical expressions of married love are sacred."

    God planted sexual desire in us and, when used as proscribed in the sacred bonds of marriage, it is a beautiful and amazing process that draws husbands and wives closer together than anything else they can do. I think you may be confusing lust, which is unbridled sexual desire and is what the Savior is talking about in Matthew, with basic sexual desire which most of us have and was given to us by God. 



  5. @chasingthewind I believe @SpiritDragon already answered your previous question. In regards to your second comment, about rape, that is a seperate issue. It's a grave and terrible sin because rape is a forcible sexual assault. It's irrelevant whether or not you are married to the person, it's an assault upon that person physically and mentally and is a horrific crime.

  6. Well the thing is you can't commit adultery with your wife. Do I think marrying somone solely for the purpose of sleeping with her is a good idea? No, I would hope there are many reasons why a person decided to marry their spouse, attraction being just one of those factors. But it is far better to marry than to commit the sin of fornication. The only way I would argue otherwise is if the individual in question plans to divorce quickly after marrying. That would be mocking God. But if he plans on sticking it out, it's always better to obey God, even if it's just because you fear the consequences of sin, than to commit sin.

  7. I was always impressed with the lone Amalekite in Alma 23:14. We know nothing about him beyond his conversion and the negative character of his people, but I love that Mormon mentions him because it teaches two important lessons too me.

    1. It doesn't matter how horrendous the culture of your people, country, family is, if you exercise faith in our Savior Jesus Christ and strive to follow his commandments you can be saved.

    2. Don't apostasize! Thousands of wicked Lamanites converted due to the preaching of the Sons of Mosiah, but only one Amalekite would repent. It illustrates with numbers the hardness of heart that occurs when you reject the greater light. It's not that the great majority of Amalekites couldn't repent, as evidenced by the one who did, it's that they didn't want too.

  8. Honestly as a male I'm frequently pretty lazy about dressing. Is it clean and is it not wrinkled enough that I can get away with wearing it without looking like I woke up in it are my two main concerns most days?.

    Now that's about 90% of the time. The other 10% would be closer to what you're talking about. Job interviews, taking my wife out on a nice date, and going to the temple are all occasions where I try to look a little snappier because I want to look nice.

  9. @VortClose but not quite. I did meet Ted Cruz during the election but only my parents and grandparents have met a president ( it was Bush Sr. My parents were some of the only Republicans in Massachusetts in 87 while he was preparing to run in 88 and visited Harvard's Republican club). By process of elimination my grandparents have had a private dinner with Prince Charles (she's a royalist and donated some large amount of money to a charity where the prize was dinner with Charles and his wife Camilla)