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Everything posted by Traveler

  1. Do you have a probleming believing that it is possible for G-d the Father to have had a mortal experience? Could you explain why you think he must forever lack that power or ability? The Traveler
  2. You did not understand my post. Jesus testified that to know Him was to know the Father. Because of the Fall of man we learn all things pertaining to G-d through Jesus Christ. There is nothing that can be known of G-d without knowing it through the example of Jesus Christ. You speak of this as the progression of Christ - You do not understand. It is a statement of the condescension of the Son of G-d, Jesus Christ. The statement is both a reference to the work (sacrifice) of G-d and the destiny (exlatation) of man and that the two are eternally related and cannot be separated. The Traveler
  3. Most people think the greatest thing about G-d is his great power. I believe that is a mistake. The greatest thing about G-d is his love. A love so great that he would make what-ever sacrifice is necessary. I regret that so many think about G-d and exaltation in the wonderful benefits they will have. Exaltation becomes a very selfish thing. That is another mistake. Exaltation is not about you and what you will get. It is about loving others and what you can sacrifice. If you do not understand sacrifice - you do not understand G-d or his Son Jesus The Christ. If you look beyond the need for your sacrifice thinking the sacrifice of G-d is enough you are too lost in selfishness to see the forest for the trees - you do not know G-d or have a personal relationship with him - you have deceived yourself and fallen for the oldest temptation of eternity. The Traveler
  4. I served during the Vietnam era and when I got out of the army I had many of your same feelings - I had also served 2 years as a missionary. I do not know that I had all the same issues that you are having. My main problem was with ladies that I was dating. I did not feel that they understood anything or had a clue about "real life". It got to the point that I did not like to talk to them about anything. I still do not like talking about some of my experiences. I did not like my professors at college. I thought they were unqualified to teach any subject. There were two events in my life that helped a great deal. One was a young lady that despite of my cruelty was kind and despite the fact that I hurt her she was still kind. I have never really experience someone that would return kindness when none was ever given them. The other event was a Native American friend that convinced me to seek my spiritual guides for life by going on a 40 day journey in the wilderness and living on only what the earth and G-d provides. There are no hidden secrets that I ever found. Sometimes you must find a way to move beyond what you have become and it is not an easy road. Let your experiences go. Do something kind to a stranger every day. Forget yourself and your problems and dedicate yourself to a cause or calling. Read the Book of Mormon – If you must, do not start at the beginning – start in Mosiah but read every day. Pray lots and count your blessings. The Traveler
  5. 1. What doctrine - The doctrine of Christ 2. It is pure revelation. 3. It is taught by the LDS Church and every true Christian. Now let me explain something as clearly as I can. Jesus the Christ is the example and mediator of G-d. Everything that man can learn about G-d is given as example in Jesus Christ. Now let us review. As man is G-d once was. {As man is Jesus Christ was - he came and lived as man in perfect example} As G-d is man may become. {As Jesus Christ died was resurrected with a physical body according to many witnesses including 11 of his apostles. Jesus Christ was exalted and sat at the right hand of G-d. So can man be resurrected and exalted to live and dwell forever with G-d at his right hand}. As Jesus Christ is heir to righteousness so can man inherit all that G-d has. The Traveler
  6. Correct me if I am wrong but I believe that you draw a salary from the state for your service as a prison Chaplin. I believe you serve many religions – even non Christian denominations. Also do not worry my friend if we find each other on the other side and you are having difficulty, I will personally see that your work is done. If I am troubled I will still rejoice in your blessings. The Traveler
  7. Many area authorities that are not US citizens are also employed full time by the church and receive a comfortable living. It is my personal speculation that the city of Enoch society does not operate on a money based economy. The Traveler
  8. I believe that if we could see a person and understand their eternal destiny that in our present state we would fall down and worship them. To not forgive someone or not accept their efforts to repent - regardless of their past is to not accept Christ and to deny the very Christ. The Traveler
  9. Any Biblical scripture written in an ancient Hebrew poetic form should be understood to have deep symbolic meaning and often the form indicates multiple understanding. The Book of Isaiah is the most complex of all ancient Biblical text and thus the most difficult to understand in our time. All of the Old Testament scriptures were maintained as variant scriptures during the time of Christ – we know this because of the Dead Sea Scriptures found by the Dead Sea. Only by understanding why there were versions of the scriptures can we understand the depth of the message. For example: the prophet Moses leading the children of Israel from Egypt to the promised land has symbolic meaning to believers leaving the things of the world and taking a journey to an eternal promised land (heaven). Jesus in his teachings taught with parables for the very reason that his teaching were to reach beyond literal meaning. Thus we have the word of G-d being represented symbolically as a seed. I for one think if someone read the scriptures for literal meaning – they do not have nor do they want a relationship with the G-d spoken of in the scriptures. The Traveler
  10. I would add that this is not as deep or hard as it may seem - the very definition of intelligence is the ability to learn by experience which implies that a intelligent being can change both attitude and behavior by learning. If a person cannot change their attitude or behavior it is because they lack the intelligence to do so. The argument that G-d made me this way is resistant to the very intelligence that G-d gave man. It is a denial that G-d gave the person in denial the power of intelligent reason. The Traveler
  11. There is no mediator between man and the G-d of the Old Testament. If man fail and required a mediator in order the address the same G-d he fail from then the ancient scriptures have a serious flaw. Only if man must deal with a mediator since the fall was there really a fall. If Jesus is the pre-fall G-d of heaven then how is it that Jesus could live among men (including thoses that are not cleansed from sin) that were cast out of his presents because of transgression? The Traveler
  12. One does not learn if they only converse with those that they agree. The Traveler
  13. It is only simple at the surface - the nature of the G-dhead plays into many other doctrines was well. For example the doctrine of the fall: If there is only one G-d both before and after the fall and that one G-d is the same G-d then there was no fall and man needs no mediator. The Traveler
  14. It is the nature of the internet that if something enlightening and intelligent is posted for various readers to read - readers will read and nod their head in agreement. If on the other hand something really stupid and foolish is posted it is the nature of internet readers to read that and respond over and over and over again. So in you want to be noticed and get a lot of response - post something stupid and foolish - almost everyone will know who you are. It is like a misbehaving child that does so just to get the parents attention. Many would rather have a negative response than no response. We tend to feed the beast and ignore the beauty when it comes to responses. The Traveler
  15. We know from many studies and from much history that what is best for children is to be raised in a loving marriage of their biological father and their biological mother. Often there are attempts to justify something by saying it is better that something that is known to be bad. This kind of illogic or insanity would justify any treatment or abuse of children for being better than feeding them to crocodiles. If we care about caring for children it is not about what adults want – especially if what the adults want is not really the “Best” for children. There are many reasons for the failure and destruction of loving biological families. But let us not lose sensibility and sanity and forget that loving biological families is what is best for children. That must and should always be the primary and first goal for every child. The second goal should be to maintain and keep intact the next best thing which is a marriage that is as close as possible to the loving biological family. Only the insane would argue against a loving biological family for children. As we attempt to justify one thing or another or to put our personal feeling and “passions” above what is beneficial to society – let us be aware and diligent in recognizing the benefit that loving biological families have to the human society and that such a benefit is both needed and more important than any other possible fabrication of what can be called a family or use or exploration of children to fulfill adult desires over the best benefit of children. Let us not dilute the best marriages of society. Especially now and today – let us recognize the best possible and call that marriage and everything else, let us label as something less than the best. Let’s not put our personal wants, desires, passions and feelings above reason, sanity and what is the very best. Let us reward and praise loving biological families joined in legal and beneficial marriages. The Traveler
  16. I have had many regretful experiences trying to converse with evangelicals. I have had a very positive experience conversing with Prison Chaplin on this forum. If it was not for PC – I would advertise that it is not worth the effort. I would gladly discuss any doctrine or concept with PC or any evangelical of his nature. The Traveler
  17. For years I have commuted 25 miles one way to work on a bicycle. I was ridding a bicycle when gas was $1.00 a gallon. Besides the economic benefits – I am at the lower end of my ideal weight, I eat whatever I want whenever I want, I sleep very well and I even believe that being in shape physically has mental benefits as well. I agree that we should drill. I think we should also continue to develop microbes to create crude from organic waist that is filling up our landfills, create crude from petroleum byproducts waist and push the frontier of carbon nano-tube technology to utilize solar power in the 30 to 50 percent range which will allow electric cars without batteries. I believe if congress would worry less about social health care and allow capitol investor incentives this would be solved completely within 5 years. But I also believe that there are other factors as work and that 10 years from now it will be worse. The Traveler
  18. I do not know of any advanced species that is capable of reproduction by the practice of homosexuality. If we have any understanding of evolution then we must understand that there can be no benefit to a species that in some way does not reward and value reproduction. The Traveler
  19. For what it is worth the Book of Enoch in talking about the flood and its purpose said that man had done two things. They had changed the order of marriage (what-ever that means) and that children were conceived for carnal purposes. I would also add the prophesy that in the last days those that do not flee to Zion will be taken captive in Babylon. The Traveler
  20. I think I agree somewhat with you but I also think an important point is missed that has to do with covenants. If we covenant with G-d we covenant not to - of ourselves decide to lie and to kill. Our covenant is with G-d and as such in the covenant we do not ever seek to do such things. We also covenant to trust G-d and if he tells us to do or say a thing we do and say according to the covenant that we have to do all that he commands. Therefore we do not make a decision to Kill and we do not make a decision to say something we may not understand to be truthful. You are right about Abraham - he was obedient to his covenant. There is another problem that we run into - and that is what happens if someone thinks G-d told them to do something but in reality is was not G-d or the spirit of G-d but a unclean spirit. My understanding of the ancient covenants of kingdoms is that you better be very clear that you do not accept an imposter for the King (Suzerain) or his servant vassal. To not follow or to follow an imposter were both considered acts of treason in ancient times. The Traveler
  21. I am sorry and apologize to you and all others that did not understand my post. If someone that claims to be a Christian is not as loving and compassionate as someone that they claim is not a Christian, then I believe they deny that G-d of love and compassion. If you want to include or define – that love and compassion is defined by being loving and compassionate to your enemies I have not problem with that, in fact I agree. Jesus said that someone that loves and is compassionate only to those that love and are compassionate to them is not a believer in Christ or his love and compassion for all. What a person does is more of a witness to me of the G-d they worship that what they say with their mouth. Likewise I believe many that claim to be Christians deny him with their actions. I also believe that if someone is not an example of what they teach they are a false teacher and they worship a false G-d. I think this relates to what Jesus means concerning that he will deny those that deny him. I believe we accept Christ or deny him by what we do and I agree with you indication that it is not just what we do when such a thing is easy but what we do when it is otherwise impossible except that G-d is with us. Therefore if G-d is not helping a person do that what is good they would not and could not stand for such goodness without him. And this is the reason we cannot do good of ourselves – because when it becomes difficult enough we will quit. Therefore a person that does good in such a manner it is because they worship G-d. The Traveler
  22. It is my opinion that you should not call anyone non-Christian that is more loving and kind than you (thinking you are a Christian destined for salvation). It is the highest form of hyprocracy to condemn love and compassion greater than your own and to justify your own for the same reason. If Christians cannot be known for their love and compassion they have failed to honor and worship the G-d of love and compassion by by properly recognizing that G-d is the source of all love and compassion. The Traveler
  23. I can tell you have not been involved with classified government projects - Do you give advice as a prison Chaplain to insure inmates will be in your ministery longer? :) Let me ask a question about the Bible. Is one of the commandments in essence "Thou shalt not Kill"? Is there anywhere else in the Bible that someone was commanded to "Kill"? There is a point here that is being missed - where we are trying to attach the modern understanding of law and morals to an ancient system of laws and morals of a different structure. In other words I think we are interperting scripture according to our current culture understanding and think we understand how G-d deals with laws and covenants within his kingdom. I keep thinking someone will catch this point but it does not appear to me that the kingdom of G-d is understood. I also do not think it is that hard but then I seem to not follow the croud on many things. The Traveler
  24. The commandment is about a false witness against a neighbor - I want to make sure that we understand that commandment that was part of the covenant given to ancient Israel. I believe someone to be ignorant of G-d if they are anxious to find fault with a neighbor - saying for example the Book of Mormon (or Bible) is false on a fabricated notion as a witness against. It is also interesting what the ancient notion of witness was - not anyone could bring a witness against someone - especially on second hand information. A witness must be someone with first hand experience. Or if you will - was there and knows. To make a witness one would have to have seen with their own eyes. Also in ancient time there must be more than one witness. BTW - PC. As an expert in the Bible what was the punishment under the Law of Moses for a false witness? About lying - may I ask a question. For many years I worked for the government on classified projects. For my resume I was given false projects that I was to use as what I was doing for those years. Should I lie about my employment on my resume or go to jail for telling the world what I really did? And what does it mean to "agree with thine adversary"? Have I broken one of the 10 commandments with my resume? The Traveler