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  1. Haha
    Traveler got a reaction from Sunday21 in Religious vs cultural Mormonism   
    In my entire life – I think I have been asked by an officer of the law maybe on 4 occasions to see my driver’s license.   I keep my license and temple recommend in the same wallet pocket – I could understand how in the moment I may offer the wrong item.
    BTW – I do not know why but it seems impossible to get a speeding ticket on my bicycle.  I did get one once – but I lost it (it was paid).  I have thought it would be cool to have a speeding ticket framed in my office beside some other cycling awards.
    The Traveler
  2. Like
    Traveler reacted to Crypto in Religious vs cultural Mormonism   
    The Church when examined is generally not based on pure orthodoxy, but is more about correct behavior. This should not be understood in the extremes where there is no orthodoxy, it is just that there is a wide degree of flexibility. Think baptismal interview questions / temple recommend interview questions. Or Articles of Faith (remembering that there is this something about dogmatic creeds being an abomination)
    Even within the above stated standards there is a difference, room for people and where they are at in life’s journey. Baptismal interviews require that people are willing. Then as people approach the temple it becomes more of a “are you doing” (or not doing in reference to certain sins). Different standards growth oriented.
  3. Haha
    Traveler got a reaction from seashmore in Religious vs cultural Mormonism   
    Oh my – I think this guy is in my ward!  I may have even called him to repentance.
    The Traveler
  4. Haha
    Traveler got a reaction from Crypto in Religious vs cultural Mormonism   
    Oh my – I think this guy is in my ward!  I may have even called him to repentance.
    The Traveler
  5. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from anatess2 in Religious vs cultural Mormonism   
    Interesting view – I would add that I have never seen a depiction of G-d the Father or his Son Jesus Christ in a white shirt and tie?
    The Traveler
  6. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from Fether in Religious vs cultural Mormonism   
    Perhaps – but I do not think it is necessary that such condemnation have you or I as the source.
    The Traveler
  7. Haha
    Traveler got a reaction from Sunday21 in LDS suitable fiction   
    Some many years ago I thought I could write science fiction – at least better than what seems to be available and some actual science in the fiction.  There is a symposium called LTUE which stands for Life the Universe & Everything.  It us usually held in Provo at BYU sometimes in February.   It brings together science fiction and fantasy people from short stories, books, art work, movies (directing and acting).  I attended to make contacts.  As it turns out I have great ideas for stories but lousy or no ability for character development.  I sold some stories that may or may not become movies someday.  I also made some “friends” some of which are recognized in the industry. 
    It has been a few years since my involvement but I was quite surprised how much LDS folks are involved in the science fiction and fantasy world.  But it is my general impression that most are somewhat weird.   Some may think me to be a poor judge of weird things – but just think – if I am impressed that someone is weird – compared to me – how weird that must be.  Also, many of the LDS folks involved are not what I would classify as from the strong core elements of our religion but I realize life takes in all kinds. 
    As it turns out that lots of LDS folks (at least those that admit to being LDS or having been raised LDS) are involved in the science fiction and fantasy entertainment industry.   My guess is that 80% of what is out there has a direct connection to someone that thinks they are LDS.
    The Traveler
  8. Haha
    Traveler reacted to Vort in Repentance after death   
    Interesting. I must confess I've never tried that before. I always make my root beer floats with ice cream.
  9. Okay
    Traveler reacted to Vort in Garments   
    At some time or other, each of us serves as a bad example to others, to help them see what they should not do. These people you mention are just taking their turn. In this particular thing, please ignore them.
  10. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from JohnsonJones in How do I gain a testimony of:   
    I am sorry - It appears to me that you are deliberately trying to provoke – especially with comments like “Mr. Rabbit Hole”.  Since I am not sure how to respond to such comments only to say I believe such speech appears to me to have hurtful intent unbecoming a Saint, “standing for the right”.  If I am wrong and this is not and has never been your intent I apologize.
    I am not sure if you and I can peruse a friendly exchange – I would like to try some day but I think today is not that day. 
    My comment was that "some things" can only be learned by experience.   I believe the spirit does confirm the truth of all good things that are true – but I do not believe that spirit can teach what a person is unwilling to experience.  So yes, I still believe that some (not all) things can only be learned by experience.
    Some examples:
    The Truth of tithing is only learned by paying tithing.
    The joy of a holly Sabbath is only learned by conscious efforts to respect the sacredness of the Sabbath
    The blessings of sacrifice can only be appreciated by making meaningful and real sacrifices.
    And Yes!!!! I do regret and feel badly that you accuse such thinking as a “Rabbit Hole”. 
     The Traveler
  11. Sad
    Traveler reacted to The Folk Prophet in How do I gain a testimony of:   
    Welcome to communication with @Traveler.
  12. Okay
    Traveler reacted to zil in Repentance after death   
    That's the point.  He didn't say "running", he said "runing" - so I "runed", then photographed my runes.
  13. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from seashmore in NO MORE HOME/VISITING TEACHING!   
    also @jewels8
    I think there is an effort to get away from “by-the-book” thinking and using Ensign articles as a “visit crutch”.  I do not know if I understand this myself but because of past “fellowshipping” efforts – I think the term “Minister” is being used in a very broad meaning of the term.  I think there is an effort to get relationships away from thinking in terms of lessons or some kind of religious “project”.  I am thinking it is an effort to move relationships more towards “friends and family” kind of thinking.
    The Traveler
  14. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from wenglund in Repentance after death   
    I think I would put my thoughts in this wise.  As long as it takes, regardless of how often others (or us) have failed; we should realize that there is a possibility to repent right here and now.  This may not be the last chance to repent, likely it is not – but no one can know for certain that such is not the case.  It is not a matter of what could of or should have been done yesterday – nor is it wise to think that we can wait to repent in some future tomorrow.  Right now, is the time to repent and work for righteousness. 
    Almost always we think of repentance in terms of sins that need to be overcome.  But transcending sin is only the beginning of repentance and G-dly progression towards perfection.  I forget the exact “general authority” but there was once a talk about “Good, Better and Best” I find this allegory interesting in light of @Rob Osborn view of the resurrection.  Because good, better and best are three categories (not one) of righteousness or goodness – each having their own rewards and glory.
    Rather that refer to the path of perfection – because it is two easy to argue over perfection – I will make reference to the path of mastery.  Also the ancient notion of being perfect and being a “master” does not carry quiet well enough to prevent misunderstanding and arguments in our modern dispensation’ interpretation of things.
    There are many – especially within religious thinking as well as our social professions and trades that peruse a good path as their goal of accomplishment.  Theirs is an effort to be “good” enough to achieve the position or accomplish any particular task – or even a religious glory in the resurrection.  In school we call these - the average or the “C” students.  They do what is necessary to be on the path – that is it.   The do the check list and they are done.
    The next path or effort of good for an achiever is the better individual.  They work to be better than most – they put in a little more effort to make sure what they do is right according to the prescribed or traditionally known way or method – I like to think of them as the “by-the-book” guys.  They are all about the prescribed way – on forums like this – they are the ones that argue over what they think the scriptures say and mean.  They believe that what is written in scripture is all the answer they or anyone ever need.  The “book” defines in advance the better way and they are all about making sure their efforts are by-the-book and better than the average guy’s.
    The final path of goodness is the “Best”.  This is what I believe is the master craftsman.  Their effort goes beyond “by-the-book”.  In a religious sense they are led by the spirit and the scriptures written in their hearts.  My father was this kind of guy.  He was an accomplished artist.  He would study a particular brushstroke and practice it over and over perfecting the technique.  Then he would apply it to a particular painting – always making adjustments to achieve something that could not be found anywhere else in the word.  A best – not by any standard in some art class or prescribed method – but a creation that was not possible without his master effort.  A truly one of a kind.  But his painting was not ever done, he would then study his own work and the best of other masters trying to improve one little thing or another in a constant effort at “Best” – moving beyond what has been done before and inventing new possibilities. 
    The Traveler
  15. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from person0 in Agency: Bestowed or Enabled?   
    By definition – agency is a gift or power that must be both given and received.  I would suggest that agency is similar to taking upon someone else’s name.  That agency is given and received in what we know and understand as covenant.  Agency is different than will or merely making a choice.  Agency is also the means to legally and justly allow G-d (Son of G-d – Jesus Christ) to redeem or pay for our sins.
    The Traveler
  16. Haha
    Traveler reacted to zil in Repentance after death   
    "Runing" from the truth:

  17. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from SpiritDragon in NO MORE HOME/VISITING TEACHING!   
    First off – I believe we have experienced a most historic Priesthood session of Conference.  However, I am still wondering what will become of “home teachers” or “family ministers” or whatever it is we all will end up calling them.  Honestly, I am more concerned with families utilizing resources available to them.   It is my view that most members sit around waiting for their home teachers to figure out everything about visiting them.  If there is not some kind of life threating thing going on most members do not know what home teachers are for.  I also do not like that most of the stories about good home teachers involve some kind of family disaster.
    I have encountered many members that say their home teachers never visit.  Let me explain something here and now – nothing happens in this universe unless there is an incentive.  Water does not flow uphill because gravity gives water incentive to flow downhill – there is no incentive for water to flow uphill.  I believe that if members understood the value of having someone from the church involved with their family – then they would find out who their home teachers were and convince then to become involved.  If home teachers are not convinced there is some benefit to be had by them visiting – they will never visit.
    It is my belief that families (or individual) members have more reason – both mortal and eternal – to have home teachers (or whatever they are to be called now) involved in their lives.
    Also – an observation.  Our ward meeting house does not have a class room big enough for a single Elder’s Quorum to hold a counsel with chairs in a circle for all to hear.  I do not know if we can do this with 2 quorums.  But I am glad to get away from the idea that teaching doctrine at church priesthood quorum meetings is more important that helping one another.  However, I do see problems to be solved – I was raised with the idea of being resourceful and independent.  That we do not look to others to help with anything unless lives is in danger or something.  But I would like to know – the next time the wife and I are returning from a trip and were delayed so that it is 2:00 am Sunday morning at the Salt Lake City airport.  Tracks is not running, UP and Uber are not responding and there is an hour and half wait for a cab – who we can call to pick us up? – that can get up and be there before a taxi can take us?  Our marriage is quite stable and we do not need help with that - and mostly we do not have problems we cannot handle - but stuck at the airport seems to happen more than it should.
    The Traveler
  18. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from SpiritDragon in Gethsemane & The Cross   
    I thought to add something personal to this post – I realize that there is a lot of talk about “doctrine” on forums like this and in discussions in general.  When I visited the mount of olives I went to a private place that an LDS prophet of these Latter-days said was near the place of Gethsemane for Christ.  As I pondered this meaning of crushing all goodness from grapes – I was struck, not so much by the place I stood but by Jesus enduring a complete crush of his personal Gethsemane – not just for me but even those I personally despise for whatever reason.  I cannot prove what I felt by any scripture or any message from a prophet.  I will not argue with those that want to make a big deal about Jesus on the cross and his final moments of life – but I will say that I am convinced that it was what happened at Gethsemane is that which required the willing sacrifice of the only begotten Son of G-d.  Without Gethsemane – what happened on the cross would have been meaningless and the resurrection of Christ would not have made our resurrection possible.
    The Traveler
  19. Okay
    Traveler reacted to bytebear in Repentance after death   
    Why do people live unhealthy lifestyles, even though they know what to do to be healthy?
  20. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from SpiritDragon in We Are In The Telestial Kingdom Now, Proof By Contradiction   
    I think there is much upon which we agree.  There are two thoughts I would pass on.
    First – the meaning of hell – at least to my understanding – hell is a synonym of death.  So, in essence the idea of being saved from hell is the same as being resurrected. 
    Second – sometimes I think there is a misunderstanding with the terms joy (freedom and happiness) and misery (or bondage and captivity).   What I think happens is centered in the thinking that joy or freedom is doing what we want.  That is the allusion.  Joy and freedom is discipline – it encompasses light and truth and embraces order and is to act.  Misery or bondage is the opposition of joy – it is the product of circumstance that ends in chaos and reaction (rather than to act).   By nature of what it is to murder, commit adultery and lie are all the reaction to circumstance that is the attempt of a lie and deception.  But when everybody knows in advance the lie and deception those tools become the bondage that ends freedom.  Thus, the bondage is the deception one makes for themselves – they become their own loss of freedom and prison keeper.  And their shame is their own deception – which is obvious to everyone and eventually themselves.   This is all to say that goodness and evil are their own rewards – one being freedom the other being bondage.
    The Traveler
  21. Thanks
    Traveler got a reaction from seashmore in Gethsemane & The Cross   
    I thought to add something about Gethsemane that I learned while visiting Israel.  There is some notion in the term Gethsemane about a wine or olive press.  It is interesting that an olive press is the final stage in the ancient use of grapes.   The first stage in the use of grapes was done with bare feet pressing (walking on) grapes.  This “gentle pressing” would produce what was called “new” or “best” wine.  The second stage would take the pulp that remained from the first stage and place it in baskets – on top of each other.  A different press was used that would squeeze juices from the pulp using a lever and weights against the baskets.  This wine was not the best and not the new wine – is was the cheap stuff and lacked the flavor of new wine.
    The final stage took what remained from pressing the baskets – in essence it was just the stems, grape skins and seeds.  This was placed in the olive press and crushed between large and heavy stone rolling against stone.  The result was a bitter liquid that was called vinegar.  The ancient term for crushing that last of anything usable (good) from grapes was the term Gethsemane.  This meaning of Gethsemane was passed to me by a licensed tour guide (which by law must be a Jew by blood) as the official meaning of the term Gethsemane among the Jews at the time of Jesus.  Interesting the Passover ritual included new wine – some not new wine and ended in a sip of bitter vinegar created by Gethsemane and was part of Jesus with his apostles and what we call today as "the last supper".   
    The Traveler
  22. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from wenglund in We Are In The Telestial Kingdom Now, Proof By Contradiction   
    Yes, I believe the resurrecion to be a priesthood ordinance (at least I believe there is logic for the notion) - using types and shadows I speculate that worthy husbands that hold the priesthood and are married according to the everlasting covenant will resurrect their wives.
    The Traveler
  23. Haha
    Traveler got a reaction from Sunday21 in Sustaining President Nelson   
    I discovered earlier this year that President Nelson spends every Monday skiing at the Alta ski resort.  I find this very positive as I am also a skier but at the Snowbird resort (15 minutes from my home).
    Yesterday while skiing I was asked if I sustain the new President as a “Prophet, skier and revelator”.    Of course – is my obvious answer.
    The Traveler
  24. Haha
    Traveler got a reaction from mordorbund in Sustaining President Nelson   
    I discovered earlier this year that President Nelson spends every Monday skiing at the Alta ski resort.  I find this very positive as I am also a skier but at the Snowbird resort (15 minutes from my home).
    Yesterday while skiing I was asked if I sustain the new President as a “Prophet, skier and revelator”.    Of course – is my obvious answer.
    The Traveler
  25. Haha
    Traveler got a reaction from NeedleinA in Sustaining President Nelson   
    I discovered earlier this year that President Nelson spends every Monday skiing at the Alta ski resort.  I find this very positive as I am also a skier but at the Snowbird resort (15 minutes from my home).
    Yesterday while skiing I was asked if I sustain the new President as a “Prophet, skier and revelator”.    Of course – is my obvious answer.
    The Traveler